Chapter 76-paint

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I thought about it, was the house perfect?

I mean it was really nice, and we haven't created any special memories yet at our current house.

Another thing is that we would be safe again. I don't know which mafia found us but my main concern is making sure the twins are safe.

"So?" He asked

"Well if it means the twins will be safe, we can move then" I replied

"Great, and I know you don't want to do this but we have to make sure the twins and you are safe" he said

"Yeah, I'll miss this house but I'll get used to the new one" I replied

"Well we can start renovations asap and we will make the babies room identical and ours." He said

"Good, and the kitchen. But I want the countertops to be a greyish marble instead of what we have now" I replied

"Whatever you want Cherie" he said

"And we are redoing our bedroom it's too dark" I said

"Fine by me" he replied

"Good" I said

"I will call our contractors and get started on the renovations" he replied

"I have to pick the marble first" I said

"Well we can start on the others like the babies room and the paint job and the guest rooms" he replied

"Ok, and I will start looking at countertop pieces and room decor" I said

"Ok" he replied

We reached home and the rest of the day consisted of feeding the twins and looking at decor. Currently Stefan and I were getting ready for bed.

"Paparazzi pictures are up" I said looking at my phone

"Do we look like a hot family?" He asked

"Take a look" I showed

He inspected the pictures

"Damn, we look hot as a family. Our family portraits and paparazzi pictures are gonna come out stunning every single time" he said

"I know, we do look amazing" I replied

"So tomorrow you're gonna go to the store and look for the countertop and paint?" He asked

"Yeah I'll text you picture" I replied

"Oh and by the way we would be moving by mid November so in a month and a half" he said

"That quick?" I questioned in shock

"Yes the transaction is happening very quickly" he replied

"Wow" I said

"Soon we will be at our new house which is our final one. No more moving" he replied

"This better be the last time" I said

"Don't worry it will" he replied kissing my forehead

I let out a long tiring yawn

"Goodnight mon amour" I said trying to speak French

I've been learning French and Stefan has been helping me.

"My love" he said with a smile

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