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I found myself waking up with myself on the couch. Oh yeah. Yesterday I slept here. Dabi seemed to be awake already, since he wasn't sat next to me anymore.

"Y/n!" A squeaking voice called out. It was Toga.

"Hi." I waved at her. "Dabi went out to do something if you were wondering." Toga explained whilst pouring cereal into a bowl. "Oh ok." I nodded. He always does this. He goes out without saying anything.

"Want some?" Toga asked, pointing to the box of cereal. "Yeah, sure." I replied.


It was 1:34 in the morning right now. Is dabi still not back? Probably not. I shrugged it off and continued listening to my music, soon going downstairs to get food. Going downstairs, I heard the click of the door open, probably dabi. Sure enough, there he was, but he was covering the side of his stomach or something. I realized that something was wrong.

"Uh what happened to you?" I asked, pointing to where his hand covered his. Stomach. He looked at me for a split second but then quickly turned his head the opposite direction once he recognized who was speaking to him.

"Oi. What the fuck-

"Shut the hell up whore." He growled, his voice raspy and scratched. At the same time, he slammed his free hand down on the counter. Blood started to excessively drip from his stomach. "Did you get stabbed-"

Dabi's POV:

"Get the fuck away from me you dirty fucking rat!" I shouted, lifting my hand and slapping it across her face, which made her fall onto the floor, then proceeding to kick her in places. Still keeping my hand on my cut. Suddenly, she grabbed my leg and pushed me down to the floor, my hand lifting off from my wound and exposing it. Without thinking, i lifted up my hand again and slapped her once more.

Shit. It was the bloody hand. My eyes kept its gaze on her tongue as it met its way towards my blood. Fuck. She's gonna use it.

"Y/n don't you fucking think about it." I demanded. All of a sudden, every single part of my body started to feel numb. Before i knew it, i couldn't feel anything. She's controlling it. I tried to stand up, in which i failed and fell back to the floor. Even trying to use my quirk was impossible.

"Y/n. I swear i will fucking kill you." I warned her. She just scoffed and rolled her eyes at me, then grabbing a needle and thread and stitching up my scar. I still kept trying to move and trying to activate my quirk.

"Move more and it'll hurt more, unless you want it to hurt." She explained, never losing focus on what she was doing. "Tch."

Y/n POV:

Once I've finished, i placed the needle and thread on the counter and inactivated my quirk.

"Bye-" i got cut off by suddenly being thrown against a wall, every part of my body screaming in pain. How is he able to suddenly move like that? Doesn't it fucking hurt? Before i could do anything, he started to kick me on my arms and legs, grabbing my collar and punching me several times on my face, every part of my body screaming in pain.

"Go to hell." Dabi spat at me, kicking me hard in the stomach then stepping hard on my left arm above my elbow.

There was nothing i could do. I suddenly started to feel two cold hands around my neck, soon tightening it's grip. He's mad. Very mad. His mouth contorted into a smile as he started to choke me.

"I said i would kill you, right?" He asked. I wasn't able to breathe at all. Every time i tried to get air, he would just squeeze tighter, making my neck hurt. I lifted up my right arm to his two hands but he acted immediately and used his other foot and stepped on it too. I was helpless. Shit. Shit.

"Answer me, dear y/n."Dabi whispered into my ear making me flinch. Dabi then pressed down harder on both my arms and tightened his grip more on my neck.

"Ignoring me now?" Dabi smirked. Is this how i die. I couldn't do anything at this point, my vision started to go blurry.

"DABI!" I heard someone shout from behind me. All of a sudden, dabi was pulled back by someone, letting go of my neck and my arms feeling light. I quickly sat up and started violently coughing, trying to get as much air into my lungs as possible, my arms still in immense pain.


Note from author ~

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Next chapter will be uploaded soon!

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