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Suddenly the door opens, causing both of us to move away from each other.

"Y/n! Dabi-! Oh. Ugh, ew. What the hell. Guys it's 2:30 in the fucking morning. Please have some respect for me." Both her arms cross over each other, her eyebrows furrow. Me and Dabi exchange looks before staring back at Toga.

"The fuck is this? Giving me silent treatment? I walked into this room only to find you two have a little" - she makes air quotes - "session." She blatantly says, dropping her arms to her sides.

"Sorry." Dabi mumbles out. I stifle a laugh, turning my head away to hide the growing grin on my face.

"Thank you. As I was saying, Shigrakai wants you two in there. Right now."



Me and Dabi stand opposite of where Shigaraki stands whilst Toga shifts away, her eyes scanning us up and down before moving her attention to the desk. Can she not?

We're met with a digital screen so big it fits around the entire table almost perfectly, displaying a map of the whole city followed by names and street numbers.

"This is an attack plan meeting." Shigaraki begins, making all of us stiffen simultaneously.

Knew it.

"It will be in the City Centre. Right in this building." He taps the screen once, immediately activating it to zoom in onto the building's whereabouts and details.

"Like before, it'll be a formal event. According to a special someone they're celebrating a hero's birthday."

"And?" Dabi questions, leaning forward to properly see the details.

"We are not killing. Not today at least." Shigaraki responds plainly, exhaling gently.

His arm extends to his full length, swiping the screen with two fingers to reveal profile pictures, and I suddenly can't breathe. I grip the table behind me so hard the blood rushes out of my knuckles.

"Hostages. Three." Shigaraki holds up three fingers. I am...so lost.

"Hostages?" Even Toga is confused.

"We're taking them back to the headquarters tomorrow, which is when we are leaving the hotel." Shigaraki continues, ignoring our obvious confusion.

"Hostages for what?" I ask, almost cutting him off at the last word. I catch him briefly turning his head to look at me as he swipes again on the screen.

"Interrogation. We need more information about Mio. We know too little to be attempting to kill her." He glances at me. I cringe, turning my head away to avoid humiliation. I don't understand why we need to do this. Other than some dry responses, how will it help? I turn my head back to properly look at the pictures. This is a dream. Shoto's eyes give me the same cold look as before. That day, I was able to not do any harm. But now, I don't even know anymo-.

"Y/n. You are in charge of him." His sudden command makes me shift my focus to the conversation now. I breathe in a deep breath. His finger hovers above Shoto's picture.

"You. You are in charge of him. I expect you to kidnap and get him here in a decent condition. Furthermore, you will also be in charge of interrogating him." He explains it quickly, moving on to Toga's duty. Didn't even give me a chance to say 'yes'. Are you kidding me?


There were two things that were foreign to me about today's attack.

Number one: It is a masked event. We had to wear a mask that revealed only fifty percent of our faces, wether it be only seeing that lower half or the upper half. Doesn't matter. So long as it's covering fifty percent, it's fine.

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