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"Welcome back, master."

Chisaki simply sighed, slipping off his jacket before slumping down into the chair.

"Did my drug work?" She questioned, her voice gentle as her hand slithered down under the thin fabric that separated the air and his skin.

"Yes, it worked very well. If only that bitch Dabi didn't get in the way." Chisaki gritted, biting down on the nail of his thumb.

"Violet. Tea. Now." He declared, snapping his fingers.

Violet nodded, sliding her hand out of his shirt before walking and leaving the dimly lit room.


I soon wake up...finally. I was honestly expecting bright lights to immediately blind me but i was surprised to see that the lights were quite dim with only two lamps shining across the room. More to my surprise, I saw Dabi next to me.

"Y/n. Do you feel alright?" Dabi asks. Oh? Just as he asks that, his grip on my hand tightens. He was holding my hand this whole time?

"Wait here for a bit, k?" He assures me, slowly letting go of my hand. I nod before my whole arm goes cold. He saved me, again. Why is he always there? I can handle stuff myself....well maybe i did need help before this..

"Good evening miss." I jump a little, exhaling as I realized it was just a nurse. I nod, indicating that she could come in. She didn't say anything but simply placed a hand warmer under the palm of my hand, my fingers first warming up.

"That boyfriend of yours told me your hand gets cold so he asked me to somehow warm it up for you." She finally says before turning around aygain and leaving. Eh? I couldn't help but feel my cheeks helplessly heat up as I picked up the hand warmer, my eyes following the minimalistic design. That guy...

Dabi's pov:

My phone vibrates just as I left the hospital. Looking at the screen, I frowned before sighing, soon picking it up.

"What do you want?" I declared, my voice stern and harsh.

"What do you think you're doing?! Y/n just got discharged not even 24 hours ago! Are you out of your mind?!" A high pitched voice came from the other end, making my eyebrows furrow.

"Toga. Shut up. It's not my fault she got hurt okay? Now please. Leave me the fuck alone." I answer back, trying not to shout.

"How am I supposed to be all calm and joyous whilst Y/n is going in and out of the hospital every 2 weeks?! It's outrageo-!"

Beep. I shoved the phone into my pocket and went to the store down the road.

"Welcome, young sir. How can I be of use-. Oh. You. How many years? 2? 4?  You back for the usual?" I hear beside me.

I hesitate, my eyes darting glances at the hospital before reverting back to the shelf behind him. Yes, I did come here for the cigarettes but Y/n...she's sensitive.

"Nah...I'm just here to look around" I say, before walking around. Shit. What's gotten into me. Why would I care if she's sensitive or not? She's...just a normal girl...she'll leave me, just like the other bitches. They all leave. I'll be alone again...


Y/n's Pov:

"She can be discharged now." I hear a faint voice say beside me which causes me to wake up.

I slowly sit myself up and remove the duvet that covered the lower half of my body whilst the echoes of the footsteps started to gradually get louder. 

"Let's go, Y/n." Dabi says in a calm voice.

Before I had any time to react, I felt his arms under my legs and back as he swiftly picks me up.

 "I can wal-."

"Shut your mouth. We talk to when we get to the hotel." He cuts me off.


Author's note!

H E L L O O O O O O O O O.

...yes ik i was gone for like a good month...maybe more...

I did my mock exams (exam I take before an official exam) just last month and my official exam will be on March-May. So..yes..a very busy schedule for me. Unfortunately, that does mean that does get in the way of me uploading and writing a full chapter in within a week. Hence, this book will go on hiatus(a break)for a while. I promise that when I get the time, I will be jotting down/making scenarios to put in this book for when I write and upload another chapter! That's it for the 'author note' and I hope that everyone is taking care of themselves and staying safe out there! I'll see you next time! Byebye! 

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