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"Damn, this guy." I grip my phone and continue to walk forwards, my heel resonating though the entire venue as goosebumps pimpled my skin.

"Your friend gone?" The familiar voice rang in my head, as the word 'no' looped over, and over in denial. I jerk my head around, only to be met with a hard slap to the face. "Hold her down and bring her here." Her command echoed as the two men found themselves compelled to follow, my arms rising with the help of them. "It hurts, loosen up a bit will you?" I grit out. There's no use screaming for help. These walls are soundproof for damn sake. "Another word from your spiteful mouth and I'll double what I'm about to do." Oh yeah, this is her we're talking about. She's psychotic. "Stay still, my dear." She pulls out a knife, one of her men forcing the inside of my arm to face her. My...scars...are gone. No..she isn't going to do this to me. "Wha-what are you doi-." A cloth muffles my protests as soon as the blade scraped against my skin, running down my arm. The skin that took years to heal. The skin that resembled my years of recovery, and now she's implanting them all again. I want to scream. I kick my feet, I squirm, I shake my head as if she will look up and sympathise. Tears roll down and soak into the cloth and I bite down on the cloth, I bite down so hard my teeth ache in order to ease some of the pain, but to no avail. "I need this sample for my experiment. Be a dear and lend me the other arm." No. Please, no. "That's enough ___." I was crying too much to recognise who it was, and before I could process the grip on me loosened completely, taking me by surprise. I lean back against the pillar, clutching my slashed arm as I take in deep breaths. "I'll meet you downstairs. Touch her and she'll kill you. I know who she is, Tamaki. She isn't who you think she is. You were better off with the other woman. Y/n, my dear, for your information, your little voodoo doll and another girl was caught doing PDA, kissing to be exact. Toga, was her name? Pulled him back and dragged him away. So much for being loyal. If only I knew her name." I hear my mother say one last time as she cackles away. Tamaki?? Fuck. "Shit." I swear, wiping my tears away. This is such a bad situation. I turn my back away from him to hide my face. "Y/n..." I hear his heel step closer to me as his shadow looms over my vulnerable body. "If you're here to sympathise me or just laugh at me then leave. You ought to anyway."

"Why are you..." He finally breathes. I look down at my arm and my eyes fill up again, my bottom lip drawing blood from the held back sobs.

Hawk's pov:

I've never seen her so..vulnerable. So injured. So hurt. I'm shocked she's able to verbally fight back considering her situation. I take another step forward and kneel down so we're at equal height.

"Touch me and I will kill you." She grits out, the blood dripping onto the marble tiles.

"Considering the position you're in, I don't think you should do that."

"Don't underestimate what I can do."

"Please don't use it. Not now. I know you have the power to, but I beg you."

She gives me a glare that stabs my soul for a split second before giving up.


Y/n's pov:

I don't know when or how we got to this point, but here I am. In this stranger's penthouse, letting him tend the slash on my arm.

"Pretty deep...huh?" He rolls the gauze once, twice, and I don't reply. Not that I don't want to, but I just...physically can't. I stare at him, and watch his fingers carefully avoid the cut on my arm. "Luckily, you don't need stitches, and lucky for me since I'm not a surgeon." He lets out a soft smile, one I've never seen anyone do.

"Tamaki." I breathe out.

"Yes?" He looks up, forcing eye contact with me with his own eyes.

"Why...did you help me?" He paused and hesitated upon hearing my sudden inquiry before breathing out.

"I found you, and, I've never seen you or anyone in that matter so vulnerable. I mean, you had blood dripping down your arm, you were crying and I just...couldn't leave anyone like that." He finishes the gauze and wraps it tightly before reinforcing it with medical tape.

"Y/n, you may be a villain, but I have morals." Scrunching up the wrapping of the gauze, he stood up and threw it into the bin. I think back to what my mother said: for your information, your little voodoo doll and another girl was caught doing PDA, kissing to be exact. Toga, was her name? Pulled him back. He...kissed another girl. The bile creeps up my throat.

"Are you okay?" Tamaki rests back down on the bed, the ambient lighting in the room illuminating his bright red wings. "Can I-."

"Stay here for the night," His hand caresses my back as he continues "I saw it. Him kissing the other girl." I stare out into the window and rest my eyes upon the galaxy-like view of the city. NYC is so beautiful...
His hand travels up to my head before burying my face against the crook of his neck.

' You may be a villain, but I have morals.'

Author's note:

"it's tIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIme" (for a book cover change and a whole book change) HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS (it's November). IT FELT LIKE FOREVER SINCE I'VE GREETED YOU MY POOKIE WOOKIES (it has been 10 months.)

On a more serious note, I don't think I can apologize anymore because I have been doing so for the past 10 or so chapters and I always come in with these notes with empty promises and I don't think I should be doing that anymore. I'm sorry (for the last time) but don't be surprised if I just spontaneously disappeared; I swear, I'm not dead I'm just trying to survive school 🥹. This is a very juicy chapter (only at the end).

As some of you may have noticed, yes, I did change the cover, and the title, meaning that my plans for the plot has changed. I hope that you guys respect my decision to change the plot, book title and cover as this enables more creativity to flow throughout the plot and as the book grows. I feared that if I restrict it down into just a *character"s name* x reader, the pathway and kind of plot in which I write in isn't going to take this book very far, which is not what I want. Thus, I hope you understand this big, hefty change! Thank you guys so so much for this immense support I love you guys so much!

Take care, and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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