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I sat in thought. I simply kept quiet, looking at the him. He kept his eyes glued to the city. She died, because her lover left her. I couldn't understand the full concept but I understood enough.

"I guess that's what love is. You love someone, they love someone else. You watch them drift away." He says, his body positioned to where i wouldn't be able to see his face.

"Do you regret anything?" I ask, looking away from him.

"If i just stayed with her, she wouldn't be dead right now." He said, his voice cracking at the end.

"It's fine." He assures me, still not looking at me. Once he finished saying that, he finishes his drink then getting up. I also quickly finish my drink then grab my clothes and go into the bathroom to change.


"I'm not gonna sleep yet." I state, sitting on my bed and going on my phone. "Why?" He asks, going on his phone as well. I shrug.

"K. I'm not too tired now so I'll just be awake as well." He says to me before an awkward silence washed over us.

Dabi's pov:

"Y/n what-"

Ehhhh. She looks like she's been hit unconscious right on the spot. Her posture, her hair. "Sheesh." Pain in the ass.
I got up and charged her phone on the lamp table. Last time I didn't charge her phone for her-     That was a bad time.

I then fixed her posture so that now, she should be more comfortable. Or at least looks like it. Goodnight y/n.

Y/n pov:

Hm? Where the fuck am i? I look around me. Everything seems. Unreal.

"Who are you?" A voice asked behind me. I get a little startled but i calm myself down, then look behind to see where that voice came from. I felt a tug at my shirt and i quickly look down. A small boy with spikey white hair looked up at me with big eyes.

"Uh." Damn it. I'm not good with children. At all. "Hi." I simply waved at him. He waved back at me and smiled. "What's your name?" He asks me.

"Y/n." I reply back, i tilt my head, gesturing him to give me his name.

"Uh. My names touya." He says to me, still looking up at me.

"Huh?!" I almost shout.

"Huh?! What's wrong? Is my name bad?" He questions, his face becoming a little sad.

"Oh. Uhm. No. Nothing's wrong." I smile at him then kneel down so that we are now the same height.

"So. Y/n." He starts. "Yea-"

"Touya! Who are you talking to?"

This one. I know. Very well. Wait. Can he see me? I stood frozen but he doesn't seem to take an interest in me. Which is good.

"My friend!" He answers, gleefully. Shit.

"What friend? Who?" Endeavour asks, getting concerned.

"Hm. Oh no. I forgot her name." He replies, looking down a bit.

"Her? Ah never mind." He walks out of the room and closes the door without saying anything more and i heard his footsteps echo into silence.

"Er. I'm sorry. I forgot your name." He apologizes to me.

"No. It's fine." I assure him. "He didn't seem to see you, though." He says, looking a bit sad, but his eyes soon lit up again.

"Does that mean your like....my guardian angel?!" He eagerly asks me, doing little jumps.

"Honestly, i don't know why I'm here. But uhm sure?" I tell him, shrugging my shoulders at the end. "Yay!" That's when my vision starts to make the room spin and my head starts to feel light.

Author's note!
Hello! Thank you for reading this chapter!
If you made it this far then that's great! I'm grateful for your support^^
Take care!

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