Chapter 113-Contract

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I looked at the crowd to see who it was

It was Stefan

How the hell was he here, and where are the twins

I didn't see the twins, so either they are with Stefan's parents or at home in New York

I finished my walk and went backstage to be swarmed by many and changed and into a whole new look. I was rushed out to walk the runway again, then went backstage again.

I had my last look now, my makeup was taken off and changed again and was put into the last outfit. Once I was done, I was rushed out and finished the show off with my last look. Once we were done, we all walked out and the crowd clapped for us. We went backstage and took many pictures.

I felt hands wrap around me and I turned around to see Stefan

"You came" I said happily hugging him

"You did amazing cherie" He replied

"Stassie, we need pictures" The director called

I got pictures taken and a interview done. Once I was done with all of the press I changed into my clothes and took off my makeup

"When you texted me, was it because you were in a plane?" I asked

"Yes, and I know you're curious where the twins are. They are in the hotel with Matthew. He's stepped up a lot and has been helping" he replied

"That is very sweet of him" I said

"Come on, the twins miss you a lot" he replied

"Wait, are they in the penthouse right now?" I asked

"Yes" he replied

"Stefan, Julia is staying with us. She still hates him" I said

"Shit, hold on" he said

He grabbed his phone making two calls. It took him not a lot of time to finish the calls

"Ok, he's being transformed to one of my hotels I own and staying there and we will pick up the twins" he said

"Ok" I replied

"Hey Anastasia" gigi called out

"Hi" I replied

"We are going out to get some food then headed to the after party, would you like to join us?" She asked

"My family just flown in and I'm dying to see them, but thank you for the offer" I said

"Of course, I'll see you soon" she replied

I waved goodbye and Jenna, Julia, Stefan and I headed to the car

"Finally you came" Julia said not at me though

"Hey, the twins kept crying when I was trying to board them" he replied

"You guys knew?" I asked

"Yes, we all wanted to surprise you" she replied

"I love you guys so much" I said

Michael dropped off Julia and Jenna first then Stefan and I went to the hotel he owned. I rush to the elevator and punch his security code in and once we made it to the top I walked in immediately and found myself in the family room where the twins were on their play mat

"My babies" I said rushing over and sitting down next to them, giving them so many kisses

"Mommy missed you so much" I said

"Hey, did you not miss me" Matthew said

"I missed you too matthew, thank you" I replied

"You're welcome" he said

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