Siren 3

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The next week, Norman was sitting with the others at the table waiting for Joey drew. Joey plans on doing something new. What exactly? Norman didn't know. Hopefully it wouldn't hurt Sammy.

He looks out at the tank and notice Sammy was observing them. Once Sammy notice he was being watched he smiled and dipped back down under.

Joey drew finally arrived and walked in. "Crew. Today we're going to test him in different water environments. The good people at the University Graced us with a Laboratory of different pools today!" He said excited. they others just watched and listen. "Now. We need to get in the traveling tank. Susie get the net."

"No!" They all herd and turns around to Norman.

"No?" Joey repeated. "May I remind you that you work for me!"

  "I know...but..he hates the net." Norman replied.

"I don't care what he hates." Joey hissed. "He's a vicious murdering soulless ch-"

"No he's not!" Norman shouts. "I..had a breakthrough a week ago. He's sweet and funny and scared of you. That's why he's aggressive. Because you hurt him!"

"Oh please!" Joey rolls his eyes. "I find that hard to believe."

"Let be prove it." Norman stated.

"Alright. Go ahead. Prove it." Joey smirked crossing his arms.

Norman gets up and walks to the upper part of the tank and sits down beside it. Sammy pops up out of the water in front Norman. "Hey Sam."

Sammy smiled at Norman. "I'm good. You?"

" Not to bad. Hey joey wants to take you somewhere today." He informed Sammy.

Sammy frowns from that information. ".."

"I know. But I promise I won't let him harm you alright?" Norman Ran his hand though his hair.

Sammy nodded. He trusted this human. He loved this human. He would protect this human.

"Alright." Norman Lifted the siren out of the water and quickly ran to the travel tank and placed them in there.

"magnificent!" Joey shouts as he watched the whole Encounter.

Norman glances at him and smiled. "I told you."

"Alright. Man you didn't tell me sooner but let's all get in the truck!" Joey ordered.
When they arrived at the lab there were 2 difference pools. One freshwater and the other ocean water. But these pools could change temperatures which made Norman worried.

  "Alright everyone here's what we're going to do." Joey orders. "Norman. You get him and put him in the saltwater tank first. Hook the wires to his brain." He turned to Audrey. "You are going to record the process with Changing temperature" Lastly he faced Susie. "And you are going to record his brainwaves. Alright. To your places."

Norman went out to the tank. It broke his heart seeing him so sad. "Hey Don't worry. Remember. I want let him harm you. And if your hurting you tell me, alright?"

Sammy nodded and held his arms up.

Norman picked him up and carried him into the Salt water tank and watched him swim
Around before Hooking him up to the Wires

"Alright. Make turn the temperature higher by 10°" Joey told Audrey.

Audrey did so and record the temperature. Susie watched the brainwaves of his and Norman stood by Incase he needed to stop in.

Joey turned it hotter and hotter Intel the siren cried out. "Joey that's enough!" Norman yelled.

"nonsense. We can hotter! to see its Limits!" Joey turns to Audrey. "hotter."

"Joey..." she said in a scared voice.

"I said hotter god damn it!" Joey yelled then turned it hotter himself.

Norman could feel the heat rising more. The psycho son is a bitch was going to kill him! He quickly grabbed the poor siren and pulled him out of the boiling water,Burning his own arms and hands.

The poor siren was burnt a bit to and was sobbing. Norman wrapped him in his arms to comfort him.

Joey stormed up to Norman. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! I'm trying to study the creator and your ruining the test!"

"boiling Sammy isn't a test Joey! It's cruel and I didn't sign up to torture anyone or anything!" Norman yelled.

"Dont Like my rules?! Fine! I'll have you replaced by next week!" Joey storms off to the truck.

Norman walked to the truck as well. "Don't worry. I'll make a plan to release you back into the ocean by next week." He kisses his head and slips him in the tank.

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