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"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! Time to go kill some people!" I heard the familiar squeaky voice call out. "Toga I swear what time is it?" I ask, placing a pillow over my head. "It's 6pm!" She exclaims jumping up and down on my bed.

"Excuse me?" I quickly sat up and looked at her.

"Yeah you slept for a long time y/n!" Her voice loud. I got up and started to go to the bathroom to get ready. After that, putting on an outfit. 6:22pm. I still have some time.

Right after I open my door I get tackled to the floor. "Hehe. Gotcha!" I knew that voice. "I'm hungry." I state as I turned my head to face toga.

"I know which is why.." She took out an apple in the other hand. "Good enough." I thanked her and took the apple, taking a bite out of it and heading back to my room to get my phone.


I stood at the rooftop of UA high school, near the window where I could look inside to see what was happening. As I looked inside I could clearly see all the students training in different ways.

"What's it like?" Dabi asks me from a distance trying to keep his voice low. "The students are fighting. We probably have to do it in groups." I repy back. "Okay then. Oi. Toga and twice. uh what are you doing?" He suddenly asked. I turned my head and both toga and twice were fantasising over a damn flower growing from a crack.

"Pretty!" Toga squealed. "So charming!" Twice agreed. "Cut the crap. You two go in and get the distraction of most of the students. Me and y/n will get the three and that teacher." Dabi instructed.

"Okayyyy." Toga shouted. Jumping and breaking the window. I could hear some of the students screaming and one of them shouting instructions. I kept looking until I could see that all the students, toga and twice ran out of the hall.

"Now." I say. Dabi nodded and ran to the other side of the roof. I  climbed down the ladder until I was at a decent height above the ground, then i use my foot to break the window, took one of my knives and threw it at the lights making them break. Now one part of the hall is dark.

Good. I hear a shout and see a blue flame. That's my queue to head in. I look in and see Dabi and eraser head fighting whilst the three students looked over and saw me, with one about to activate his quirk. I quickly jump in. It wasn't that high since the window I chose to jump in was quite low to the ground. I start to attack by kicking the back of the blonde haired boy that was starting to use his quirk.

The other two boys ran to him to check if he was okay but then they noticed me. I can't fight them all at once. Oh well. My hand reached down to my pocket and I take some of the capsules I had and threw them to the ground, making gas spread everywhere.

"Shit!" I heard someone curse. My eyes revert down and saw that the blonde guy was still there. I took this advantage and take out my knife and try to cut him. He acted fast though, quickly standing up and trying to hit me with his explosions. I manage to dodge them but he keeps trying to hit me with them.

"Die!" He shouts multiple times. That's gonna be a pain to get through. I take another capsule and throw it to the ground, again making it explode and fill the whole space between us with gas.

"Damn you!" I'm guessing the blonde boy i'm fighting said that. I can see him clearly through the gas and his back faced me. A small smile planted on my face and I quickly ran towards him, taking out my knife in the process. Just as I was about to cut him, he turned around at the same time and grabs hold of my arm.

I kicked the back of his leg joints with my heel, causing him to collapse and fall over flat on the ground, letting go of my arm in the process. I took this opportunity to step on his back and take his arm bending it back as well. He starts to shout and curse but I step on his head into the ground which would muffle the sounds a bit.

"Quiet down will you?" I said to him, then cutting a slit on his arm. He continued to curse at me. "Continue your whining and you can say bye to your arm blondie." I threaten him. His cries continued to die down into muffled curses. I put the knife up to my mouth and licked it, letting go of the boy's arm.

"Shit. I cant move. What the fuck!" He shouts. While he's doing all that, I clean off the blood off the tip of my knife. After I was done, my hand grabs the collar of his shirt and I look around. "Hm. Let's see the green guy. Deku. Correct? " I asked. No answer. I shrugged and walked towards where Deku is until I was close enough. He clearly is panicking and trying to call for names, looking around and his face was quite funny.

I grab the blonde dude by the arms and throw him at Deku making both of them fall over. Deku frantically recognized who was on top of him and tried to make sure that the blondie was okay but that made him more vulnerable.

Does he really not notice me? Yet, see me? Slit. Blood ran down his arm. Wow. Easy. I can tell he's surprised when he felt the knife cut through his skin. I lifted it up and licked it, his  eyes widening and his body stiffening, making him fall beside the blondie. "Huh?!" He exclaims. "Deku! You dumbass! I thought you were better!" The blonde screeched. Ew-

There is one last boy isn't there? I looked around but can't see anyone. I started to walk forwards a bit then caught a glimpse of Dabi fighting eraserhead. So far eraserhead looks like he's winning? My eyes were on them for only a second but I started to feel as if someone was behind me-

"Don't make yourself so vulnerable."


Note from author!
Two chapters in a dayayayay!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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