Siren part 2

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Prompt request by: @Lex91t thank you!

Note: this is a continuing the siren -mermaid- one.
The siren head one will be later.

Norman was really enjoying his new Ocean classes he switched to. He had chosen to take classes on Ocean studies and Ocean photography. He was learning so much about the deep sea like the different types of species there and the difference plants. As well as going in to gather photographs of the things he needed to.

He was trying to keep to himself from People who laugh at Joey drew's reputation. No one wanted to be like crazy jo. That what they called him now days. He was also told to keep quiet about the sirens and still sometimes sees man in black watching him, letting him know to keep quiet. But they never stopped him from visiting the siren that he had saved almost a year ago now.

He still goes to there dock every few months to visit his beautiful siren. He was to busy to go once a months these days but his siren understands he's trying. Still Norman feels bad for leaving him hanging. Especially when he hears tells of Joey going out in the Ocean hunting again.

Now there was this big finals project he had to do this week for his Ocean photographers class. He had to gather photos of a certain rare species. If he gets the photos he Automatically passes this class without the test. but it means Norman wouldn't get to visit his siren this week like he wanted to.

The next morning came and Norman woke up early. He gathered the things he needed for today's Ocean trip. He shoved in his camera bag in his big one along with a map, enough food, a gun Incase he runs into Joey, his swimming gear and he stocked up
On water and soda in his ice box.

He drives up to the finishing docks and gathered everything in his new boat he bought for this class. Once everything was set he head out to where he thinks is the best place for this project. out in the middle of nowhere.

When Norman got to the spot he wanted he stopped the boat and threw down his anchor to keep the boat there. Then he began getting on his swim gear, putting flippers on and his goggles over his head as well stripping on his air tank. He leaned over to grabbed his camera and jumped into the cold deep water.

Over the corse of the hour of air he had, he saw so many colorful fish swimming around him both big and small and saw Dolphins bobbing around. He had to take a picture of the Dolphins up this close to him. He looked real closely for the fish he needed but couldn't find there hear in this area. Defeated and almost out of air he had to swim back up and leave.

But when Norman popped up out of the water he found that it was raining. This automatically set panic in him. He took off his goggles and looked up into the sky. He saw dark storm clouds coming in. And quickly. This wasn't good!

Norman hurried to his boat and lifted himself out of the water, onto the boat. The water has already gotten rough while he was under. Norman quickly took off his swim gear, just as the Thunder started, and pulled the Anchor up then sat in the divers sit. He turned on the Engine and made His way to land. But the Problem was he couldn't see which way land was. The rain blinded him from seeing fear out. He made his decision on where land was and headed there, hopping for the best.

It wasn't long before things got worst for Norman. Must worst. The rain was coming down harder making Norman see even less then before. The wind was blowing Crazily making it extremely difficult to get his boat right with the high waves. It was super dangerous being out here with a storm and he was pissed at himself for forgetting to check the weather for today.

He was vary much lost but remained focused on keeping the boat up right. His heart was beating quickly but refuse to start panicking. That never helped anymore survived. His father taught him that situations like this you need to keep calm and use your head.

The waves kept getting larger and more powerful. Eventually a huge wave raged though causing Norman to lose control of the boat and it flipping over. Norman was herald deep under water in seconds. He quickly got his bearings though and tried to swim back up. But soon his lungs screamed for air and he starts to panic swim, kicking faster and harder and pushing his way though the water but the surface never came. He was running out of time and felt himself slowing down. He tried one last hard kick up then his body gave up. He was gasping for air but only water felled his Lungs and his vision started going dark. Soon he would be dead.

In the darkness of his vision he saw something large speed pass him but couldn't think anything of it from lack of air. But he felt something grabbed around his waist and then everything was a blur. The fishes that passed, The sharks, everything.

Suddenly he broke to the surface of the water and he could take a nice big gulp of wonderful air. Then he took another and another as his vision becomes clear again and he was starting to be able to think again. He blinked his eyes for a moment then looked up at the darkness of the storm. It was still Pretty bad out but at least he was safe in the arms of...?

Norman turned around to see who was holding him afloat and was surprise by the face staring back at him. Though he recognized that sweet adorable face anywhere even though he hasn't seen him in over a month. His siren love had saved his life at the last moment. Norman was so grateful of Sammy looking out for him when he's out at sea.

Norman rested his head on the sirens shoulder and wrapped his arms around him to. "T-thank you." He spoke even though he was still trying to get his breathing back and spitting up water from his lungs. "For s-saving me."

The siren patted his human friends head with his webbed hand. " You saved me from Joey. I saved you from drowning." He kisses the humans head. "Please rest now. I got you." He asked. Norman nodded and hung onto his siren intel the storm blew passed.

Once the waters were calm again the siren brought his human friend as close to land as he could go without being seen or getting stuck. "Thank you Sammy." Norman smiles and kisses him for a long moment. "And I promise I will visit you more often. Ok? I'm
Really sorry as well." The siren nodded And smiled At his human friend.

The siren watch him walk out of the water and leave the beach. He knew that his human friend was to busy with human Society to visit him more. It hurt him to go to the dock only to leave after Realizing he wasn't coming that day. But despite that and how dangerous it was for him to go, he still goes to the dock for him. And he would always watch him when he's out on the boat Incase something happened to his human friend.

Once Norman was out of sight, the siren dipped back down into the cold blue water and swims away from the dangers of being around land.

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