Chapter 18-Just stop

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"How about we compromise" Stefan said

"I am not compromising my wedding. It is my wedding" I said

"How about we see what we have in common and we will go from there" Stefan said

I didn't answer so he took that as a yes

"Ok how about music?" Stefan asked

"Dj" I said

"Live orchestra" Rebecca said

I scoffed

"I am not having a live orchestra, I want my wedding to be fun and the guest to be entertained not falling asleep." I said

"How about we have both" Stefan suggested

It wasn't my money I was spending, if they wanted to spend more I will let them.

"Sure, but the live orchestra will have specific songs they will play at specific timing that I will pick, no one else will. " I said standing my ground. Just because I am letting them have it doesn't mean they get to choose when they play or what songs.

"Okay" Stefan said

"Caterer?" Stefan asked

"Raphael and his team" Rebecca said

"I would need to try Raphael food and decided what entrees I want. I will have options for people but I will decided the menu" I replied

"That is fine, you will love Raphael's food" Stefan said

I trusted Stefan's taste but I would decided what we are serving.

We went through a whole list and a lot of stuff Rebecca and I disagreed

"I will not have those flowers. I want the venue to look alive and bright. The flowers you chose do not stand out, they blend in, they give me an old vibe. That is not how my wedding is" I said

"They are elegant and would go perfectly with the table and chairs" she said

"Which we aren't picking. Like I said I'm doing color that will stand out and not blend in with the walls" I argued

For the past hour and a half it was straight up arguments. I wanted to rip my hair out, but I haven't snapped out.

"Mom" Stefan said

"Fine, we will do it your way" she replied

"Ok dress"

"She'll wear the one I wore" Rebecca said

Huh did I hear that correctly

"What" I questioned

"That is a very important tradition. My mother gave it to me which then Jessica wore and Amelia and now you" she said

Now this is where she crossed the line

"Stop" I shouted and snapped. I couldn't deal with this crap anymore

"If I wanted to wear someone else's dress I would have worn my mother's." I said

"I'm sorry I can't do this right now" I scoffed

I left the room and signaled rocky to follow. I needed to get out of here, I need to go home, where I actually belonged.

I went upstairs and grabbed my bag. I started packing my bag, I was going home.

"Babe" Stefan said

"What" I replied

"What are you doing, why are you packing?" He asked

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