Babysitting nightmare

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Shawn and Grant had been together for almost five years now. First meeting on the day Joey hired Shawn as toy maker when they ran into each other in the elevator. They became friends for two years that turned into lovers. They have been together ever since and only gotten closer and stronger with each chapter they face together. A new chapter has started a while ago but has begun getting deeper. They had talk about wanting a family on and off but lately it feels like it's getting time to do so. Shawn wanted a son or daughter he could teach his skills and techniques to. As well as raise them right. He was sure we would be a good father. Grant on the other hand wasnt so sure. He wants to have be parent, teach them things he knows of and be an Insurance. But Grant wasn't sure he would be a good parent. He was scared of messing up the child and causing them to become depressed. He didn't want that for his child. They talk this though and Shawn knows he would be a great father to his kids. One who would give up the world for. He just needs to show grant that some how.

Lucky for them Shawn overhead their boss needed to take care of there child for a night this Saturday. Shawn took this opportunity to show grant how great he would be as well as practice himself. He went to Joey and informed him they could watch Josie them and Joey agreed. At home Shawn told him the plans for Saturday. Shawn didn't agree nor disagree for a few hours. But by morning  after thinking over it, he finally agreed to try.

Come Saturday night the two we're dropping off their daughter at Shawns and grants house and expanding the dos and don'ts. "Don't let her eat to much candy or watch to much television" Susie said then added. "She's an Angel but can be a handful so good luck"

Joey nodded while chuckling. "Thank you guys can handle it?"

Shawn nodded. "Me and Grant got this Joey. Right grant?" Grant nodded even though he had a nervous expression on his face.

"Alright." Joey replied before turning to his daughter. "Now Josie I want you on your best behavior while you're here, Alright?"

  His daughter looked up at him and nodded. "Yes daddy. I'll bd good." She replied.

Susie and Joey hugged their daughter and said their goodbyes to Shawn and Grant before leaving for their night out. Shawn waves goodbye as they leave and closes the door, turning to Grant after. He noticed how nervous and worried his partner is and slipped his hand into his. "Hey grant. Don't worry alright?" He pulled grant closer to comfort him. "Everything is going to be just fine. You got this." He presses his forehead on grants. "We got this."

"Do we though?" Grant asked and looked to the side we're Josie was. Or was a minute ago.

Shawn followed his gaze to an empty spot then around the room. "Josie?" He called out.

  The two went to looked around and quickly found her drawing on their hallway walls. "Josie stop!" Shawn said, taking away her markets. "That's not a drawing pad"

Josie crosses her arms and stomped her foot. "Daddy lets me draw!" She screamed at him.

"While this isn't Joeys house." Shawn knelt down to her as he explained the rules. "Here we don't draw on the walls or scream at others, understand?"

Josie pouted and again stomped her foot at Shawn. "But I wanna draw!"

"You can. On paper." Shawn replied then turn to grant. "How about grant takes you to get some paper while I clean up then start dinner?"

Grant was caught off guard by Shawn m adding him into this but quickly recovered and acted like a parent. "Y-yea. Follow me." He waved her over.

"Fine." Josie sighed, rolling her eyes and followed grant to the home office.

Grant pick a few pleases of paper and got her drawing station situated at the kitchen table. He sat next to her and being drawing his own thing. He wasn't very good at it but it didn't matter at the time. He was doing what he needed to do as a pretend parent. Shawn soon finished cleaning the wall and came into the kitchen to start there dinner. As he was cooking he watched as Grant and Josie was drawing together. He imagine if it was their kid and how his family would be. He smiled at the thought.

It wasn't long before the peace was broken however. Josie didn't want what Shawn made for them. She shoved her plate away and made a Disgusted look on her face. "Yuk! I'm not eating that."

"Why not?" Grant asked. "It's spaghetti. It's good!" He informed her.

Josie shook her head. "No it's not!"
She replied then asked. "Can I have ice cream?"

"No." Shawn spoke this time. "Not before dinner." He said and took a bite of his own.

Josie did the unthinkable and shoved her plate off the table, the plate smashing as it hit the ground. Both of them was shocked at her attuned. "Josie! Why would you do such a thing?" Shawn ask with a disappointed tone.

"I want ice cream!" She commanded to the two.

Grant put his foot down. He has has enough of her bratty attitude. "Your getting no Ice cream now. But here's what you will do. You will pick set there quietly and eat your food." He said with that parenting voice as he got up and made her another plate. He sat it down in front of her and gave her the look of death, Shawn watching as he cleans the mess.

Josie hated that look. It's the look her mom gives when she's in trouble. She picked up her fork and eats in silence. He wasn't the best but she didn't want them to tell her parents. She did not want to be grounded again. And have her toys taken away.

"And If your good while you eat I will maybe let you want tv before bed." Grant said in a more friendly tone. She nodded quietly.

The three of them enjoyed the rest of dinner and even talking about princesses and dolls to make Josie feel better. They also decided to pay a game after dinner and Josie got to pick what game. She picked gold fish. Once they finished their food they cleaned up the table, letting Josie help and went in the living room after. Shawn got the cards, shuffled them and pass them each seven cards.

The game was going will for about an hour until Josie was caught cheating. "You shouldn't cheat Josie! Cheaters never win." Shawn began to explain to her.

Josie didn't like being called out though. She threw her cards at them,screaming
"You can't tell me what to do!" She got up and stormed off into the kitchen.

The two shared a look before Shawn went after her, while grant cleaned up the cards. "Josie that wasn't nice." Shawn said once he found her. "I'm going to have to put my foot down and ask you to go to bed." He told her.

"No! I'm not tired!" She replied then yawns right after.

"I can see that." Shawn said with a chuckle. Come on. There's a pallet on the floor in the guess bedroom. I'll show you." Josie followed without fuss into the guess room. There she crawled in bed and closes her eyes. Shawn turned on the night light before leaving the room, closing the door.

He rejoined his partner in the living room and sat beside him. They shared another look before grant spoke. "I can wait a bit longer on a family." Shawn smiled and agreed with him.

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