Prompt 6

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Prompt request: @GreatComet_1813

Prompt line: "why are you being so nice to me?!"

Characters: Grant and Sammy.

Two years ago Sammy Lawrence had enough with the abuse of his ex and old boss Joey drew. He had packed up one night while Joey was at the bar and took off to the next city. Since then he gotten at a job at diner, saved up tell he got a good apartment, and started to take therapy twice a week to help recover.

He loved working the night shift. Less people there to give him anxiety. It was more calm and the people in that time were mostly friendly.

One day a lone man came in from the freezing cold rain and sat in a booth in the back. He had chest nut brown hair and was around Sammy's age. He was hunched over at the table, his hair dripping on the table.

Sammy went over to him, pulling out his note bad. "Hello. May I get you some coffee?"

The man looked up at him, like he wasn't just crying but his eyes were red. And his left one had a nasty bruise around it. It made Sammy remember the times he was beaten by his ex.

"S-sure. That would be great. Thanks." The man turned back around.

Sammy nodded. He went to get him a cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie as well. He went back and set it down beside him. "The bills on me."

The man mumbled a thank you and eats the pie and drinks the coffee. Sammy steps away to help other customers for a bit and when be looked back at the mans table he was gone. Sammy cleaned up his table hoping he was safe. then he continued to do his job.

Once his shift was done for the night he opened his umbrella and started for home. But vary quickly he noticed the man sitting out at the bus start. He approached him. "Hey." He spoke. " why don't you come home with me tonight. It's pouring out, your wet and gonna get sick and the bus don't come for anything 5 hours."

The man looked tours him. "Why are you being so nice to me?! I don't need your damn charity!"

Sammy understood were the anger was coming from. feeling week and lost. Feeling like your not good enough for anything but beatings. Feeling hopeless.

Sammy sat next to him, holding the umbrella above both of them and sighs. "Two years ago I left my abusive ex. I ran to here. Got a job and a apartment. Now I'm seeking the help I need for my trauma."

The man looked at him. "I'm sorry you had to go though that."

"Thing is. I had to do it alone.." Sammy looked back at him. "You don't. I can help you. I have a extra room if you wanna come live there.

The man thought about it for a bit. He got no where else to go. "Sure."

20 minutes later they at Sammy's apartment having coffee and talking about there experiences.

"Oh man Joey is an ass."
Grant said sadly laughing.

"That's crazy. My ex was name Joey to." Sammy replied staring at him. Grant stated back.

"Joey...drew was his last name.."grant said.

Sammy's jaw dropped. " Joey drew as in the cartoon studio Joey drew?"

Grants eyes widen as he nodded. "We have the same ex..."

"That fucking jack ass. Abusing other people." Sammy slammed his cup down.

"You know..he's going to do it again..." grant said.

Sammy nods sadly. But they both know there was nothing they could do. They couldn't go to the cops. Sammy doesn't have prof and Joey was to high on the ladder to go to prison. They won't killers and both of them would crumble being next to Joey. They just had to move on with there lives now. Maybe the next one would run into town one day maybe not.

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