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Immediately, his figure towers over mine as red feathers slowly sway before meeting the ground. His glassy eyes stare into mine before glancing back to the unconscious body literally 3 meters away from us.

"You really wanna do this now? When there's a passed out student right there?" I point to Shoto as I mock his voice, attempting to pull away. In response, his fingers tighten their grip around my waist, using his free hand to gently caress the lock of hair blocking my right eye.

"So would you rather we do this in a room?" He smirks, moving it out of the way. I attempt to reach down for the dagger, but he soon notices and doesn't hesitate to make a move.

"My love, don't be so cufele with my  heart." He clothes his heart through his clothes as he reveals a hurtful expression. What kind of weird ass-

"Planning to do theater in the future? You would be a star." I pull my wrist away, hissing the words quickly. No response. Fucking hell this is awkward. The hand resting on my lower back motions up and down rhythmically as his eyes land on my lips, causing one side of his lips to perk up.

"I'm waiting, dear." Is he angry now? Are you serious? It's like two different people now. Since when did he get so intimidating?

"I-." My words stumble as his gaze lingers on me, pressuring me into answering quickly.

"It's a rhetorical question. Yes or no?" He leans more into me, fingers now directly digging into my hip.



"Fucking hell. Why is it so cold in this storage room?" I rub the palms of my hands against my forearms in hopes of providing some form of heat. Click. I look back at him, still wondering what happened to his usual self. I have to admit. His wings are beautiful. The shade of maroon red contrasts him as a person, contrasting his personality. I look back and observe the cracks embedded into the walls, indicating the history this building has. Gorgeous.

"Wasn't my idea to come in here was it, love?" He turns around, hands still glued to the handle as he crosses his ankles and leans back on the door.

I shoot him a glare, sighing before fully turning to face him. In return, a sudden wave of heat brushed over the top half of my body before lingering there. I look over at my side, shocked to see a black cloth draped over the blades of my shoulders. A blazer?

"Oh. I don't need it, thank you." I carefully brush it away and fold it to pass it back.

"You mentioned you were cold. Just wear it for now and give it back when we're done." He shrugs, pushing himself off the door behind him.

"Oh..Kay. Thank you." I nod lightly before unfolding the blazer and placing it back on my shoulders.

"I'm being fucking generous here. You're lucky your head isn't hanging from the chandelier back there. You understand?" I snap, slightly massaging my wrist from the incident before.

"Understood." He nods

"Oh and if you actually report me-."

"What goes in here stays in here."

"Don't fuck around. You're a hero, there's no way you'll not report me." I scoff at his still expression. Liar.

"Wanna bet?" He smirks, striding towards me.

"Sure. How much?."

He bursts out laughing at my statement, having had to stifle it with the pathetic palms of his hand as he raises his head.

"What?!" I whisper shout as I frowned at him. He snakes his arm around my waist, gripping it tight while he shifts my body towards his. Gosh not again. Is this one of his kinks?

"Not with money, love."

"Then what?"

"Pretty close with that one guy huh?" He quietly states. There is no fucking way he's using Dabi as the bet. How cowardly is he?

"No." I firmly pull away, shaking my head in disapproval.

"Backing out?" He scoffs while he crosses his arms, tilting his head at me.

"Shit. Hawks you can't involve him in the bet." I bring my hands to the back of my head as I turned around and walked around the enclosed space.

"Wow look at you saying my name for the first time." He smirks boastfully, licking his lips lightly as he does so.

"Wipe that smirk off your face." Egotistical bitch ass bird.

"Why can't I include him in the bet huh?" He ignores my previous question, immediately moving back onto the topic before.

"It's not logical to." I shake my head as I frown in disagreement.

"You haven't even heard where I'm gonna incorporate him in."

"I don't need to know if it's coming from someone like you." I begin to take off the jacket from my shoulders, folding it back gently as he replies to my statement.

"Thank you for your jacket." I pass it to him whilst I stride towards the door, already fixing my grip onto the handle.

"You're related to Mio right?" My fingers loosen their grip as my whole arm drops to its side. Goosebumps pimples my skin as a slight shiver curled its way down my spine from the sound of her name. I turn around to face him.

"It's none of your business. You have no right to talk about me, her, or my personal life." I pivot on my heel and reach for the door handle again.

"Don't you wanna know how she's planning to wipe out your friends?" What?

Author's note:

Hihi! Long time no see! So sorry for the late upload I've been busy with school please help. This is just a gentle reminder that my writing has not been the best lately but I don't wanna keep you guys waiting. I apologize if my writing style has downgraded recently😭

Anyways, I hope you all are having a great week and I hope to upload more in the upcoming days! See you all next time! Take care! Byebye!

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