Monster friends

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Prompt requested by: @DectectiveCatty  thank you!
Joey drew was what some say a creature of the night. One that sucks the life from humans or turned them the same.  But in trust most vampires were good. Most. He hadn't taken an  innocent life since her learn to control himself back in the 1700s.

He was getting bored in his victorian stylemansion and decided to have his friends come for a dinner party. He invited Grant Cohen who is a ghost that haunted an graveyard for centuries. He meet him when he was passing though the town. Susie Campbell who was a beautiful witch that lived in the Forest among her town. His best friend Henry stain who lives in the pits of hell. There was Sammy Lawrence who lives In the ocean. But he's able to turn fully human and live outside of it for a few days. And lastly Norman Polk is a werewolf and loves to live alone in the mountains.

The day arrived and Joey had been preparing for them. He hired cooks for day to make food, sides, snacks and desserts. He also hung lights around the pool area to give it a beautiful aesthetic. He helped the cooks bring out the food and drinks on the tables then paid them for there service.

Around 7pm the first ones arrived. Susie Campbell came with a cheesecake for the party and Norman Polk came soon after with 24 pack of soda.

As the night goes on the all soon arrived. Grant Cohen was floating and talking. While Norman was flirting with Sammy the siren by the pool and Joey was sitting by Henry talking. 
  But soon everyone but grant started to get really sleepy and started falling asleep. Susie leans in her chair, falling asleep. Sammy leans into Norman as they both fell under. Henry leans on Joey as they fall asleep to.

  Grant was the only one to see what happened. Hunters ran up and grabbed Joey, taking him away. He tried to stop then but they couldn't see grant. He tried to wake the other but couldn't. He failed to save Joey.

He waited hours for them to wake up and around 5 they finally started. "Guys!  They took Joey! Hunters took Joey!"

Henry looked at the empty chair next to him then growled. "Those hunters are dead!" He turned into his hell bound self. Sharp pointed horns grew from his head. A Fiery hot Tail form from behind him. His skin turn red and scaly

"I'm coming with you." Norman turned into his mute self.

"As am I." Sammys eyes turn a piercing ice blue.

"Agreed!" Susie and grant said together.

It was easy to get though the guards. Henry burnt four and had them running and screaming. Susie zaps two and Norman attacked the remaining two.

Grant leads them down the halls, going though walks to see what is the right way to go. Pretty soon the found a group of hunters torturing poor Joey.

One by one the hunters dropped like flys from them. Henry turns to Joey who couldn't even hold his head up. He went to him, while turning back to his human form and untied him. Joey feel into Henry's arms, weakly.

He picks up Joey bridal style and kisses him on the head. Susie came to Joey. She was the closes thing to human And he needed blood. She placed her arm by his mouth and let him feed.

After a few minutes Joey was full. He got up out of Henry's arms and hugged them all. "Thank you. You guys are truly heroes."  He smiled.

"Ya ya. Let's just go before we're caught." Norman replied.

" He's right. We should go." Henry agreed.

Everyone else nodded and followed grant back home where they rested.

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