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Sammy missed hanging out with his friends and he missed talking to them and being at the studio. Joey, his boyfriend, made him stop coming into work and just write the music at there home. He says it's to help him focus. But really it's to hide what Joey does to him, at least once a week.

People we're starting to question things about Sammy. The broken arm, the black eye, the flinching, the fear he developed while being with Joey. People were starting to pay attention to the music director. So Joey made him stay at home. He wasn't aloud to leave the house with Joey being at work.

He was to do write his music, cook dinner and breakfast for them, and Clean around the house. Sometimes go shopping when there wasnt a mark showing. Sometimes Joey would leave town for work. He would stay home.

Sammy was awoken by Joey shaking him gently. Sammy sits up and looks at Joey, hoping he didn't do anything to upset him again. Joey cups Sammy's cheeks and rubs his thumb over the green-yellow bruise frowning. Sammy closes his eyes. "I'm sorry I lost my temper last night sam." Sammy didn't say anything. He only nods a bit. "Make sure to ice it later again. Ok?" Sammy nods again. "Good boy." Joey kissed Sammy on the head and got up, going upstairs.

Sammy got up and followed were he went, peaking in. He saw him backing a suitcase. And none of them were Business clothes. "j-Joey...your leaving?"

Joey looks at his boyfriend. "ya honey. It's a Business trip."

"T-theres no Business clothes. There's a sun hat, your swim suit and casual clothes. Your not going for Business..." Sammy looks at him with sad eyes. "Your going on vacation...without me."

Joey sighs. "Ok babe. I'm sorry. I can't have you going looking like that. I can't risk it!"

" Joey pl- please! I been stuck in this house for so long!" Sammy hugs his boyfriend, begging.

"Sammy." Joey said.

"I been trying to do what you tell me to! Please!" Sammy continues.

"Sammy!" Joey warns now.

"Let me go on this trip! Please!!"

"Sammy!!!" Joey got angry and grabs him the the neck, pinning him to the wall and squeezed. "This is why you can't go! You'll acted up!" Joey didn't let go even when Sammy started wheezing from lack of air. "Plus I spoil you enough! I let you eat! Let you live in my house!!" He sees Sammy turning blue and let go of him, punching the wall we're his head was before he fell to his knees, coughing. "God! Why do you make me do this to you Sammy!!!"

Sammy watches him finish packing, sipped his bags and walk passed him without a world. Sammy rubbed his throat as he listens to Joeys Angrily stomp down the stairs and slammed the door. He bust out in tears after that and Curled up in a ball.
Sammy sat his unfinished dinner down beside him on the couch. It hurt to much to swallow anything for right now. He continues watching television to try to get his mind off his shitty Reality when there was a knock on there door.

They usually don't get visitors unless it's for joeys Business meetings or a package. And he wasn't here now so it must be a package. Sammy got up and opened the door just a tad to cover his bad cheek.
The person at the door surprised him. It was his once good friend, Norman Polk. "N-n-" Sammy clears his throat and talks the best he can. "Norman..?"

"Hey sam. We haven't seen you in almost a year. Wanted to know if your ok..?" Norman asked.

"Y-Yea. I'm fine. Everything's fine." He tried to sound confident but it's was a challenge to.

"That's good to hear." Norman smiles. "Joeys gone on his trip right? Why don't you come hang out with us at the bowling alley?"

"Geez that sounds fun. But uh.. I uhh. I'm busy tonight.." Sammy lied to him again.

"You sure? Joeys not here and we haven't had fun in a long time. It's just seems super lonely in this Huge house alone." Norman asked him.

"I-I ...I just can't. Ok?..." all at once the pain and Trauma he'd been suffering made him burst in tears again. In seconds he was in the loving arms of Norman, his face buried in the soft nest of Norman's chest.

"Oh honey. What has he done to you." Norman rocks him from side to side, rubbing his hand though Sammys blonde hair and kisses his head. "Let it all out. It's ok. It's safe now." He coos the man.

It took Sammy a while to calm down, feeling completely numb. "Here. Let's get inside so we can have privacy." Norman said. Really he didn't want the neighbors seeing this and telling Joey. It would put sam in my danger And rich people were snobby bitches.

He picks up Sammy with ease and walks inside, kicking the door close with his foot. Sammys face was still buried into his chest and his arms were wrapped around him, holding on. He sat on the couch, moving the food and rubbed his back. "Anything hurt right now?" Sammy nods. "Do you wanna show me?"

"N-No." he mumbles. "but it's kinda hard to hide it..."

"What do you mean?" Norman ask him.

Sammy stayed in that position for a bit longer then sat up. Norman realized what he meant then. He's poor cheek. Norman gently rubs his bruised cheek. Sammys eyes couldn't look into his but he saw sadness fear and pain in his eyes.

Not only that but Norman noticed the handprint around sammys neck that his shirt couldn't hide it. "Oh you poor thing.." Norman rubs his neck soft but stopped when he saw Sammy flinch around. "Sorry..I bet it's hard to trust people now, huh?.."

Sammy gives him a shrugs. "I...i know you won't hurt me by are good pass. But I just.."

"Hey. I understand sam. You don't have to explain it to me." Norman usurped him. "Do you wanna move in with me..?"

Sammy's eyes widen. "No! T-that's a bad ideas. He'll come looking for me. It would be bad.." Sammy starts to panic just by the idea

"A-alright..ok..shhhh" Norman pulls him into a hug to calm him down "everything's alright now. No need to stress out, Sam."

"W-will you stay the night here?..with me?.." Sammy ask after calming down. Today had been another crappy day intel Norman got here. And now he knows Sammy's secret.

"Yes. Of corse I will. If it's not going to bring you harm?"

"What Joey doesn't know won't hurt me. Plus I want some company who's not going to love me one moment hurt me the next." Sammy tries to pass it off as a joke but they both knew he meant it.

Sammy and Norman went to the master bedroom and crawled in bed. Sammy was would out emotionally that he fell asleep quickly. Norman held him as he slept as he worried about him. He didn't deserve this treatment. No one did. He wished Sammy hadn't fail for Joeys charm and left Norman back then. At lest he would of been happy and safe if he hadn't. Now he has to get him away from joey. Some how.

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