The abandon mansion 5

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Word got around that Nathan Arch and the three beautiful women were murdered at the whore house so it again sat there outside the city as life continued on. But this time it wasn't a century. It was only abandoned for three years before a lady found it again.

It's was the year 1982. Linda job was to look for abandoned homes in America, buy them and have her team fix up the place and then resell the home for more. Which she Came to this city to do.

She was at the coffee shop drinking a cup
Of coffee and looking through the news paper for houses for sell as does a lot. There was a good size list of the houses on the 5th page. One on elm street, Another on Birgs lane, and one small apartment. She read along the list and stopped at one. A three story mansion outside the city was for sell and for a low price.

She knew better to know it's wasn't low just for the hell of it. There's something up with the place. Maybe someone start a business there to see drugs and in the basement they made them?, Maybe one person or a group that the police was looking for ran and hid there for a while? Anything could of happen at that beautiful house because of the location.

Linda folder the news paper up and placed it in her bag then drank the last of her coffee before she went to the phone on the wall and gave the number on the paper a call. Linda talked with the person on the phone for a while about the house. She noticed person would avoid his questions about the history of the place no matter how many questions she ask.
They just have get the present data on it. It has 35 rooms and 14 bathrooms, A large kitchen and a beautiful lake. Linda would look up the history her self when it was being redone right now she needed to go there and examine what needs to be done so both of them talked about meeting up and agreed to meet there at 10 am tomorrow morning. Linda hung up the phone and walked out of the shop.

The next morning she woke up at 8am and got ready for the day by taking a shower, blow drying her hair and then putting on her nice clothes. She touched up her face with a bit of makeup then headed out of her hotel room, got in her and drove the 30 minutes to the house.

When she pulled up to the house she got a good look at the house. It was gorgeous out here. She could still see original build from when it was first made. She knew right away this house was going to sell for lots after they fix it up a bit.

The person she spoke to on the phone Came out to greet her and within two minutes they were on with there tour. Linda was shown the large kitchen, many of the rooms and the grand hall up in third floor. Each room Linda made notes of what to fix. She didn't want the place to be changed much from what it was originally built.

After the tour Linda agreed to buy the house and they both signed the paper work. Within a week it was her Business property. She pickedfour people for the job. Bertrum Piedmont was specialized in his creativity. She chose him to be the leader here and make sure no one chases anything from its original build. He, like her respects old buildings and hates changing them. She also chose Tom Conner and Lacie Benton. Those two were the best at fixing things and working with this New technology. The last one she Chose was Shawn Flynn. Who could see creativity that a house needed. She assigned him to make furniture that matches the style of the house.

Within two days they were working on the house. Tom was checking the pipes and fixing them, Lacie was working on the main staircase while Burturm was making sure the originality was being herd here. He to was working on fixing the wallpaper, trying to save it instead of switching to new and modern day wall paper. Shawn was going to a few room and making a diagram of the furniture he wanted there

It was going smoothly until a week later when Shawn slipped and fell down the main flight of stairs, braking his next. Lacie was there and she called for help. Burturm and Tom ran in and saw the accident. They called the police and by an hour later they carried Shawns body out. Later Lacie admits to Tom that it looked like Shawn was pushed down the stairs. Tom didn't know what to do but tried to calm her.

After hearing about the accident Linda gave them a few days off before going back if they Choose to. They all did after a few days. Linda decided to start he research on that house before she made a replacement for Shawn. She found out who had it build and what happen to him and his lover.

In the mean time Tom, lacie and Burturm continued working on the house, Now with heavy Energy around but they all think it was in the heads from Shawns accident. Nothing happened for another two week. This time a pipe Tom was working with fill down and enlarged in his chest. He couldn't call for help so when they looked for Tom they were way to late.

Lacie called the police as Burturm tried to do something to bring Tom back. The police came with the emts and took Toms body away. Linda again gave them a day off but this time lacie didn't take it. She wanted to get the house over with and get her money. It would be her down fall.

Lacie was alone the next day when she decided to check the roof. She placed the ladder on the house, got her tools and climbed up. And as she was expecting, the roof never was fixed. She starts right Away, hurrying her work and moving quickly. As she was her foot slipped out from in front of her and she starts slipping down the roof. She desperately tries to dig her nail in the roof but that wasn't helping. She feel three stories to her death, her head smashing open on the concrete.

Burturm had been worried for Lacie all day being up there all alone with the deaths of two friends still fresh in there minds. He decided to check on her after work at her house. When he got to her house and saw she still hadn't come home he immediately booked it to the house.

Her body was the first he saw. He stopped the car and ran to her mangled body. He wrapped his arms around her body and sobbed In her chest. He liked her. He was about to ask her out on a date and now she was gone. After a while he to call the cops on the home phone.

The cops came for the third time but this time they suspect Burturm killing them and making it looked like an accident. They arrested him and took him away. He ended up in prison waiting for the death penalty.

Linda's boss had also did research and found out all the deaths that happen there and told Linda he abandoned the house because it was a lost cause and dangerous to go in. She did and the house was left alone yet again.

Stories that are told about these few said that you could hear a thump outside like a body just feel. Here you may smell the blood around but you never see a body. In the main staircase you could see someone fall down the stairs by the corner of there eye or some has herd it. In the room Tom died in you could smell the blood or hear the pipe falling.

These were the stories of a few of the house. These were the time they stayed at the Mansion and how they have died.

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