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As soon Twice's eyes turn to face me, I turn my head to the guards as they drop to the ground, groaning in what sounded like pain. Gunshots echoed through the hall, screams and sounds of panic overlaying the background music, with loud, fast footsteps filling the air.

My eyes watched the people tried to open the entrance doors, their bodies pressed against one another, almost as if they're suffocating each other to death. Unfortunately, they've been locked, and only one has the key. Where is the location of the key? No idea. As expected, they rush to the rooms, like ants scurrying to their colony. I reach my hand into my pocket and pull out a gun, shooting each light until none were lit, the screams becoming louder. The only thing that's luminous and gave light were the candles that hung off the walls, but, they were not all that bright. As soon as I finish, I watch as the guards from below start shooting up at me, soon disrupted by toga and twice holding them down.

According to shigaraki, the walls should be soundproof. They better be.

In the span of a few minutes, the whole hall was basically empty. No more screaming. No more gunshots. Only classical piano playing in the background. Nocturne No.2 in E-Flat Major, Op. 9 N0. 2. A song that sent chills up my spine. One that's full of flaws, yet eerie. My attention switches to the white doors to the left of the stairway. There. That's where she'll be..hopefully.

My hands turn the doorknob, opening to another hallway. Fuck. I've been spotted. No point avoiding it. Right?

"You! Why are you here? Party for guests are downstairs! Your not in UA! Your not wearing the badge!" One of them shouted, pointing their gun at me. Badges?

"Hm? What's that? Why're you pointing that at me? I'm trying to find the toilets." I answered, raising up my hands to show I'm unarmed.

"Toilet is to your left and straight ahead. Please leave now." The same person demanded. I nod, turning around and sighing in relief. Good. They didn't see my gun. As soon as my hand turns the knob, my legs gives in, my breathing unsteady.

"Hey!" I hear a different voice shout from behind. In no time, I feel two arms and four eyes on me.

"Are you okay?" They quickly ask, making sure I was okay before I left. I slowly nod and stand up, thanking them before I closed the door behind me.

Actually, when I raised my hands up, I held two small needle between my fingers. Since they were so thin, yet dangerous, no one could see a thing.


I bring my ear up close to the door to hear if they're still conscious or not.


As I open the door, I stood to the side, allowing the bodies to fall helplessly to the floor. I kneel down as they groaned, begging for help. My attention only turn to their arms, my fingers clutching the two needles that was half soaked with blood.

"I have no interest in helping or killing you. Soon enough, your gonna be sent to the hospital and your memories of this happening will be washed away. You won't die." I explain quietly so that the room at the end of the corridor won't hear. Two steps. One gunshot. I look behind me and watch as one of them is holding the gun, their arm shaking in fear and pain. Walking back, he tries to shoot again, but fails as no bullets shot out.

"Hey. I already spared you by not killing you. Do you have a death wish? Hm?" I question him, kicking the guns far away from them. I reach behind and take my own, holding the gun under his chin as his friend watched in horror.

"You know what will happen if I pull this trigger, right? If you know, then stay right where you are. Move one inch and I'll make it harder for both of you two even breathe." I add on, pulling my gun away as he catches his breath. I take my gun and shoot at the door. The cheering coming to a halt. Soon, the door opens slightly as I back step by step. Immediately, when I took the 5th step, I hear a loud shout before a figure comes sprinting out. Eh? I felt my body being pushed back before a blue flame suffuse throughout the hallway.

"All might!" I hear midnight scream from the other end. Oh. It was all might. My eyes widen as he sprints out of the flame at the side, half his clothes torn off. He's still able to walk? As soon as Dabi notice him, he stops, clicking his tongue. At that moment, pink smoke starts diffusing towards us. Shit. I cover my nose and mouth with my arm as I run past all might, inserting two thin needle through his stomach and arm.

"Kayama! Run!" He exclaims, his voice coarse as the last world almost got cut off. She soon stops to look at him, but it's too late. My back is basically pressing against the door after I pass her. As the smoke subsided, I hear a door creak open behind me. My head automatically turns around to see Aizawa, his eyes filled with fear as midnight screamed in pain. The poison spread so quickly? He never looks at me once, but already starts to grab me with his bandages, my body being pulled back with great force. Right after, he suddenly collapsed, a big thud echoing through the hallway with the bandages coming loose.


Bakugo pov:

The last few minutes evaporated into a blur of colors. The last thing I remember being the purple smoke that pervaded the whole room, soon making us collapse. One by one.

"Hii. Are you awake now?" I hear a familiar high pitch voice say. My head lifts up to see a familiar looking girl. Where from though? As soon as I saw her, she lifts up a gun, automatically making me move my hands to find out they've been tied from behind. Damn it. Fine then. Nothing but small sparks and steam emit from release from my knuckles.

"I'll take that as a yes." She shrugs, her voice quiet yet somehow loud.

"Why won't my quirk activate?! God damn it! Wrong timing!" I shout, the chains striking together, making a clanking sound.

"Are you done? There's no point anyway. If you are done, I can start the questioning." She smiles, holding up the gun to my chin.

"Are you gonna kill me at the end?" I guess, my eyes looking down at the gun, her index finger resting on the trigger.

"Kill? I have no intention of killing or hurting you. If i will have to, I will have to eventually use force. If you don't want that, then please cooperate." She begins, pulling the gun away.

"Tsk. What questions?! Spit it out now?" I shout, moving forward a bit. She doesn't reply. She only looks away and stands up, facing the door.

"Hey. Katsuki. You like games?" She queried out of nowhere. "Huh? Uh. Sure. I don't know! What is this for?!" I question, my patience running out.

"Okay then. Let's play a game."

Author's Note:
Hello! I very much did have exams last week and had no time to update-
I have decided that i may update biweekly(once every two weeks) so that you
guys won't have to keep waiting for the update and it doesn't end up coming.
Best thing is to set up notifications so that every time i update, you'll get a notification!
Thank you so much for those being really patient. I really appreciate it. I also want to say
thank you to those who have voted for this book! It really makes my day seeing a vote!
Thank you for reading! Take care and stay safe! Byebye!

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