Rebellion part 3

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Norman woke up to a phone ringing. Hit sits up and rubbed his eyes, tiredly. He herd the shower running in the bathroom as he reached for the phone on the desk top, mistakenly thought it was his and picked it up. "Hello?" He yawned.

The other end was quite for a long second. "Hello? Norman?" Joey ask. " is this you?.."

This woke up Norman quickly. " oh shit..." he hung up before Joey can say another world.

He had just put the one he was trying to protect in more danger. "Fuck..."

Sammy comes out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his lower half. He looked at Norman and saw the worried look. "W-what? What happened?"

"I'm sorry Sam!..I thought it was my phone..." Norman replied.

"S-so h-he knows..." Sammy said. "Oh god..."
He's back hit the wall then he slid into the floor about to have a panic attack.

Norman came and sit next to him. "Hey. Breath ok?..i want you to get dress and pack your bags?"

"A-alight..." Sammy nods.

Norman helps him up and helps him back his clothes, books, and music. They quickly put everything inside Joey truck and got in. Norman left for his house.
Joey pulls into the drive way and got out. He opens the door, walked inside them slammed it shut. "Sammy!!!" he called out. "Get your ass out here!"

No answer from Sammy.

Joey a big gulp of the bottle in his hand then threw it at the wall, with anger. "Sammy!!" He begins the hunt for that little shit. Looking in all the spots he used to hide. Under the table and beds, in the closets, behind the couch. He even checked the basement even though Sammy hated it. He wasn't here.

Joey growls. "Polk." He goes to his room and grabbed his gun and a box of bullets for it. Then went out to his car.
They had ordered take out food after they settled in. So when the knock came Norman didn't think of when he opened the door. "Oh fuck." Joey loaded the gun. "Sammy run!-"

Joey shoots him twice. One in his chest and and one in his lower stomach. Norman fell down and Joey steps over him. "Oh sammyyyyyyyyy" he called out.

Sammy was frozen on the bed after hearing the shoots. "Oh god. Please don't let Norman be dead. Please don't let him be dead!!" He whispers. Tears flooded his eyes from
The thought.

"Sammyyy" Joey starts going up the stairs.

That's when Sammy Spring into action. He hopped out of the bed and hurried to the window, trying to pull it open. It would only come up an inch. It didn't budge anymore.

Joey kicked open a door a few rooms away from the master bedroom and looked around for a moment.

Sammy needed to think. Fast! He turns around looking for something. A weapon, a good hidden place, something to break the window. He jumps when he herd the next door being kicked open.

He spotted a hammer on the dresser, neck to a Picture frame that needed to be hung. But could he really do something like what he was thinking?

The bathroom door next to that room was kicked open. He had no other choice. Ether die a coward or die trying.

He grabbed the hammer and got beside the door. He could hear Joey looking in the shower. His heat beats so fast and hard as he waits for what feels like internally. Finally he herd his footsteps approach.

The door opens was kicked open and Joey stepped in. Sammy screams and stabbed the sharp edge of the hammer into joeys shoulder.

Joey screams In pain and smashed the butt of the gun on Sammy's face, braking his nose.

Sammy stunned by the pain backed away a step. Blood and tears poured down and mixing together.

Joey hits him with it in the side of Sammy's face making Sammy fall to the side. His jaw felt detached and he herd a few teeth of his scatter across the floor.

Sammy tried to speak but he couldn't make out the words. "P-pl..ea......d nt ..k..ll...e"

Joey chuckled a drunken sick laugh and raised the gun up to Strike again. Sammy couldn't move away. He held up his hands for protection. But he knew he was going to die here

Five gun shoots went off in a row.

Joey stares at him for a long moment then at his shirt turning bloody, quickly. His mouth moved as though he was talking but there was only shadow breaths. He feel to his knees, dropping his gun then falling dead on the floor, next to Sammy.

Sammy looked and saw Norman at the door, pointing his own gun at Joey. He was leaning on the wall to support himself from being shoot.

"S-sam.." he stumbled to Sammy and falling weekly beside him. Sammy shaking hands reach up to cover Norman's wounds tell help came. They could hear them near. Just a few more minutes. His face was killing him but he wasn't the one near death.

Norman wrapped Sammy in his arms as they waited. He played with his hair getting it bloody. Sammy closes his eyes and soon he could hear them heading up there stairs.

It took a lot a blood to save Norman's life but he did survive. the drew family member who got joeys money was forced to him 200,000 for property damage and psychological damaged as well.

Sammy on the other hand. Was fucked up even more. He started therapy to seek the help he needed for his trauma. He also had to get his teeth, jaw and nose fix. Which it why the judge made the Drew's payed for all the surgeries he needed and pay the therapy bill as well payed him for the psychological damage of 400,000 dollars.

they had each other and the rest of there friends. Henry took ownership of the studio and Sammy eventually came back in to work.

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