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Dabi's pov:

I turn my attention to her, shocked. I bend down so that now were both equal in height.

"I promise. I didn't do anything. I was there but mom wasn't. Everyone avoided me. It wasn't my fault." She continues, her voice cracking at the end.

"Hey. It really isn't your fault. I don't have the full story but this is really all I can confirm. Don't live on thinking that. Don't worry. None of it will ever be your fault." I say, placing my hand on her head to try and comfort her.

I blink for just a second and suddenly I'm no longer in the field of flowers, the girl is also no where to be seen. Not knowing where I am, I look around to see if anything looks familiar. It's too quiet here, but this place looks bright. I notice the silent whimper of cries and the fact that everyone is dressed in black. Hm. Am I at a funeral? If I'm in a funeral, that means someone has passed away right? I start to walk around, specifically away from the bigger crowds. A casket. With a portrait. I move closer to see who it is but see that the portrait of the person was faded grey. Looking around at everyone, I notice that everyone's faces are faded grey. I can't identify who anyone is.

"The wife isn't here but the daughter is." I hear a woman say from behind me. I turn around to see the girl again, sitting down on a chair, but her face wasn't faded black, it has a confused yet sad expression. The two adults move away from her to join the crowd of adults at the other side of the room, leaving her alone. As normal, nobody can see me. But now even the girl can't see me? Damn.

"I was told by her mom that he died because his daughter was too much for him."

"How pitiful."

"Her mom is still taking care of her? She would've been out of my home."

"She can hear us."

"She won't understand anything, don't worry."

She understands very well. Why do you think so low of her? She didn't do anything.

"Excuse me." I hear the girl say. I look behind to see her tugging at a girl's dress. She smiles at her but pushes her away gently and ignores the girl, leaving her confused. Is this how everyone treats her? So coldly? For what? She didn't do anything.
"It's your fault."

I suddenly open my eyes again to see I've woken up, then look around to see if I'm really back.

"Good grief. You've been out for a good 5 hours. It's like 2 in the morning right now." I hear y/n call out from next to me. Why's she next to me?

"I reek of alcohol." I mutter out, starting to stand up.

"No shit. You drank so much you were seriously fucked." She informs me, standing up and walking to her bed.

"Why were you sitting here?" I question, getting my clothes and going to the bathroom.

"Go shower. The smell is too strong." She scoffs, pinching her nose.

"I know. I know. Fine. I'll go in now." I say, starting to close the door.

"I'm gonna go sleep. Don't wake me up." She tells me before closing most of the lights. I open my mouth to say something but stop myself. Never mind. Good night y/n.

Y/n's pov:

"You have about 6 months to live. Maximum is 1 year, only if you take the surgery. Even then, it's risky, it'll cause your chest to hurt like hell." Saijo sighs, handing me the report.

"Since you already have a wound there that might open up it's not gonna be good, but hang in there." He smiles a little at me. I take the report and read a few words then nod at him. "So. I'll die, basically." I say, folding the report and holding it. I watch as he hesitates, not wanting to admit it. After a short while, he sighs and nods, leaning back in his chair.

"I see." I simply answered as I stood up.

"By the way, are you scared?" He asks, resting his head on his hand. I stand up and think for a while. I then shake my head.

"Not really." You plainly answer. That's a lie. Of course I'm fucking scared. I'm gonna die. That's all I know. The rest, I didn't really pay attention to. I can take the surgery but, I don't know really. Will I? Probably. Or maybe not. All these thoughts suddenly come rushing into mind. I walk out of the room and close the door but immediately I fall to the floor, clutching my chest. It hurts. A lot. Much more then when my wound opened.

"Y/n!" I hear him call from the other side of the door. This isn't normal. I can definitely see why the percentage is so big. I feel the door open behind me and see him kneeling down and stroking my back. There's nothing both of us can do. We just have to wait until this pain goes away.

Finally. I feel the pain start to subside after a little while. I let go of my chest and felt the area where my nails dug into cool up.

"It fucking hurts." I mumble, i say, looking at the floor.

"I know it does." He responds, helping me get up.

"Slowly. Don't trigger it again." He assures, helping me stand straight and making sure I don't fall.

"Trigger it?" I am, looking at him. "If your too stressed it could trigger the pain. Be careful." He informs me, letting go.

"I see. Alright. I'll be fine from here. Thank you so much." I say, waving to him, in which he waves back. So. This is how it feels like. Sigh.

Note from author:
Thank you so much for reading this chapter!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Take care and stay safe!
Sorry for the delay on this chapter!
Yes, I did edit this chapter because I wasn't satisfied with the plot. Sorry!

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