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My cheeks are soaked with my tears, my seemingly never ending waterfall. It's so hard to see him clearly when my vision is covered with my tears.

"Do it." I breathe out. I take one deep breath. "Now."


I freeze. The blade hits the floor, causing me to let go of his wrist to get away from the proximity. My hand lifts itself to swipe at my eyes to clear my vision...or at least attempt to.

"Y/n? Please will yo-."

"Don't even try to talk to me. You wanna switch partners then so fucking be it. I don't care anymore." I mumble just loud enough for him to hear. My shoulder bumps into his but I don't bother to apologize. I just want to make the agonizing pain go away for now. It's the least I could do. Streaks of tears stroll down my cheeks as I turned off the lights and covered myself with the duvets, the fabric of the pillow case slowly absorbing my tears, forcing myself to close my eyes and ignore Dabi.

"i...good night Y/n. please rest well."


I jolt awake from the sheer screech of lightning. Oh? Weather forecast said it was gonna be a clear day today. I turn my body to face the night desk, my arm extending to reach my phone. 4:08am. Exactly 3 hours and 52 minutes before I wake up. No point sleeping.

We're gonna separate...just like before. He's gonna leave me all alone again. I walk towards the balcony, sliding open the door before closing it behind me. The light rain tapped and tickled against my skin right as another shock of thunder shattered the earth.

Dabi. He was mad...like really mad.

'It's all your fault!'

'That's why your mother left you!'

The two sentences will forever haunt me..alongside the others. It's not like I've never heard these before..so why am I so affected? What is this feeling that gets in the way of my hatred for him? It's so troublesome and for what cost? Why does my heart physically ache hearing those statements slide out of his mouth so casually?

I slowly lowered myself onto the floor, resting my head onto the sliding glass doors behind me. I suck in a few deep breathes, trying to rest my mind.


I jump a little but soon recognize the voice. I quickly lifted up and hand to wipe off the tears, quickly standing up to walk past him.

"Don't even try to touch me." I spit, glaring at his hands.

"Or what?" He retorts back, grabbing my elbow.

"Oh where did your sweet little apologetic voice go?" I question, mocking him whilst attempting to get his grip to loosen

"I asked first."

"Do you have a death wish or something? I told you to not touch me."

"And I'm asking you why."

"So persistent huh?"

"You don't seem to be fighting back when I touch you though."

"Yes Dabi, if it didn't come to your attention, people do not need to fight to show their emotions."

"Then tell me. Tell me what you're feeling right now."

He takes one step forward, I take one backwards.

"And why should I?"

Step backwards.

"I want more."

Step backwards.

"Of what?" I hesitatingly ask, my back coming into contact with the wall.

"Your voice." Damn it. Why does his voice have to be so intimidating.

"No." I hesitantly reply.

"Then at least let me dry you off. You're soaking wet...and not in a good way."


The touch and the strokes feel so gentle. It's as if I'm a porcelain doll. It's weird and...am I dreaming?. He was just yelling at me a second ago, and now he's acting as if it all never happened.

"Y/n." He finally breaks the silence.

Oh fuck.

I don't reply. I don't move.

All of a sudden, his arms intertwine around me, one at the back of my head and the other on my lower back whilst my body gets pressed up against his and I can't breathe. No. No. No. No. Don't do this to me again, Dabi. Please.

I make an attempt to push him away, but as I do, his grip tightens as if not wanting to let go anytime soon.

"Can you listen to me for a bit?"

I shake my head vigorously.

"Why do you still care?" I whisper, trying to control my breathing.

"Do you want the worded answer or the other one...?"

"The other one?" I repeat out of confusion.

"Good choice"

The back of my head hits the wall with the sudden contact of Dabi's lips on mine. Nope. Not a dream. I'm wide awake. His fingers snake up my waist whilst his free hand strokes my cheek. With his body basically weighing me down, the air felt thick. So, thick. It's hard to breathe, but now the hand that was just caressing my cheek is now gently gripping the back of my neck. As soon as I felt his lips begin to part, his hand is away from my neck and is now brushing the strands of hair from my face.

"You're beautiful. Inside and out. So, so beautiful." He mumbles, slightly smiling.


"Did you know that out of the 8 billion people there are in this sick and twisted world, you are the only one in which I can be myself around. Isn't that funny?"

"Toga. Twice. Shigaraki. You've known them for much longer." I protest.

"And I'm glad I did. But they see me as an actual villain, the stereotypical ones."

"Huh? The ones in those movies? The ones with the insane maniacal laughing and their ridiculous plans?"

At first, I couldn't tell wether or not he was laughing or crying, until I saw his smile. The smile that he was forced to hide away as a child. The sound of his laughs that were kept away from society.

"You're the first person I opened up to. I can do whatever I want around you without having that pressure on me. And I plan for you to the last person I open up to."

"8 billion people. You're only gonna do it for me? One person? Are you sure?" I question in disbelief.

"It's you. It is and will always be you. You can lose me, but I can't lose you." He simply replies, pressing a light kiss to my cheek.

"Who knew. Infamous villain Dabi is capable of having a soft spot for me?" I jokingly ask, holding back a grin.

"I think Toga and Twice have figured that out a long time ago that I have a big soft spot for (Ms/Mr) Y/n L/n." He slowly mutters between us as his arms wrap around me.

I can't lose you, Dabi. No way.

Author's note:

Hello everyone! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Again, words genuinely cannot describe how grateful I am that actual people read my work. I'm so thankful for everyone of you and I love you so much. I am sorry for the amount of time I skip between each upload (it'll stop one day...i hope..).

Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day and take care! Byebye!

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