BATIM Squid games part 4

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Warning: spoilers and gore!

The few of them left, were all hall into a small room right after breakfast for the fourth game. Sammy could see everyone was afraid of how this game would go. It's been enough time that everyone had grown on each other and had gotten to know one another. No and wanted their new friends to be eliminated. Heck Sammy didn't want lose anyone of his team and he had grown use to death.

Looking around again he could tell some people had fallen for someone. Henry had fallen for Linda, Grant with Shawn, and so many others had to. He could tell Joey and Nathan don't care for Susie. She was just being used just as he had but Susie wasn't stupid. She was also using Joey and Nathan to win the game and other ways. They all think there outsmarting the other.

He wasn't the only one who watches however, especially since he's been caught staring. Alison has been watching others recently and occasionally Joey watches him, which he was now. Sammy could feel his eyes locked on him. He hated Joey watching. He's made Sammys live a disaster. Why did he have to be here with him.

Norman sensed his distress and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close. Sammy immediately felt safer, better and stronger.

"Welcome players to the fourth game." The announcement started. "You will have five minutes to choose one partner for this round" it instructed and everyone begin.

Joey drew was the leader of his group and needed to think of who he should pick for this round. There was Nathan, his right hand man. Strong and smart, two key things you need for these games. There was also Susie. Good for one think and it wasn't going to win these games. Burtrurm was a good option as well. He was.. creative and loyal but that's about it. They were all patiently waiting for his answer. He looked at the three of them then chose. "Nathan your my partner. Susie. burtrurm you can be parents." He saw them nodded and he turned to watch the others.

Many people were still looking for a partner. Alison and Wally appear to be Partners as they were standing next to each other. A few feet away the cheaters, Henry and Lacie were talking about being Partners.

Over to his left, Joey noticed something that made him smile. One of the teams had and odd number. One of them was getting eliminated before the game started. And who it looked like made joeys cold Stone heart happy. It looks like a betrayal of, Sammys new body guard. He chose jack over Sammy. The look on that traitors face was like gold.

Sammy just stood there looking down, even when the guards started to bring them to the game. Joey stayed behind as the room empties watching the betrayal look of him. Watching the goodbye of Norman. Watching a tear fall down Sammys cheek. He was once loyal to him. He was out in the streets once he found him. He looked hungry, money and scared. A young kid like him shouldn't be out so late. It was dangerous. Joey took him in and taught him how to fight and do different jobs he needed. Joey took of him and he betrayed him. He was still pissed but ...he hated seeing him cry.

The two of them locked eyes for a moment before Joey and Nathan had to go. "I'm sorry Sam." He mouth then turned away, following the guards. He's heart dropped when He heard other guards boot marched to Sammy behind him, right before the door closed.

They were all placed in different sports with their teammate thought out the map. It was a map of a neighborhood with every detail. Grant and Shawn were placed by a fake house and waited. Soon they were both handed a bag of 10 marbles as instructed through the speaker. "Players the rules are play any game with your marbles. The loser gets eliminated. You have 30 minutes. begin"

Grant and Shawn looked at each other with horror and sadness. One of them would have to die. "They...they tricked us..." grant said looking over at Shawn. "Shawn, they tricked us.

Shawn couldn't look at him in the eyes. "I know...let me think of how we're going to get though this.."

Grant nodded and waited for several minutes to allow grant to come up with something. But he hasn't. "Shawn ...the times ticking....please tell me you have a plan..."

Shawn looked at him with desperation and sadness. "I...don't. I'm sorry but I can't come up with something..." he saw grants tears and hugged him deeply. "Don't have to be strong here. We have to play grant."

Grant nodded and wiped his tears away. Shawn was right. "L-let's play..."

Shawn got his marbles out from his pocket and nodded back. "Alright. I'll let you pick the game." He said so grant can focus on something other then one of their deaths.

Grant thinks for a minute then walks away a few feet then digs two holes. "W-whoever gets the most marbles in theirs wins?" He ask walking back to grant.

Shawn nodded, giving Grant a kiss on the cheek for good luck. "You can go first."

Grant pulled out a marble from his bag and throws it to the left hole. It rolled a bit but stopped a few inches away from the hole. "Damn."

Shawn frowned for him as he grabbed a few marbles out of his bag. He tossed one and completely missed the hole. "Shit." He mumbled watching the marble passing the hole.

The two of them took there turns throwing their marbles. Sometimes they would roll in gaining points other times they would miss by inches or completely miss. They played until they had one marble each and surprisingly they both had three marbles in their hole. "So this is it, huh?.." grant said. "The last chance."

Shawn nodded sadly. "Yea...I suppose it is..." He looked up at the timer, they still had five minutes left. "Wanna wait on it and talk, maybe cuddle." He ask, sitting down.

Grant smiled, coming over and sitting next to him. "Good idea." He replied as Shawn wrapped his arms around him.


Henry and Linda took there last turns in their game. In his palm there was move marbles then her answer. Henry signed sadly as he gazed up at Linda. Her face says it all, sadness and fear. He felt so sorry for her now. She would never get to go see her family like she wanted, they would never get to spend time with each other on the outside like they talked about.

From behind her, he could see a pink guard stepping up and raising their gun to her head. Her eyes widen when she heard the click. "Henry I-" she tried to say a goodbye but was cut short. Her blood sprayed onto his face.

He watched her lifeless body fall and teared up. She was a lovely woman that had a lot of the same interest as him. He wished they would've meet on the outside instead of in here. All the Amazing things they could've gone to together. But life horrible like this.

The pink guard Motion for him to move and with one more looked of her body he followed them back to the room.

With three minutes left, Norman and jack finished their game. Jack was scared but he didn't show it. He didn't give the evil people behind the game the satisfaction of watching me beg for mercy or cry. He turned the Norman and held out his hand. "It was nice knowing you guys." He said.

Norman gave Jack a form handshake out of respect. "It's been an honor knowing you jack fain" with that he turned away and began walking back to the room.

He heard the gun go off and he heard the body hit the ground but he didn't look back out of respect of his memories. He was sad Jack was gone but happy to see Sammy wasn't eliminated.

Joey won with just 40 seconds left on the clock. Of course he cheated but that didn't matter in the games. He had won and Nathan had lost. He celebrated his victory with a little dance and watched Nathan get eliminated.

He didn't have any real feelings for Nathan as a friend or as a client. He was only just a pawn to Joey. He took his leave with a happy smile. He won the first Four games and only had two more left. He was getting that money and returning back to his right to rule his town.

He deemed to himself that he would do anything to win that money. Cheat, Fight, or sabotage. Nothing will stop him

Behind him was the rest of the winners returning back to the room. Susie, Alison and Shawn. Susie had a wide grin over her face while Shawn had tears running down his. Alisons was emotionless. She didn't much care for Wally but she still felt really bad for him and his family. He was so passionate about his life and dreams. It was such a shame he wouldn't ever get to do any of it.

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