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Katsuki's pov:

"First, you must not back out last minute. It'll ruin it. You have to choose. Do you wish to play, or not?" She states.

"Huh. Uh. I'll play! Just as long as i get to get rid of these stupid things soon." I scoff, the chains clanking against each other.I stayed still, my eyes glued to the floor.

"Okay then. This is how it'll work." She begins, holding up a singular bullet.

"I'll ask you 3 questions. If you fail to answer the question or lie, I'll pull the trigger once. You don't die, you win. You die, you lose. Understand the game?" She flicks open the chamber, the bullet sliding in one out of the six slots.

This really is...a life on the line thing. Isn't it. With one swish, the chamber slid back in its slot, spinning in the process.

"1. Do you know what's Mio's quirk?"

Mio...who the hell is that-?

"Who the hell is Mio?!" I ponder out loud. Her frown turns into a sigh, which then turned into silence which didn't last very long.

"Does, uh, Rin sound more familiar?" She requisitioned, her hard gaze on me. Our teacher?

"How am I supposed to know her quirk? She doesn't even bother showing it off!" I exclaim in annoyance, my mind wandering and the chain behind me still rattling.
It's the truth. Rin never uses it, nor does she ever tell us about it. What's much more strange is that..we refer to our teacher as rin, like a normal person and not like a teacher.

"Second. Who is the strongest amongst you and your classmates?" Her voice continues, monotone like an operated doll.
"Shoto." I tell her, my voice trailing off at the end.

"Are you sure?" She questions, frowning at my response, the small taps from her fingernails and the gun causing my heart to automatically beat faster.

"Yeah." I answer, the colour less fluid forming droplets at the side of my head.
"It's too bad you were being dishonest." Her voice clear, as the gun clicked. Her index finger laid on the trigger, the front facing me. My eyes widen at the sight. Not of the gun. But her. Her expression changed as she knew that I lied. But why? Hell! She's hard to read!


I gulped in small breaths of air to try and keep me more calm, my hands unintentionally shaking.

"I will repeat my question once more. I do hope that you answer truthfully this time. Who is the strongest amongst you and your classmates?"

"De- Midoriya." I mumble, my head turning to facing the side.
"Are you sure?" She assures.

"Yes!" I shout, the chains rattling louder.

When i look up, her eyes came into contact with mine before she looks back down. As expected, they are just like dolls. Dull, numb and cold.

My thoughts were disrupted by her faint sigh, the gun chamber clicking open as she took out the bullet.

"Luckily you were being honest. If not, you would be dead right now."


Why..is she putting the gun away. She didn't ask the last question yet. So..why-?

"Third. What do you see in Mi- Rin?" She asks, the gun disappearing slowly into her dress.

"Eh? Uh. I don't like her." I simply remark, groaning due to the chains weighing down on my wrists like weights but worse.

"You don't?" She queries, confused.

"Why do you look so damn surprised? Do you think everyone likes her?" I question, frowning.

"No. Not that. I thought, she would take a liking to you. That's all." She brushes off, pointing at me.

Huh? Me?

Our eyes met once again before they turned around, along with her body towards the door.

"Well then, farewell."

Eh? This..this isn't fair.

"Wait!" I yelled to her from across the room.

Her movements ceased for a split second before she turned her head.


"The game won't end until two of us plays it. Only one of us played it. That's me. Correct?" I assume plainly.

"Hm. Correct." She agreed, nodding.

"Then. It's your turn to play, isn't it?"

Her eyes rested gently, her figure leaning against the door. As her hand reaching into her pocket, taking out the gun with the other hand taking the bullet.

"Very well then. It is my turn to play."

Note from author!
Hello! New chapter! Yay!
This is kinda the first time in a long time i actually uploaded a week after the last update (i think).
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you so much for reading!
Stay safe and take care! Byebye!

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