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This is very awkward. "What are we eating?" I heard dabi ask me from my right. "Were going to a cafe." I answered keeping my eyes forward. "K." Dabi agreed.

Dabi's pov:

I hate this. Right after what i did to her yesterday? Yeah fuck no. I looked over to her and immediately noticed the blueish purple handprints on her throat. I did that to her didn't I?

"We're here." She said stopping in front of a cafe, making my eyes and mindset switch to the cafe.

"Hello and welcome! What can I get for you too today?" A man asked behind a counter. Y/n spoke. "I'll just have the iced lemon tea." It was my turn to order. "One cafe americano." I stated bluntly. My eyes kept giving y/n quick glances, trying to get a better look of her throat.

"Alright! That will be $4.99."The man stated. She was the one that ended up paying. We both chose to sit down at the corner of the cafe, with a view of the street outside. She was clearly looking at her phone but my eyes kept looking at the handprints on her neck.

My handprints. I didn't really know what happened, my hand just lifted up towards her, her eyes still focused on her phone. My hand continued to move forward until it touched her hair, moving it out the way. Sheesh. It was a lot worse here. Her eyes finally looked up and met with my eyes. She gave me a confused look and tilted her head.

"Hm?" She hummed. "Order 345!" The familiar voice called out.

"I'll get it." She said standing up and walking over. She came back and was holding two cups, one clearly hers and one clearly mine. At this point, a bit of her jacket slipped from her shoulder that exposed the bruise that was hiding under it. I was surprised. I did that didn't I? Tch. I shouldn't care.

"You gonna fix your jacket or what?" I stated looking at her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, fixing it.

After a few minutes of just silence she randomly spoke. "The cut. Does it hurt?" She asked me, her eyes looking at her phone. "No. It's okay." I answered, my eyes also looking at my phone.

Reader's pov:

Was he surprised when he saw the bruises? Why would he keep looking over here. If he was looking at my bruises why would he look so much if he knew that the injuries would be this bad. Unless he didn't know. Oh well. All of a sudden Dabi gets a phone call, answering it.

His head suddenly jerks to the window, showing the street. I also turned my head but didn't see anything unusual happening. There was nothing out of the ordinary but the feeling felt familiar. I looked more carefully and noticed a woman outside of a jewelry shop.

Brown medium cut hair, wearing all white. She didn't notice me staring at her though. I looked at Dabi once more and he quickly turns to face me.

"Y/n, we have to go. Now." He says, standing up, grabbing my hand and rushing out of the store and going to one of the old buildings, going through a tunnel that led to where our hideout was. No one was seen at the lounge area. "Meet me in my room, 9:00pm." Dabi says to me before disappearing into Shigaraki's office. I didn't even know what happened and I'm now very confused.

It was now 9:00pm, like he said. I just went into Dabi's room and saw him sat down with Shigaraki holding and looking at a piece of paper. He took notice of me and started to walk towards me, handing me the paper. "Do you know or recognize her?" He asked me. Looking down, I immediately knew who she was. My hatred for her still lingered. It felt like I was actually looking at her. She never changed didn't she?

"She's my mother." I replied. He didn't really seem fazed by this. "Why?" I asked. "You'll find out...soon." He replied, turning back to Dabi. "You can go now." He stated, pointing to the door. I turned around and left.

That witch.

Note from the author!
Thank you for reading this chapter! ˚✧₊⁎

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