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Gold leaves hung around the frame of the wooden doors in front of me, almost making it seem like an aura illuminated from each little leaf. My hand begins to rest on the doorknob, simultaneously making glances to my left and right before twisting the knob.

Shoto. His figure glows brightly beneath the chandelier that hung tightly from the ceiling as the jewels clinked against each other, suppressing little jingles that bounced off the walls and into our eardrums. At the end of the room, a glass window replaces the brick wall which adds to the brightness of the room. However, collectively, the room itself is nowhere near 'bright'.

"You. It's you again. The girl that attacked us." Although his back faces me, he still manages to identify me without a doubt.

"Fine evening isn't it?" I question lightly, closing the door behind me as my eyes remain glued to the crescent moon that hovers against the black blanket filled with stars scattered all over.

A light shattering noise begins to build up as seconds disintegrate away. My eyes shift from left to right until I finally spot it hurtling towards me at an immense speed. I quickly attempt to move fast, shifting away from the substantial icicle that formed right next to my feet as it pierces the ground. Cracks form in between and on the marble floor, the grayish-black cement begins to reveal itself which also brings my attention to the sudden slash right at the end of my dress whilst crimson liquid begins to stain itself onto the tulle fabric. Shit he's improved.

"Stronger than before. Impressive." I praise, leaning back against the wall to keep a distance from him. Fuck I have no idea how far his range is.

"Why are you here? Why are you fighting me? Again? What did you do with my friends?" He speaks in a fast pace, his labored breathing coming through as his desperation increases with every question.

"Your friends' safety is nothing of my concern. I am simply here for you and you only." I begin to stride forward, his breathing uneven as his chest rises and lowers.

"What? Why?" I shove my hand into the left pocket, feeling my way around the fabric. Sphere.

"Let's save questions for tomorrow. K?" I pull my hand out with my fingers clasped around like a locket around the object before throwing it directly in his direction.

As soon as I hear the faint click, magenta - tinted smoke fills his direction followed by flames thrashing violently towards me. The sizzling light hurtles in my direction as it outshines the chandelier, causing drops of sweat to gradually form on the surface of my forehead.

"Fire? Mio really taught you shit." I mutter in annoyance. What's so fucking special about you? Why does Mio like you? Why does she treat a random kid better than her own? What do you have that I fucking don't? I reach into the right pocket, aiming for a certain item. I'm gonna kill you.



I fumble again. No gun? Fuck. The fire begins to charge towards me, burning off the tulle at the bottom of my dress. My focus switches back to the gun. Where did it go? I can feel the smooth handle of the knife but not the jagged handle of the gun. Where is it?


It hits me.

Hawks. I get flashbacks as his hand travels around my waist. An imaginary vision of him reaching into the pocket to take the gun comes into view, making me cringe at my carelessness.

"Shit." I whisper, settling for the knife instead as I pull it out.

I run into the centre of the room, towards him aiming before bringing the knife over my head and throwing it in his direction. It hit him. Like I planned, the knife so slightly grazed his shoulder. He presses his palm to the floor, a large shard of ice emerges from the ground with each shard growing taller and taller. By the time it reached me, I moved to the side. Shoto realizes only a second too late, his eyes widen in response to his mistake as the string holding the chandelier snaps.

With a crash, the chandelier instantly fell to the floor into millions of shards. I swiftly pick one up before running behind the glaciers of ice and right on his back, stretching my foot to push the knife towards me, I pick it up and right on his neck using the handle, just under the ear. His figure slumps into my arms, the remains of the scene slowly dying down, just like how the ice melted from the heat of the fire.

Able to control two different elements at once...not easy at all. Mio must've been training with him.

This isn't fair.

I quickly bring up my phone to dial toga. On the other side I still hear the ongoing fighting clearly.

"I have Shoto. Get someone to bring him here. I still have someone to take care of." I mumble into the phone, grabbing him by the back of the collar.

"Yeah yeah sure-." The screams of a man rings in my ears, automatically making me pull the phone away from my ears as a frown builds up.

"Sorry. Who?" Toga's breathing comes in like huge gushes of wind as the audio begins to break up.

"Hawks. Do you know here he is?"

"Hawks. That big bird dude? Nah." Shit.

"Wait. The guy you were dancing with earlier? Holy shit are you and hawks in lov-."

My last straw. I hang up, forcing the phone back into my pocket in irritation.


"Sweetheart, I took something of yours." The familiarity shoots through me.

I turn my head to the source and am not surprised to see hawks at the doorframe as one hand grips the doorknob whilst the other grips the handle of a gun. My gun.

"Shit. It's unfortunate you're a villain, if not I would marry you right now." He grins, opening the cockpit of the gun.

"Amazing scenario you have there. I fucking hate it." I smile back, quickly hiding Shoto behind the ice shard.

"Woah woah. No swearing around the kids, dear." He tips the gun over, the bullets hit the marble floor one by one.

"What are you doing?"

"For me to know, for you to find out. One thing's for sure though. You're not dying tonight."


Author's note:

Hello! Hello! I survived 2 and 3/4 weeks of school😜.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! A huge thank you for being so patient with me!
I have tried to upload before but..uh...it got deleted somehow so I had to rewrite it.
Thank you so much for reading! I'll see you next time! Byebye! Take care!

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