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The tension feels suffocating, it's as if the air is slowly swallowing me up whole.

"You pissed at me or something?" I hesitantly ask, my hand just hovering above his arm. Shit. It came out harshly. Not what I wanted. The sudden ticklish feeling causes him to automatically slap my hand away. oh. OH. So he's gonna act like that? Fine then.

I scoff at his childish action and sit at the edge of the mattress, with my weight causing the soft material to sink beneath me. Even though I have my eyes glued to the ground, I still felt his two eyes on me. It's as if he's the predator and I'm the prey. Out of curiosity, I look up and am not particularly surprised to see him glaring at me. I instantly look away out of discomfort but the way he looks at me makes me feel...sad. The silence is eating me alive..literally. I wanna make a conversation but at the same time I don't wanna make it awkward.

"Are you gonna keep staring or..?" I finally puck up the courage, keeping the eye contact. The second I look at him and try to stare him down, he pulls his eyes away from my direction with no hint of expression planted on his face. I sigh, loudly. I instantly bring my hand up to my mouth in shock. I didn't know that I was that loud. I bite the inside of my cheek and blink my eyes aggressively to distract my thoughts.

"Literally. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" He finally opens his mouth to say something, but it wasn't what I was expecting to hear. Definitely not.

"I beg your pardon?" I reply, appalled at his quote.

He doesn't say anything but instead, pinches the bridge of his nose with pure dissatisfaction printed all over his face.

"You know how to fight, don't you? I taught you so much and this is what you do?! You were discharged from the hospital. TWICE. TWO TIMES. Y/n, what is wrong with you?!" He shouted, his fists balled up to the point where his knuckles were pale white and his eyes shot daggers right into my soul.

"I know you taught me how to fight..it really happened so fast I can't even recall everything that happen-."

"Bullshit. If you're just that bad, then what's the point in me being your partner? No, what's the point of you being in the LoV? If Shigaraki asks why you're always on the verge of death, I'll just say I tried my best."

I stay quiet. My brain trying to process everything that he just said. My eyes widen in shock. Has he always felt this way about me?

"With how you're going on, you're going to get NOWHERE. One more time that this happens, just forget about me. Forget I exist. Forget everything that I taught you. Oh sorry, wait, you ALREADY forgot everything I taught you correct?" He questioned, biting back a laughter at the end.

"I..remember everything. I promise. I swear." What am I even supposed to say at this point?

"This...this is why you're mother fucking hates you. You're a liar, a whore, a worthless bitch. Are you kidding me, you're worse than I thought." He continued, seeming as though he enjoyed watching me hold back my tears, watching as small portions of blood dripped from the corners of my lips from the force of the bite.

I let the tears fall. I let them drip down into a small puddle on my shaking thigh. Yet, I still refuse to speak. My fingers tangle and untangle. Please. Please, Y/n, stop crying. I try to distract myself by thinking about funny things, but it's buried deep underground, surrounded by all the things that have been said to me. In an attempt to control my tears, a small wince came out of me. I instantly cover my mouth to avoid any more sounds escaping without warning. But, this action makes me cry more. Oh, so much more. My tears are now falling down like heavy rain as my eyes landed on the small droplets of blood from earlier.

"W-wait Y/n.." His voice suddenly became remorseful. His tone changed entirely. It's as if he's a whole different person than before. Why am I playing victim again?

"I'm so sorry Y/n. You didn't deserve any of that. I didn't mean anything I said..I swear. Y/n..I'm so fucking sor-."

"Fuck off honestly. I'm tired. I'm SO tired. Everything happened in a split second, I was drugged. Anything could've happened to me yet the only thing you care about is yourself. Your sanity. Have you ever once been considered what would've happened to me if you weren't there? No. Of course not. Because you think so lowly of ME." I yell, my voice cracking at the end. I didn't even know I could yell so loudly. His hands start to grip around my wrists, pulling me towards him. No..

"No..please." I manage to speak out, my voice hoarse from the yelling. Dabi doesn't say a thing. He continues..ignoring my declines.

"Stop. Please. Don't touch me." I cry out quietly, the energy in my body starting to run out. He still doesn't say anything. His grip remains on my wrist as he tries to pull me towards his body.


His eyes widen in surprise and his grip loosened, giving me the chance to attempt to take the nearby dagger from the table. But..it's Dabi he's much more agile than me. Hence, he noticed my attempt and quickly grabs it before I could even reach the table. However, I have other plans. As his grip is tight on the dagger's handle, I hold onto the fisted hand that held the dagger, raising it up to my neck.

Author's Note!

HELLO!! Yes, I'm still alive..hahah. It's been a good few months and it feels good to write again. So sorry for the really big hiatus! Thank you so much for 6.9K reads! This whole thing still feels like a dream that I still am in. I'm flabbergasted.

Anyway, I'll see you next time! Byebye! Take care!

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