BATIM Squid Games part 5

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Warning: gore, spoilers.
There was so much teams anymore since there was only seven of them left, however they stayed with their friends or lovers they had made over the pass week now. Norman Sammy and Shawn was in their corner sharing stories of their life over breakfast. While Joey and Susie were won't talking to each other but glaring at each other. Alison suspected they had a fight or something. Henry was getting breakfast for them back.

He was sweet man and felt bad he lost Linda in the last game. That one was rigged and so unfair to them all. They knew people cared for others here and yet made them betray their partner. So many good people died last night. So much guilt they would all hold. So much guilt she held.

Wally's please of mercy replay over and over again in her mind. The Image of him crying and not smiling like he usually does forever burnt in her mind. It was worst because she cheated him out of his win. But she had to get that money for Toms arm and make it home for him. She already sacrificed so much already for it. Her Business, bills, people's lives. She'll be dammed if she gives up now.

"Everything alright?" Henry voice came from behind her.

She looked back at him and nodded. "As fine as it can be in here, Henry." She replied with a nod.

"That I can understand." He sat beside her and held her some breakfast. "Eat up. The game will be starting soon."

Even though she wasn't hungry she knows she needed her strength and took the food and water. She and Henry ate there breakfast without talking. There was no need for Conversation. That was a distraction and both of them knew it.

Susie entered the small room with the other six and stopped once she saw what was in front of them. Seven headless mannikins were lined up in a row, each one having little pink Jersey with number 1-7. She looked between everyone's faces at the announcements's began through the speaker. "Welcome players. Please choose a number on one of the mannikins."

Susie looked at the seven mannikins again then a Second later Sammy, Grant and Norman rushed over, picking five, six and seven. She was mad and desperate but wasn't the only one. The rest of them rushed over all at once. She headed for number four but that bitch Alison got to it first. And she growled. She quickly looked at the remaining numbers and saw Henry taken three. One and two was the last to options. She didn't want to be the first one so she ran for number two and got to it with no problem. Joey however came up before her, shoving her away to take number two.

She glared at Joey with hatred. "You fucker!" She yelled at him. "We are a team remember?!"

Joey looked over at her then shrugged. "No more teams." He replied with a sly smile. "Anyways I never liked you. Just used you." He chuckled leaving her with the last remaining number.

She flipped him off then yanked the last Jersey before putting it on and following the others to the platform.

She was staring at there next game with the others next to her. It was a like a long bridge with Glass squares every few feet. But there we're gaps in between and a long fall underneath. Still this game didn't look hard at all, it wasn't until she heard the instructions when he realized what the hard part was. " Can you guessed the tile?" The lady over the announcement said. "You must chose the right tile. If you guess wrong you will be eliminated. You have 15 minutes." she finished and the clock began.

"You will go in the order you have chosen" A pink guard said as they stepped closer to them.

Everyone turned to her as she realized,with everyone else that she Was the first one. She curses as she steeped closer to the edge, looking down. It was high up from where they were. "Susie! We don't have time!" Shouted Joey. "Pick one!"

"Alright! Alright!" Susie rolls her eyes and looked between the left tile and the right. She quickly made her move and jumped to the left one. Unfortunately that was the wrong one and it broke under her weight, falling to her death.

Sammy watched her fall with a sickening thud that made most of them shiver from the sound. Not him and Joey though. They were use to sounds like that. He knew Joey thought of the same thing when he looked back at him.

The lined moved forward now that Joey took the lead a few tiles. He moved up two and luckily got them right but stopped unsure of whether it's left or right. "Let's go, dude!" He heard someone yell impatiently at Joey and he watched Joey spun around.

"You wanna go first! Then go ahead Henry!" Joey replied to him as he made some room.

"Alright. Fine." Henry stepped onto joeys tile, glaring before he moved onto to the next one. He was lucky that it was the right tile but sadly The next tile wasn't and within seconds everyone heard another bone chilling snapping sound from below.

The line moved along again passing Joey until he was behind Sammy. Everyone follows the person in front of them to get closer to the other side. Alison become the first one in line now. Sammy could tell she was extremely nervous. He saw her tap the left tile with her foot then the right as she was trying to make that decision. Sammy looked up at the clock and began to grew a bit worried. There was only three minutes left. The sound of glass shattering brought his attention back down to the bridge and notice Alison was gone, right before another thud.

Another gone but there was only two more rows Shawn now has to figure out. but there was just under two minutes now and Shawn was taken a long time. "Shawn! Move it!" Joey yelled from behind."

Norman turn to Joey with a look. "Give him a second!" He told Joey before turning to Shawn. "Shawn please hurry..." He ask him kindly.

Shawn looked hard at the two glass tiles then he made the chose to go right. He was successful and smiles, turning to the vary last tile. "50/50" he whispered to himself. "Please be the good 50." He said jumping to the tile in front of him. The tile was the wrong one and Shawn fell to his death.

But his sacrifice saved Sammy, Norman and Joey as they successfully crossed the bridge in just under 15 seconds. Norman was vary much happy he and Sammy both made out of live so fair. He just hoped they will survive the last game. Joey couldn't wait to rule the streets again in a few days once he wins the last of the games. Sammy couldn't believe he made it this for. He thought he would've die long ago in the earlier rounds. He hopes his luck would stay with him tomorrow. It would be nice to have a good life with Norman on the outside.

The three of the players left were lead back to the emptier room for their last night there. The room felt so much bigger then it really was with only so few of them left. They started with 500 players and it was down for only three. Who knows what tomorrow holds.

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