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"Aw. They've ended." Dabi pouted, standing himself up and looking at the now dark sky. I hear the faint sound of people cheering before you smiled to yourself and walked away into your hotel.

"Eh. They're still not back yet?" I question to myself, peeking into their rooms. I check my phone and see a text from Toga.

'Will be home late!'

Dabi's pov:

I sit down in my bed and looked over at Y/n. She just flat out. Slept. Within 2 minutes. I stand up and walk over to her, carrying her to my bed so i can prepare the duvets. I then turned off the lamps, apart from the dim one next to me. After a while, I jump a little from the noise that came from our front door. It swings open to reveal Twice fall to the ground and Toga skipping past him.

"What the fuck. Happened?" I ask her, who was already in the doorway of her room. She didnt respond and hummed.

"I fucked up." I hear Twice mumble.

"Eh? What?" I pondered, tilting my head.

"She's mad. Really mad." He answers. I shook my head, looking over at y/n who was shuffling inside the duvets. I stand up to close the door before dragging twice out from our room.

"Tell me tomorrow. Y/n is sleeping. Don't wake her up." I say to him, pulling him up to his feet and sitting him down on his bed.

"She's gonna kill me." Twice muttered.

"She won't. I'll tell her not to." I asserted him, walking and closing the door behind me. I then walk to y/n, who was up and drinking water.

"Who was that?" She asked, her voice quiet. I take the bottle from her hand and put my hands on her shoulders, pushing her towards the bed.

"Was that toga and twi-."

"Go sleep."


"Don't worry about it."


"It's fine. Go back to sleep." I say, patting her head and dimming down the light a bit more.

Y/n pov:

I woke up, sitting upright and looking around. Hm. He's still sleeping. Did that really happen last night? I shake my head and got out of bed, getting ready to go out.

I put on a thin sweater and looked behind, walking up to him and poking him on the shoulder to try and wake him up. I pull back gently as he turns around, placing a pillow over his head.

"Oi. Are you awake?" I ask, sitting down at the ledge of my bed and facing him.

"Go back to sleep." He mumbles out. Ehhhh. This bitch. I sigh and walk over to the curtains opening them. No light. I blink twice, before blinking and rubbing my eyes. I run to my phone and check the time. 5:45am. I mouth an 'oh' and turn around to face him once again. I let out a small laugh and turn back around.

"It's fine. You woke me up. You're all dressed up anyway. It would make me feel dumb to know you woke up so early for nothing." He mumbles, his voice being more clearer than before.

"No restaurants would be open at this time anyway. I'm fine waiting 2 hours." I insist, gesturing him to back to sleep.

"I'll wait with you. It's fine." He says, getting up and walking to the bathroom. I frown, feeling bad.


"Oi. Y/n. Wake up. It's 8:06am. Let's go." I hear Dabi say, shaking me gently to wake me up. My eyes open to see a bright light which I soon discovered was the sunlight, with dabi dressed up. I nod and stand up, taking my phone and going into the mirror to check myself one last time.

"Your hair is a bit. Uhm." Dabi says, peeking his head in at the side. "Yes. I know." I sigh, trying to fix it.

I thank the waiter as he handed us our food. I held my fork in hand, using the knife to cut into it, stopping as Dabi called my name. I look up and tilt my head to see what he wants.

"Can I try the cake?" He asks, pointing to it.

"Oh. Yeah. Sur-." He cuts me off by grabbing my wrist and it towards him, the piece of cake going into his mouth. I sat there, looking down at the empty fork with the remains of the cake.

"It's too sweet." He complains, washing it down with water. This guy.

"I'll be at the bookstore." I say to him, walking into the store. He nods and walks away from the shop. As I walk closer to the shelves, a book caught my eye. Hm. 'Anonymous' is the author's name. 'We'll meet again' is the title. Eh? I look down and see that they were written by two different authors. Wow. I read the first chapter and soon found myself starting into chapter 2. I notice and quickly check the time. I sigh as it wasn't too late, soon after that, walking to the cashier and paying for the book. Once I was done, I walk out and see Dabi waiting outside on his phone. I sneak up to him from behind before poking him. He turns around calmly to reveal what was on his phone. Bracelets? They're the expensive kind too. I recognize the shop name and look in front of him and see the exact shop.

"Want one?" He asks, tilting his phone towards me. "Nope. It's fine. Let's go anyway." I shrug off, about to walk off when I hear his footsteps go further away from me. I look behind and see him walking away from the shop with a bag. Ehhh. He bought something that fast?

"Here." He remarked, handing it to me and walking past me. I give him a look before tilting my head and looking at him.

"Are you gonna look at me forever? If so, be my guest." He smirks, turning his head to face me. I walk up and gently slap him on the arm and walk on.

I sit down on our hotel couch, sighing and drying my hair with a towel. As Dabi is still showering in the other room. I look at the black bag in front of me, bringing the bag towards me and putting my hand inside. Immediately, my hand grabs hold of the leather box that felt light in my hands. I placed the bag next to me and lifted the lid of the box, showing a bracelet. In the middle is a infinity sign, a thin silver chain at both ends of it. I carefully picked it up and observed it from up close. It's really pretty. How much was it? "Oh. I see you've opened it." I hear him note from behind.

Author's note:
Thank you so much for reading this chapter.
Sheesh I really need to stop starving you guys.
I've been quite busy lately so I'm really really sorry for the late updates.
Because I haven't uploaded in two weeks, there will be a early chapter coming next week!(it won't make a change but I've been really busy, I'm sorry!)^^
Stay safe and take care! Byebye!

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