💚Fake relationship❤️

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Prompt requests by: @EveryAlternateEnding  thanks!
Susies family had always been traditional for generations. Go to school as required, get a career that makes great money, meet a guy or girl, marry them in a few years and grow old with them. She graduated High school and studied the arts in colleges until she graduating from that. Now it's going on three years she'd been working as a voice actress for Joey Drew's studio. The problem now is finding and dating a guy part.

Susie didn't want a man or anything at the time. She was happy being a free little bird flying around thought life. She spent her money her way and she went to places she wanted. She was a bad bitch and didn't let no man control her.

The problem now though was that he parents kept asking her if she found a guy she liked. They wouldn't stop asking about a boyfriend and bringing the fact that her other sisters had boyfriends, one having fiancé. And he her father wanting his little girls to have someone to protect them. It got so much that three months ago she lied and told them she gotten herself a boyfriend just so they would stop asking. Now they wanted her to come over on Christmas Eve for dinner with her new boyfriend, four days from now.

  Now she has to decide on what to do? Come clean and risk hurting her beloved parents? Plus they will begin asking again. She couldn't do that. Maybe she could lie and say she's sick? No that wouldn't work,  her mom would come and take care of her. Maybe should could fake a relationship? She did like that idea and she was a great actress. But who was going to be the guy?

Susie looked around the music department at all the guys there. The first guy she saw was the music director, Sammy. Maybe she could ask him? No, her parents would take one look at him and knew he was gay. Susie continued looking around and spotted Wally sweeping up the floor. Would he work? Nope he just fell over his own feet. Hes to clumsy. Susie looked up and saw Norman Polk sitting beside the protector, reading his book. He was really kind to her and vary polite to everyone. Her parents might possibly like him for his character. Susie sees Norman as the best choice.

Susie got up, headed up to the projectionist booth and knocked on the open door. Norman looked over from his book and she gave him a kind smile. "Hello Mrs. Campbell. How are you today on this beautiful morning?"

Susie took a step in and sighs. "A bit stressful actually." She admitted. With Norman he could always have a true Conversation. "I actually came here to ask for your help."

Norman closed his book and sat it aside, turning his full attention on Susie. "What kind of help do you need, Mrs. Campbell."

Susie crosses his arms across her chest as she looked away from the kind gentlemen. "Well...long story short, I kinda lied to my parents about having a boyfriend." She replied. "And now they want me to come in on Christmas Eve for dinner with him." She explains, feeling her cheeks burn.

"And you want me to pretend I'm your boyfriend, for you?" Norman ask with no judgment.

Susie realize how stupid that sound and how shallow she seems. "Your right. That's stupid. I'm sorry for as-"

"I'll help you." Norman simply replied with a kind smile. Susie looked at him with grateful eyes.

"Thank you" she replied.
  On Christmas Eve, Susie picked Norman up from his house at 5 o'clock for the hour and a half drive to her parent's Country home, only stoping to get her parents some wine and Bouquet of flowers for her mom witch Susie payed for. They pull up on the rocky driveway of her parents house at around 7:23. "You ready, Norman?" Susie asked him.

Norman looked at her and nodded. "Let's do this." Together they got out of the car and head up the sidewalk, going in.

Instead was busting with life. Susies mother was cooking with two of her sisters helping, her third sister of was setting up the table with the nice plates as her father and brother was outside grilling and kids were running around playing with there toys,

Susie gripped his hand in hers to play the act of a true couple and Norman found himself enjoying the warmth of her hand as he followed Susie into the kitchen. "Hey guys. We're here." She happily announces them. Her mother dropped what she was doing and came straight to Susie.

"Oh sus dear! I missed you so much." Her mother hugged Susie then turned to Norman. "You must be her boyfriend." She smiles proudly.

Norman nodded. "Norman Polk, ma'am. Nice to me you." He politely introduced himself then handed her the flowers. " these are for you"

Susies mom took them. "Oh he's so polite sus." She smiled at Susie. "And so handsome. I'm so happy for you." She patted her daughters cheek before taking care of the flowers and dinner.

Norman spent the next little while meeting Susies sisters Ashley, Ann and Carley. Her  brother Josh and her father. Her brother and father sat there and quizzed Norman to see if he was the right man for her. They didn't entirely hate him after but they didn't like him ether. Which was alright for Norman. This was only a one time thing.

Once dinner was ready, Norman didn't hesitate to pitch in and help serve each plate. During dinner Norman got to know more about her siblings and more about Susie by her mom sharing all the embarrassing stories of Susies childhood. Susie was embarrassed but she was laughing with the rest of them. Susie father  mildly threatened to kill him if he ever hurt his daughter but he would do the same for his sisters so he understood.

Dinner wrapped up nicely and Norman helped them with cleaning up the dishes and drying them with Susie. Then everyone moved to the living room to play a few Christmas games for a few hours.

The two decided it was getting late and head out sometime after 10. Norman offered to drive the hour and a half which Susie gladly took that offer. The car ride was silent for almost an hour. Norman thought she had fallen asleep but then she  ask. "Did you ...enjoy that..?"

Norman glanced at her then back at the dark road. "It was fun, yes." He admits. "Why do you ask?"

Susie took a long moment to replied. "Because it was fun for me..."she looked up at him and felt her cheeks burn again. "Being with you.."

Norman glanced at her again before the road. "Are you saying you actually want to us to be together?..."

Susie nodded. "Yea. I am." She admits. "Do you?" She ask.

This time Norman took a while to think before answering. Susie was a sweet and fun woman to be with. Beautiful to. And today was fun for him as well. That's when Norman realized he had feelings for her. "Yes." He admits truthfully as he felt butterflies In his stomach. " so Where should our first official date be?" He ask.

"Hmm." Susie took a second to think. "How about a movie? This weekend?"

Norman nodded. "Movie this weekend. Sounds good." He replied. Then the car became silent again as this time Susie did fall asleep

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