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"Don't come in unexpectedly." I say, my back facing him to cover the lingering red beside my nose.

"Sure. But, it's not the first time you've seen me half naked. Why are you so flustered?" He questions, the ruffling sound of clothes being made in the background.

"Uhm. I'm not used to it yet so shush." I say, peeping at the corner of my eye to see if he's put some clothes on now. Once I see him I sigh quietly and turn around to face him. In that moment, he stood up and started walking towards me before stopping and sitting down next to me.

"Ok then I'll just get you used to it." He replies in a calm tone.

"What do you mea-." I soon get cut off by my own thoughts and the images popping up in my mind. I look at him and push him, my tongue clicking at the top of my mouth. He smiles at you before laying down, his figure taking up most of the bed.

"K. I'll be goi-."

I felt a hand grab my wrist making me fall backwards, luckily, I landed on the bed and not on the floor. Can I stop getting cu-  Eh? EH?

"What the fu-." "Shush." Dabi cuts off, his arms wrapped around me. My only view is the dim lighted hotel room and the view of the city. The unexpected movement made my face go bright red, as I couldn't do anything but hope that he doesn't see me blushing. At him. You try and move away from him but he tightens his grip and moves one of his hands up to bury them within my hair, stroking your head at some points, all while his chin rested on my head. This isn't half bad, I guess. This is also probably the last time I'll experience this kind of thing.

"Uh is it oka-." You soon get cut off...again.
"I want-."
"No way."
This boy is getting on my last nerve.

"Let go!" I almost yell, not in a mad way.

"If i let go, your gonna run away." He refuses, not releasing his grip one bit.

"That's the fucking point." I say, trying to lift up his arm. Eventually, my muscles give in and you rest down. Fine. I'll try once more. I try and get on my elbows to push myself up but he pushes me down instead, tightening his grip.

Is he trying to like, smother me.

"Can you let me go. I'll buy you something tomorrow, or uh anything you want. I don't know. Please let me go and eat my stuff thank you very much." I scoff, lifting off his arms. Surprisingly, his arms unravel right off and once it did, I run to the other side of the  room in case he grabs you again.

"Up to me?" He asks, sitting up and shifting himself so that he's now at the edge of the bed. You turn around and look at him.

"I mean, yeah sure." I shrug, turning my back on him and checking my phone. All of a sudden, I felt his arms around me again, my arms under his.

"Not again." You groan, slowly putting the phone down.

"You said it's up to me, right?" The way he says it is as if he knows that the answer, and doesn't expect me to answer him. I closed my eyes in annoyance before nodding. I was about to speak when a smell filled the air.

"Dabi. Are you drunk? Or is it just me?" I ask, keeping my head forward. No reply.

"Oi. Dabi. Whatever your thinking is a big Nono. Let go now." I tell him, waiting for his arms to lift off of me.

"You done talking?" He asks, not moving an inch, his breaths blowing at the side of my neck. I eventually sigh heavily and lean my back into his chest, hoping he would now let go.

"Good." He says, his voice being a mix of cold and gentle. Good? Wait. He lets go but before I could run away, he pins me against the wall, one hand holding my right arm down and the other one beside my head. As he gazed at me, I notice his teal eyes making a form of a semi circle rather than a full circle.

I try to look away but his hand soon guides my face to look at his and without hesitation, he gently crashes his lips against mine, my eyes widened and my body stiffened from shock. I try to back up but my head pressed into the walls more and more. I lift up my free arm towards Dabi, clenching his shirt. My legs soon started to give in and I slowly started sliding down the wall after he pulled back, my hand gripped in his. I felt my face heat up tremendously as I try to control my breathing. As I am doing so, he knelt down to my height and stroked my cheek with his thumb, leaning in to my ear.

"You are helpless." He whispers lightly, pulling away with a satisfied look on his face.

"You. Your drunk aren't you?" I almost shout, my face being a deep pink.

"Nope. Not at all. I haven't drank at all today." He answers.

Suddenly, I hear a loud bang echo from outside, making me jump and more shaken up than before. Dabi also seemed to notice and turned around, making me stand up look over his shoulder. It's gone? I gave a brief look of confusion before walking quickly past him, pushing the balcony doors and stepping out, walking towards the railings. I lift up my head and soon see silent sparks explode into more bright colored particles of light, always capable of making one smile. I was always fascinated by fireworks in general. I smile and watch as they overlap each other, painting an array of colour on the dark canvas before disappearing soon after. I hear Dabi walk up next to me and I watch as he rested his arms on the railing and admired them too.

"Y/n. Will you promise to be here? By my side, forever?" He asks, now resting his face on his hand as his elbow leaned down on the railing. I hum, not wanting to give an answer. I already know damn well i won't be able to. I'm sorry.
I simply shrugged and smiled at him. Now, he turned his view to me. For some reason, he looked different? Was it because he was smiling a little this time?

The sound of the fireworks still echoed and continued in the background, it's colors and bright light clearly visible from it being shined on Dabi. I turn back my attention to the fireworks, which now exploded into particles of a bright yellow. Right when you were admiring them,  you felt a hand brush off the hair from the side of your face. You turn to see that he was combing through your hair before pulling away.

"Is something in my hair?" I ask, tilting my head at him. He shakes his head whilst smiling before turning his head again to look at the fireworks.

"You're acting very weird today. Very." I comment, still looking at him.

"I'm just mesmerized by someone's beauty." He insists, giving you a brief look. You look at him again and push him.

Author's note:
The day has finally come my friends. :,)
I'm so off schedule it's not funny-
Hopefully, one day i can actually stay on schedule and stop changing my days.
Thank you for reading and take care! Stay safe out there!

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