Paranormal group

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Joey drew pulled into the local diner lot to meet up with the group. It was their first time meeting each other in person and they all chose to meet at the diner near the college. Joey himself had started this to meet people who believed in the paranormal or at least looked into it. It was his second semester now and he decided to create this group. Since he was young, his mother always hold him of stories and information on the paranormal. His mother had her own group of friends who went around town hunting ghosts, exploring abandoned places and performing rituals. He was reminded of the times when he would hear his mother and her friends come back late into the night and he would hear him talking about what they witnessed over coffee. Now it was his turn to find a group of people to explore the strange and creepy.

He got out of his truck and went inside the dimly lit diner, following the waiter to a booth soon after. The booth was near the back of the diner and Joey noticed there was only a couple of tables occupied by other students. It was in the middle of the week, so most people were now getting ready for bed for early classes or studying late into the night. His own classes started later in the morning through the afternoon so staying out meeting people was no problem to him, and judging by the others agreeing to meet on the weekday the others have similar class times.

It wasn't long until a blonde haired, green eyed lady approach the table. "Hello. I'm you Joey drew?" She ask.

Joey nodded. "Yes. Yes I am." He held out this hand to her. "Joey Drew. Please sit."

Susie shook his hand and sat down right after. "Susies Campbell." She smiles. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to Susie." Joey smiled back. "They others will be here shortly I assume."
   In the next ten minutes the others had come and found there table. Alison, a lady in the same year as Joey with long dark hair and hazel eyes. She was only tall but still shorter then him by an inch. Audrey, a year younger with light brain hair and green eyes. And last, Sammy blonde hair blue eyes, short man who was also a first year.

Joey gave everyone time to warm up with each other and order there food before he asked about their interest in the paranormal. "Alright guys. I thought it would be interesting for each other to explain why they joined."

"That's a good idea, Joey. I can go first."Allison sips her drink before she continued, everyones attention now on her. "I wanted to join the club because I spent years being raised Christian and being told certain topics were evil but I recently left the religion and now ready to explore these topics that have always interest me, like witchcraft. and with this group I have people there that are interested in the topics to and wanna learn just like me. Who knows maybe we'll all become close friends." she finishes and everyone awws.

"That's really awesome Alison!" Joey replied. "I'm glad you joined us."

"Thank you!" Alison chuckled. "So am I. Who wants to go next?"

"I can," Said a soft but firm voice next to her. "I can go now." the group all turned to Susie Campbell to hear why she had joined them. "My childhood home was haunted. There were three ghost I'd seen there. One of them was even my imaginary friend. A small child around my age at the time." She took a bite of her fries as she looked at each one before continuing. All of them were very interested in the story." The other two I didn't see much, but one was a nice old woman who would came to me if I had a nightmare and sang me to sleep. The third was a slightly older boy. I barley saw him." She finished with a shrug.

"Ever find out what happened to them all?" Audrey asked her.

Susie leveled her hand. "Kinda. The poor girl had died from a fire. The others I have no idea. But when I tried telling my family, no one believed me. So I just didn't after the first time."

"Can you still see ghosts?'" Joey was the one to ask this one.

This time Susie shrugs. "I dunno. Last time I've saw a ghosts was 10 years ago." She replied. "But I been interested in ghost since then."

"Very wicked." Allison smiled,  and the others nodded in agreement.

The girl next to Susie decide to be the next to go. "I joined because I once saw Bigfoot." She says swirling her straw in her drink. After a moment she explained. "My parents use to take me and my brother camping ever summer back where we were kids. Once when we were exploring we both saw a large hairy creature then ran back to our parents. It scared my brother so bad we never went back there. But i got interested in Crypids." A big smiles spreads across her face. "Big foot, moth man. Creatures that humans don't really know about are the must interesting things to me"

Alison grinned back at her. "We should go search for one some day!" She replied, sipping more of her drink.

"We should!" Susie agreed.

"Great idea! I should make a list of places for us to go" Joey noted.

"I tried to for years!" Aurdey explain. " came up empty every time. But maybe with a group will catch something?"

Joey nodded. "Your right, maybe we can." He added that to the list he was now working one then everyone turned to the boy in the corner. He was a lot shorter then the rest and seems to be nervous yet he has joined to so he obviously wanted to be here. "What about you?" Joey ask. Everyone looking over at him. "Why do you wanna join here?"

"I...will...." The guy takes a deep breath. "Ever since I was a child I remember being adopted by...aliens...." He mumbled.

"Really?" Joey asked calmly. "That's a really neat experience." He smiled at him. "Are you like afraid of them or no?"

"Thank you." Sammy started. "And I ..use to be afraid of them. But I...i learned that they are not here to harm me or anyone else. They want to help us. So I j-joined to seek out answers and understand more about them. Plus make friends." He smiled shyly.

"That's a beautiful reason Sammy." Joey replied. He wondered if the abductions were the reason why he was so shy or nervous but didn't asked for his own privacy.

"Do you or ever had an implant?" Alison ask him.

Sammy nodded. " I-I do...right now. In my nose" he said, pointing to his nose. "Comes with bloody noses and missing time" he said as a joke.

Alison's eyes widen but laughs. "Really cool!"

"I agree!" Susie nodded. "I did look up about Alien abductions before. It's a really interesting topic."

Sammy nodded. "L-later I can show you other evidence I gathered." He offered.

"Ohh that would be fun to go though." Susie replied then went back to her drink while the others agreed with her.  "What about you Joey?" She asked after a moment. "Why did you start this club?"

Joey smiled. "Growing up, My mother had her own paranormal group. I heard stories of adventure, ghosts and the like. I saw how much fun they had as they also grew closer. I've known since then I wanted to have friends like that to. To share spooky adventures with like-minded people and talk about them in the future." He finished and notice everyone looking at him in awe way. "What?..."

"That's beautiful, Joey." Sammy spoke up, his blue eyes wide with wonder.

"Thank you, Sammy." Joey replied.

The group continued talking for a little while more and they decided to head back to there rooms or apartments for the next day. Joey waved goodbye to them as he headed to his truck. As he drove the short drive he thought of all the fun they all could have together and hoped the others are just as excited. Before he went to sleep that night he quickly made plans for the upcoming weeks with the knowledge of what the others are most interested in.

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