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The warm water fell in little droplets on my body as I was was washing my hair and scrubbing down on my body.


Finishing up my shower, I grabbed a towel and dried myself, soon, noticing myself in the mirror. Blueish-purple bruises in big patches on my arm, from previous missions and one big bruised hand mark on my neck from where Dabi choked me. He's just so aggressive it's almost annoying, but I understand why. Or so I think...

Red swollen cuts scarred into my hips and near my shoulders, with a big scar down my chest. Sigh. If only I wasn't sent there. Don't have to deal with this shit everyday. Whilst carefully dressing up into my clothes, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, as if someone was stabbing something into me. Realization hit me. Shit. Shit. Why is it happening now? Even after those experiments? Damn it. I want to scream. Scream and cry everything out.

I could feel my vision start to go blurry and my head starting to ache. Clutching my heart, i could feel thick liquid start to spread and coat my hands. Looking down, I realized the wound opened up again. The pain excruciated throughout my body, making it unbearable. Pools of tears started to form in my eyes and fall down my face. This has happened only sometimes before, however, it was never as bad as what is happening now. Every small movement I tried to make, would only make it worse.

"Fuck." I panted. I still have to to go to the door though. In case, someone comes tries to come in here-

Dabi's pov:

How the fuck am I supposed to use this thing. Am i supposed to press this button or that button. Twice and toga are probably asleep. Fuck it. I'm just gonna ask Y/n. Going down the elevator, something didn't feel right. It didn't feel normal. At all.

The atmosphere was quiet, only the faint sound of the clock ticking and my feet stepping on the marble tiles. Opening her door, she wasn't anywhere to be seen at first glance. It's almost pitch black, apart from the moon shining in, exposing every small thing on her bed. I noticed the lights in her bathroom were still on from the gap underneath her door.

Suspecting she was in there, I knocked.


No answer.


No answer.

She's probably still showering. I sighed.

"Y/n. How am i supposed to use this goddamn remote?" I asked, loud enough for her to hear. Still no answer. What the hell is she doing. There was no sound of water. She can definitely hear me, but why the fuck isn't she answering.

"Yo. You there?" I asked, again, knocking louder this time. There's something definitely very wrong. I tried opening the door but failed. It's locked. I could tell she was inside. There was no key that could unlock the outside part.

"Y/n this better not be a fucking prank. "OPEN THE DOOR. NOW!" I shouted, banging on the door. my mind raced with thoughts on what to do. Wait. I felt something weird touch my foot. It's cold. Looking down, a trail of blood from the bathroom came running down from underneath the gap of the door.

"Y/n! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I demanded.


The door lock. It clicked. I swung the door open, next to the door, was her. Both hands excessively covered with blood. One hand on the floor trying to stable herself, whilst another hand remained clutching her chest. Half of the floor, smeared with blood. This is the first time I've seen her so hurt, in a long time.

I was frozen in place. I didn't know what to do. Skinny paths of tears fled from her eyes, falling down her face and disappearing underneath her chin. Her eyes started to close, her arm losing it's stability. Before she could fall over, I caught her in time. Her body fell limp in my arms.

"Y/n!" I called out, seeing if she would wake up. With no success, I placed her down on a clean space on the floor. She was losing blood. A lot of it. Crap. I wasn't just gonna sit here and watch her bleed to death.

Shit. This is bad.


My mind thought of something. This is definitely not the correct way to treat these things. I still have to try to help her. I quickly took a clean towel, ran it under some water, then gently dabbed it on the wound, wiping some of the blood around it, at the same time, cleaning Y/n up a bit.

"You have to cooperate. Hold this towel down on your wound, okay?" No answer. Fuck. Okay. I placed the towel over the wound and took her hand, placing it on top of the towel, gently applying pressure to it. I have no idea if that's gonna do any good but it's better than nothing. Running out of the bathroom. I immediately dashed towards her desk and rummaged through her things, hopefully finding something that would help. A stapler. Should I? Fuck it. Better than letting her die. I quickly ran back to her and lifted off her hand along the towel, revealing a deep wound. Luckily she's unconscious, she shouldn't feel any of this. I carefully pinched my index and thumb fingers on some skin around the wound, then closing them with the stapler.

It didn't look that bad. Once I've finished, I picked Y/n up, slipped a hoodie on her and laid her out flat on the bed.  What the fuck happened to her anyway-
Whatever. Shrugging it off, I just walked to the door, opened it and carefully closed it since it's midnight now. Before opening the door, I looked down at the blood upon my hands. Ah shit. She lost so much blood. Just..be okay. My head turns to her once more. Her face frowning. My teeth clenches before turning back and opening the door, the small shard of light shining at the end of her bed.

Good night, y/n.

Note from the author ・:*+
   Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter/enjoying this story so far.
   Thanks for reading this! *・゜゚・*:
   I'm not too sure if i like this chapter or not, lol.
   Sorry if the first paragraph seemed rushed btw.
   I promise it's not supposed to be rushed

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