Chapter 59-get rid of them

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My body was numb and my body shut down from the drug. You only see darkness throughout the time until you wake up.

I slowly started regaining more function. My head was pounding, it felt like I was beat. I needed to open my eyes, I needed to fight whatever is happening to me.

I slowly open my eyes, I was in a dark room, line shining through the tiny window in the corner. I looked around to see anything that can help me. I looked down to see my arms and legs tied. If I wanted to get out I would have to break my thumb so I can sleep my hand out, it was going to be very painful but I needed to get my babies.

I didn't know where I was, I still didn't know who kidnapped me but I would still be in New York. I wasn't out for too long. I could possibly be in a nearby state but nothing too far.

I heard shuffling outside, people were here.

"Help" I screamed

I needed to get out of here, I have to get out.

"Help" I screamed

The door opened and 4 men walked in

My brothers

But Andrew

"She's finally awake" Aidan said happily and a devilish smile

Once I tell him who I am he will wipe that devilish smile away

"Your kids are cute" Aidan said

"Where are my kids" I said trying to fight against the restraints

"We will give your kids back but you have to sign over the mafia you currently co own" he said bending down, so he could be face to face

I spit at him

"Like hell I would" I said

I felt radiation pain in my cheek,

He punched me

"Think about before it's too late" Ace said

All of my brothers walk out of the room.

My kids are here and I need to find them, I need to get out.

I try to get out of the restraints but I wasn't able to break my thumb. They were too tight and I couldn't move much.

I didn't know how much time passed by Aidan came in again with the brothers. Ace and Aidan have my babies in their hand

"They are very quiet, my own baby wouldn't sleep throughout the night" Aidan said

Now he is taunting me

"Let them go, they don't have anything to do with this. They are babies, my son can't even be here he is suppose to get surgery tomorrow. He has congenital heart defect, he needs to be in the hospital" I said

"Poor baby Elijah, one little slip and he would be out of his misery" Aidan said pretending to drop Elijah, it looked like he actually was

"No" I screamed

Both babies started crying

"Look what you did now, you made them cry" Aidan said

"Let them go, you need me not them" I said

"Oh but you're Stefan's family. We have the people he loves, his wife and his kids" he replied

"They have nothing, they don't mean anything to you. I have the mafia, not them" I said

"But once Stefan knows you guys are missing he will do anything. So you have an option, sign off your half of the mafia and you can take your babies or we wait and Stefan can watch you slowly bleed out and he will get his babies back but you won't ever see them" Aidan said

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