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TW: needles

Her presence towers over me, my jaw clenched, eyes closed.

"What will you say now?" She asks. I can feel her smiling widely while she says that.

"I've won now! Haha! See?" She continues, her head thrown back as she was laughing.

"Fine then." I give up, parting my bottom and top jaw, my eyes dropping open.

"Hmmmm? Pardon?" Her face pushes right up against mine but barely touching. It stayed like this for a few seconds before i lifted up my left hand next to her stomach. A small gasp releases from her mouth, then a surprised expression. A smile forms on my face as i held up the object.

"A needle?" She stares intensively at the small, thin needle i held between my middle and ring finger as it slowly dripped with blood down my fingers.

"This isn't your quirk." She stuttered the last word, now reverting her eyes to the ground.

"Nope. The needle. It's magnetic. The ring attached to my ring finger, also magnetic." I explain, smiling a bit, despite the lingering pain in my stomach.

"While our arms were touching, i had a needle in my hand. I managed to stab the needle into the side of your stomach. That was when i attacked you, since the needle was so small you wouldn't feel a thing. It was almost coated with poison, be lucky it's not fatal." I continue explaining, placing the needle back into where i took it from. Her pupils shrunk quite a bit, but it was still visible against the white background.

"Actually, let's play a game!" I cheer, looking at her, smiling. "Excuse me? Are you mad?" She questioned, her expression showing only horror. I fumble through my pockets, ignoring her response, taking out two bags of needles.

"Here's how it works. One of these bags contain needles that have been poisoned, the other one doesn't. Choose one and stab it into yourself. Easy." I explain, sliding both the bags to the gap in the middle of us.

"These ones are actually fatal." I mutter, loud enough for her to hear. I catch a glimpse of the women and her whole body goes white, as if her soul has simply left her body.

"Yes. Or no?" I ask, keeping my hands on the two bags.

"What if i say no." She asks, looking desperately at me.

"You will die. The poison is probably spreading right now. If you say yes, because i touched your blood, i will be able to hold it off for a bit until we've finished the challenge, or if you win, i will hold it off until you go to the hospital." I look at her, finishing up the last word.

"Shit okay fine. Yes." She agrees.

Y/n's mom pov:

Ha. Stupid girl. Thinks she could fool me. My hand quickly takes the left bag and i quickly begin to open it, taking out the three small needles. I win. I look up at her and her face suddenly goes blank. I watch her hesitantly take the bag and empty it out, the same amount of needles falling into the palm of her hand.

"Okay. 1. 2-" i cut her off.

"3!" I shout, quickly stabbing the needles into my stomach with confidence. Wow they don't hurt at all, unless it's my strength. Haha. She does the same but onto her am.

"Such a wimp! Give up y/n. I won already!" I laugh, pointing at her.

Huh? She's...laughing? What the fuck is wrong with this girl. Especially in that tone and way. Her laughs die down into almost silence, with the background noise of the heroes and villains fighting. She lifts up her hand which had the magnetic ring over her arm, all the wine-red needles shooting out and sticking to the ring. I walked towards her but stopped as soon as she lifted back down her hand.

"What are you doing? You have to take out my needles too." I say to her. Immediately, i felt a shot of pain on my abdomen, then to my legs, causing me to collapse to the ground whilst all the pain continued up my arms.

"I knew it. You saw that the needle i first stabbed into you had a thin white thread around it. You knew that if that was the 'poison' one, you would go with the one without the thread since you know they don't contain any poison. Right?" She asks me, smiling at me.

"But, the needle i first stabbed into you didn't have any poison at all. I placed the thread on purpose, and on one bag of the needles between the two bags. You took the one without the thread, causing you to pick the needles that had contained the poison. I simply tricked you and you fell for it." She says in a monotone, looking down at me as i hugged my stomach in pain, my eyes watering then tears dripping down from the side.

"It won't kill you, but it'll hurt like hell. Trust me." She finally finishes. She then stood up and started to walk off as if nothing happened. "Wait! Your just gonna leave your own mother here. In pain! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Like mother, like daughter."

Note from author!
I'm really really sorry for not uploading in almost a week! I'll try to update about 2-3 times a week!
Thank you for reading! Take care!

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