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I walk down the almost empty street before hearing a ding from my phone. I reach into my bag to grab it and see a notification for a post on the news.

'Pregnant woman confronts girl whom boyfriend cheated with.' A video? Of me?

I could feel my face turning into a look of disgust, then into confusion. As I swiped up, I played the video, also inserting earphones to hear everything. 1 minute passes by, that turned into 5 minutes. Huh? Dabi's voice isn't in there at all. I let out a sigh of irritation before I braced myself to look at the 203 comments.

'How could she do that and walk off as if she won?'  123 likes
'This is unacceptable!' 512 likes
'I've been through the same thing. Girls like this don't deserve anything.' 1.3k likes
'This is hard to watch.' 657 likes

I mean. Why would I care? Yes, that's me in the video but aren't people gonna say the same thing to a villain? I go off the news and decided to listen to music whilst walking. It was all fine until I hear voices from all around me.

"Hey. That's the girl from the news."

"How isn't she ashamed?"

"She's acting as if no one hates her."

"Can she not?"

"The disrespect."

Can they leave me alone? Can they keep their mouth shut when they don't know the full story? Can they just shut the fuck up?

"It's all her fault."


"Y/n! Dabi! Let's go shopping! Come on!" Toga calls out, pulling my arms up so that I stand up.

"I want to get ice cream." I quietly mention, standing up and walking to my phone.

"Then we'll get ice cream!" Toga cheers.

"I want coffee." Dabi decides, standing up.

"Then we'll get coffee!" Twice cheers from around the corner. Me and Dabi watch as twice and toga both jump up and down in joy.

"Those two are like a lovey dovey couple everywhere." Dabi observed, nudging me.

"Eh. Why are there flowers around them?" I point out, noticing the bright pink and yellow flowers around both of them.

"Look. There are even the sparkles are there." Dabi adds on, sighing at the end.

Dabi's pov:

"Toga. Twice. What the fuck? I'm not carrying this shit anymore. It's 5:30. It's dinner time! Plus, you both spent well over $1000." Y/n groans, practicality dragging the shopping bags across the marble tiles.

"Okay. Okay. Just bring those to the hotel for us. Here." Toga smiles, handing me $200.

"To pay for dinner. We have reservations!" Twice smiles, skipping away with toga, those flowers and sparkles trailing behind. "Y/n-."

Eh. Where did she go. Ding!

'You were so slow I went to the hotel first. I took the $200. I'll be waiting. Be there quick or I'll be spending dinner by myself.'

That fucking idiot.


"Dabi. You. You drank too much." I hear y/n groan, dragging me all the way to our hotel.

"Shut up." I say back, pointing to her.

"Dabi. I'm behind you. Your saying shut up to a damn light bulb." She retorted, opening the door and dragging me inside.

"Oh my fucking goodness. After 1 hr of dragging were here." Y/n sighs, collapsing to the floor and leaving me at the end of the bed on the floor. I then sit myself up and stand up, getting myself a bottle of water and drinking all of it. I look at y/n and see her mouth gaped open.

"You. You could walk? All this time-?" She asked, pointing a finger to me.

"Of course. Thanks for dragging me here." I thank before collapsing down again.

"Dabi." She calls, hearing the thud I made.

"Y/n. The whole room is spinning. Your now like very much tall. My hands, they're so small, they have these silver things around my fingers." I notice, bringing my hands up to my view.

"Your still drunk. Those silver things. Are rings." Y/n sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"What will I do with you?" She questions herself.

"Throw me off the window." I suggest, pointing to the dark sky.

"Oh how delightful that would be. But unfortunately no." She sighs.

"Ok you know what. Never mind. I'll go do my business. You go do yours. Toga and twice's room is free, just in the door there. Don't disturb me." She told me, before disappearing behind the door.
Not long after y/n is gone, my vision starts to blur and soon, I blacked out.


Ah. I'm here again. I stand up, groaning and looking around, trying to figure where I am.

"You again!" A shrill voice shouted from below.

"Yes. Me again." I state, smiling a tiny bit.

"Where are we by the way?" I ask, puzzled. All I know, were in a field. A big one. Filled with small white flowers, reaching up to my hips, as for the girl, it reached up to beneath her shoulders.

"I'm not too sure. But, i like it here. It feels like peace. You know?" She looks up at me eagerly. I nod, agreeing. It is very peaceful, quiet.

"Let's go!" She calls out, smiling and pulling my shirt. "Wait. I." I get cut off by her laughing, filled with so much joy and happiness. She was just a girl who was in her own little world. Nothing mattered to her, not like anything would. She could make a whole room light up with just a smile.


"Can I ask you a question?" She asks, keeping her eyes glued on the flowers she was admiring. I nod and look at her, but soon wondering why there was such a bright field, and such a gloomy sky, with bright shards of lightning rumbling through the coal colored clouds.

She was lost.

"Why does everyone blame me? I'm blamed for my dad's death. They say it's my fault." She tells me, her tone cold and still.


"They said I drove him crazy. They said I made him kill himself. They always look at me as if I'm. Not human. I look too much like him and not like mom. They all hate me because I look like him and because I made him die. But. It's not my fault." She explains, her voice cracking at the end.

Filled with grief.

Author's note:
Huhu. I may or may not have cried while writing this. :)
A long chapter! Finally!
I hope you enjoyed reading this!
Take care and byebye!

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