The crew in October

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Joey: prepare for the bendy special and the Halloween party for the crew, do some creepy rituals with Sammy, takes Henry on a date to a haunted location, watches football games with Henry.

Henry: works on his drawings for the show, goes on a spooky date with Joey, watches the football games.

Sammy: writing songs for the Halloween special, watch scary movies with Norman at night, read horror books that Norman got him into, do rituals with Joey, find new Halloween music, buys candy and hides them from Wally.

Norman: read horror books, watch horror movies with Sammy, takes Sammy on a date to a festival, kiss him under the moon light.

Johnny: host a spooky dnd game, get the music director to play bloody mirror, read mystery books.

Jack: watches the new horror movies coming out.

Susie: voice acts for her role on the spooky episode, bakes sweets and brings some for her coworkers, takes her kids trick or treating if it's her year, drinks the pumpkin spice latte.

Alison: goes to a football game with tom, takes a walk in the woods and Collects the bones she sees, going to a fortuneteller for fun.

Lacie: keep her eye on the bendy robot even more now, check out things at the farmers market, reads some Stephen king.

Wally: play dnd with his friends here, carves a pumpkin, going to the hospital after stabbing his hand, puts his dog in a custom on Halloween, only watches kids Halloween shows.

Tom: goes to a football game, gives the kids apples on Halloween, ends up being egged

Buddy: draw for the spooky episode, goes hiking with dot, reads some spooky kid books-can't handle the horror-, helps his mom bake, listens to his grandfathers story's.

Dot: writes for the show, explore haunted and abandoned buildings with dot, reads some spooky history, go hiking with buddy, reads books like hp lovecraft.

Nathan: makes a haunted house for money, buys a Halloween company

Bertrum: make a new Halloween ride.

Audrey: goes to haunted houses, makes a Halloween custom by hand and ends up winning at joeys party, reads up on mythology, explores haunted places with dot

Emma: gets her dance studio ready for Halloween night.

Grant: play dnd with some, goes with Shawn to a corn maze, having a panic attack from be lost in the corn maze, goes on coffee dates with Shawn.

Shawn: make spooky doll of bendy Boris and Alice, play dnd with the other nerds, take grant to a corn maze, gets lost in the corn maze, comforting grant in the corn maze, takes grant on coffee dates.

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