Orphanage farm

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Prompt requested by: @Spongboy-me-bob thank you!

Warning: gruesome
The orphanage was the home of many happy children from all ages. The land there was big enough for them to play games like hide and seek and there were so many trees around to climb, read under or use a shade. There was Pliny of space to run around and have fun with the family. The one they all call mom runs the orphanage and takes care of all the children there until they get adopted. She also teaches them life skills like cooking and planting. As well as teach the how to read, count and write. And for the 5 older ones Sammy, Tom, Norman, joey and Henry she teaches them stuff algebra and chemistry. There was only one rule mom had. Don't go near the fence or gate. It could be dangerous.

Tom was a sporty kid and would be running around with the younger kids playing games like tag or soccer. If he wasn't doing that he would be hanging out with Allison in the game room trying to beat her at there game. Norman was the nosy kid who could sneak around without being heard. He was one of the three kids who got who gets the highest scores on their test. He would also hang out with Joey, Henry and Sammy. They were his best friends. Henry was a bit of a nerd but not as smart as the three. He was the art kid who loved to draw. Mom taught him when he was little the basics and it went from there he would help mom take care of the younger kids as well. Joey was the Fun kid. He would cause trouble and play pranks on everyone. But he was also really intelligent. One of the three highest kids with the highest scores. Last there was Sammy. He use to be a bit of a troublemaker before the accident of falling down the stairs when everyone was asleep he was badly hurt that night but mom came to his need Now he was the mommas boy and he does everything she needed and helped her with the youngest ones. Joey would pick on him a bit for it. He was also one of the three kids with the highest scores and into he was into music. Mom taught him how to play different Instruments since he was young, like the piano or violin and he quickly feel in love with music. He would also read books a lot which Joey also teases him about.

"I wonder what lays on the outside of the orphanage?" Joey, one of the older kids, said. His hands were both wrapped around the poles and he gazes out into the other side of the grate but saw only the darkness of the tunnel.

"What's out there is family's" Henry replied coming up next to Joey. He to looked in beyond the gate. "Family that will adopt us one day. Just like all our brothers and sisters that are out there." He smiled over at Joey.

"Uh. Guys." Sammy called from behind the three of them. "We shouldn't be near the gate..mom said it was dangerous..." Sammy glances at the gate then back at Joey and Henry.

Joey turned around to the short boy. "Come on Sammy. Can't you just break the rules just once!" Joey complained. "Don't you remember all the fun things we use to do back then?" He ask. "All the pranks and sneaking around at night?"

"Come on Joey. Lighten up on the boy." Norman replied to him instead. "You know he fell down the stairs from sneaking around and was in the infirmary for nearly a month." He said while wrapping his arms around him, hugging him.

Joey sighs and nodded to Norman's statement. It was his fault Sammy had gotten hurt that night. His fault that Sammy was out of bed, running around and his fault he had fallen. "Yea." He goes to Sammy and gives the small boy a hug.

Sammy knew his friend was feeling guilty again and he wrapped his tiny arms around his waist tightly. "Don't blame yourself Joey." He said to him. "It's not your fault."

Joey knew Sammy was just lying to try and make him feel better for what happen back then but he nodded just to see Sammy smile. He was such a sweet kid who deserves the wound and a family he calls his own that loves him.

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