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Katsuki's pov:

"Why do you ask about Rin?" I question, my head leaned forward. The soft wind drying up my sweat bit by bit, making it feel sticky.

"She's someone i must keep an eye on in order to find out what her weaknesses are so that we have an advantage in the future. That's why." She simple answers, the gun clicking.

"What is she to you?" I continue.

"No more than a disgusting human."


The next question. I already know what my answer will be.

"Are you related to her?"

I lean back in my chair, ready to have no reply.


My body suddenly pushes forward with a big push, causing my hands to pull back.

"The game ends here." She declares, taking out 5 extra bullets and placing them back in the gun slots.

"I-" I mutter in shock.

"Farewell, katsuki."

She turns around, her hand waving goodbye whilst her other hand rested on the door handle.

I need to find out more. It can't end so easily. How can it?

"Wait!" I call out. "Hm?" She quietly breathes.

"We play again! Some other time!" I demand, my whole arm crying out in pain.

She hesitates for a while. Her body immobile as she thinks of an answer. Her small laughs echoed through the inclosed room, small shivers going down through my spine.

"Of course we can. That is, if we meet again." Her head turning to face me.

I nod slowly, and in the span of 2 seconds, I'm all alone in this room.

Y/n's pov:

My head leans against the pillar not too far from the room i was just in. So...it looks like you even take a hating on other kids too, Mio. How unfair towards them. Immediately, my thoughts get cut off by a deafening sound that lasted a millisecond that followed up with a small yet powerful pierce through the side of my stomach. I frown, hiding behind the pillar and looking around. My eyes stay glued to a crawling figure, sweat dripping from his forehead. No way.


My breathing becomes panic-stricken as the blood gushes out from the side. I look down at the wound and press against it with my hand. A small grunt escapes my mouth, my eyes shut to distract myself. Ding. I reach into my right pocket, taking out my phone.

'I killed the two guards. It's your go now.'

Tch. I just have to fucking find her.

The more steps I take, the more the crimson fluid drips down, like water.

Damn it. Where the hell are you?

"Mio!" I shout, panting in hopes to see her through the doors. I slam the doors in frustration and move to the next empty ones.

"Come out already!" I curse, squinting at the room in front of me. Fuck. My vision's going blurry.





Shit. My pants of air turn into small, short and quiet winces. Those are all the rooms. She's not in any of them. But I'm very sure she's here. I can assure it. The room I'm in stays empty and quiet. My legs give in. My body collapses, the force closing the door behind me. My free hand clenches my dress. The tulle fabric scratching across my palm and fingers. Where are you? It's almost time for me to leave, yet I felt like I didn't do anything. Just a short conversation. That's all. I'm gonna bleed to fucking death if i stay here. Oh shit. My blood.

"Y/n! She's here! Run! Now!" Toga? Run? Mio? She's here?! How? When? I quickly use one hand to support myself as the other stayed on top of the wound. Finally. My legs supported my body, along with the door behind me, which I step away from. I try and use my hip to cover the wound while my two hands tremble, holding the gun.

"Y/n~." I hear. As soon as I did, the whole room contorted into just..black. Like an endless portal.

"You know, Y/n. I haven't talked much about my quirk didn't i? Well, you see. When I'm happy or excited, my quirk activates." That's a lie.
Why can i hear her...through my mind. She's talking to me..through my own voice. A hand. Its 5 fingers gruesomely squeezed the back of my neck gently, causing my body to act immediately. Despite the pain, I turn around swiftly, shaking in fear, pointing the gun to seemingly nothing. Every time my mouth obliges to say something, it feels like nothing but sand in my mouth. Dry.

My eyes widen as she appears gracefully, her eyes staring into mine eerily. "Y/n. I've always wanted to show you my quirk. This is it. How is it?"

Fucking terrifying.

Wait. Is that..me? My mom. Mio. When was this? Since when was she reading stories to me? Since when did she actually care? Since when was she this proud of me?

"Don't you love me? If you do, why don't you drop that gun?" Her voice whispers in my ear, her hands gripped onto my arms. I nodded slowly, my hands dropping to the side.


Smoke twirled from the tip of my gun. My arms continued to tremble, my breathing labored.

Thick smoke emerged from in front of me, the curtains dancing from the force. My pupils dilate in horror.
I missed. How. How did I miss.

Instantly, my gun gets knocked out from my hand, with two hands grabbing my wrists. Shit. I never even realized I was being pushed back slowly by her until my back rested on a curved stone log. This. This is the edge of a balcony. You're joking. Your actually joking. I try to push back but her body pushes forward, making me feel smaller than i am. Weaker than i am. My heart pounds with each breath. Those merciless eyes. They never change, do they?

"Y/n. Y/n. Accept this. It's what you want, right?" She laughs sinisterly, the wind tossing my hair to the side, with some strands on my face. I wince both in pain and in fear.

"Y/n. You're worthless." She finally finishes, a grin planted on her face. N0. It won't happen. I refuse to let it happen.


My body gets pushed as Mio's figure turns into ash, a black aura surrounding where she last stood. I don't feel pain at all now. It's just panic that overwhelms me. The thought of dying just pushed every other little thought to the side. The pain. Fuck. My mind spins. My vision goes blurry. My throat is still dry. This is bad.

My eyes begin to shut close, my mind still spinning. I look up once more at the balcony. Only to be met with Dabi. huh? He jumped off...as well? His figure soon catches up to my pace, his arms wrapping around my shoulders.

Just what is he trying to do..he may die.

"Rest now, Y/n."

Note from author:

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I'm so grateful that you guys are being patient with me!
Thank you! See you next time! Stay safe and take care! Byebye!
PS: Sorry if my writing is not the best. I'm still trying to improve and make changes along the way!

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