521 14 1

Suddenly, I jolt awake. My breathing labored and my head a little sweaty. I look down and then around. Hm. I'm still in the clothes.

"You're awake." I hear dabi say from next to me. He stands up and grabs out a cold bottle of water, unscrewing the cap then handing it to me. I thank him and drink almost half the bottle, my labored breaths dying down in the process.

"What time is it?" I question, looking up at him. "2:18am." He answers, lightly throwing his phone to his bed.

"Did you have a nightmare or something?" He wondered out loud, his eyes facing the bright half moon outside. "Uhm. I think so. Why?" I asked, looking at the water bottle label for no apparent reason.

"You were like frowning while sleeping. Also, you were crying a bit." He said, the sound of the bedsheets rustling in between. I was? I swiped my fingers under my eyes. It's damp. I may have cried, but why? I shrug it off and lift the covers off my legs, took some more comfortable clothes, before disappearing into the bathroom. I wrapped the towel around my body, my wet hair dripping down in droplets on the ground. I lifted up my chin a bit. It's finally gone. I sigh and start to dry my hair a bit.

I laid back down on the bed, the duvets covering me up until my stomach. I observed dabi as he sat at the edge behind my bed, his arms overlapping themselves, his head resting on them.

"So. What happened in your dream?" He started. I froze. Uhm.

"I saw, someone getting in a physical argument. Like they were arguing but one was hitting the other. I might have known them so maybe that's why I cried? I don't know." I answered, trying to find the right words then taking the bottle again and drinking the rest of the water.

"I had a dream quite similar believe it or not." He responds, his gaze shifting to me. I look at him, a bit surprised.

"Except. Nothing was physical. It was all just yelling, crying and a shit load of threatening. I couldn't even help her. But if I could help, I wouldn't even be able to do much." He sighs, his head now resting on his hand.

"Her?" I question, playing with the water bottle lid.

"A girl. Maybe 10-12 years old. Dabi predicted. I stopped. My gaze now at the moon.

"What's..her name?" I hesitantly ask, sighing at the end.

"She wouldn't tell me. I ask, she says 'I'll have to find out myself.'" He scoffs, his head falls on the bed. I laugh a bit.

"There was a boy in my dream too. Same age as the girl in your dream. He wasn't involved in the fight but he was there." I mention, continuing to play with the bottle.

"Name?" He asks. "He also wouldn't tell me. Sheesh. Kids I guess." I lie through my teeth.

"Hey y/n. You should get yourself checked up at a hospital or something. This isn't the first time you blacked out." Dabi suggests, his words muffled as his face is implanted into the mattress.

"That's true. It's probably just stress or something but yeah sure I'll go see a doctor." I agree, throwing my head back in exhaustion. Just in that moment I hear my phone vibrate against the table. I reach out my arm and check who messaged me. Shigaraki? I swipe up and check what he said. My eyes widen and i turn off my phone, groaning in the process. "What?"

"Hey y/n. I told Mr Saijo that he's gonna check up on you. Go to the location I sent underneath this message tomorrow at 11am."

I think for a bit. Then begin to quickly type.

"And no. You cannot buy your way out of this. That will only work one time."

I groan again and delete what I was typing.

"Okk. Sure ig." I hesitantly type back, not wanting to send it but eventually did.

"Oh come on y/n. Saijo isn't that bad. He just really likes to be all flirtatious and stuff. Even with me." He tries to tell me. I look at him then shrug.

"Ok. Fine. I will go to that all-positive 'certified doctor'." I say at the end.

"He's actually a pretty good person. Minus the flirting part." Dabi added.


"Y/n~." Saijo beamed from his desk, his chin resting on the back of both of his hands, elbows on the desk. Strands of his dark brown hair hanging just above his eyes. "You do not know how much I tried to avoid you." I smile at him, sitting in the empty chair. The room was spacious, the big windows behind him, overlooking the entire city, with some normal doctor equipment at the side of the room.

"Oh come on y/n. Don't need to be so mean. Hm?" He suddenly whispers in my ear. I try to hit him but he's back at his seat. This guy.

"Shigaraki said youve been fainting a lot?" He looked at me. I nodded.

"Hm. As you might have known, it could be because of stress. Or. It could be something else. I'll check you and see what's wrong with you."


"Good girl. You didn't try to kill me this time." Saijo patted my head before sitting back in his chair. "I have the things. I need. You can go now, darling~."

"No don't even." I immediately stand up and leave, hearing a distant laugh behind me. He says one last thing. "You're blushing by the way." He laughs. I point the middle finger at him before closing the door then leaving.
"Fuck my life." I mutter.

Authors note:
Thank you so much for reading this chapter.
note: Saijo is a person I completely made up.
Also, how did you guys get my reads from 200 to 300??I was completely shocked, but very very thankful!
Thank you all so much for supporting my book!
Take care! Stay safe! Byebye!

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