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Her love for me is just like walking through glass. She can't. I could've fought back. Why didn't I do it? It might be because I'm so desperate for her to see finally see me as her daughter. Or, it could be because of my one wish. To satisfy her. Nothing could make me happier, than to make my mom proud.

Actually...that might not be true. At all.

Even if I hit the ground hard enough...I don't think anything changes anyway. Too bad.


My vision becomes a blur of bright colors before finally ceasing. A young girl. Her hair flowed like a small waterfall, her eyes full of wonder and innocence. Like a daisy girl.


The sudden greeting scared me, causing me to take a few heavy steps back. She too, looked scared at the odd reaction.

"Uhm. Anyway. I'm Y/n. What's your name?"

My eyes widen from those words. This..is me? But, I don't remember anything. I can't remember anything.

"Hmm? Why are your hands bloody?"

I bring my hand up to view and, as expected, there is the blood that she mentioned. No. No. This isn't me. It isn't me. Why...did I look like that? What happened to me? This doesn't make any sense...at all.

"You're dirty." She taunts again. My eyes revert back to her figure, hands trembling and mind racing.

"So many people have touched you, and there's no way to wash that off. The dirtiness will never wash away. This is all your fault. Why did you make me dirty?" She continues on, her hands clenching at the last sentence.

"No. It's not my fault." I simply answer, keeping my composure.

"It is. Why do you think mom left you?"

This fucking bitch.

"See. It is your fault. Admit it, Y/n~." Her mouth continues running. Like a video tape playing on loop. A reel.

"Shut up. It isn't. Enough." I snarl, my eyes meeting hers.

She closes her eyes before her body distinguishes into small, glass-like pieces.

I'm left trembling as the words continued to echo inside my head. Is this...what happens when Mio activates her quirk? Shit.

I really can't remember anything from my childhood. What I looked like, what I liked doing, things like that. I'm still wondering if that really was me...or if it was just a hologram. I have no idea.

There's still two things I remember vaguely though. The first time my mom shouted at me and the diary i used to keep.


I used to keep a diary. When I was alone, I would unlock it with a small key and scribble my feelings out onto empty pages. The black ink would take advantage of my mind, and would vigorously write things down. Whatever was on my mind, the ink automatically wrote it onto the once blank pages. The diary was filled with lots of feelings. I wrote in so many ways.
Anger for the way she treated me.
Hope that this would all go away.
Fear for what she may become.
And lastly..
Joy. There was none. I couldn't recall any feelings of that sort. Joy and my mom. They don't click well together. Instead of that, i just wrote down the sceneries i would see, or the flowers that bloomed beautifully.

Once you finally said that one unforgettable sentence, i ripped up the pages and shredded everything in that diary. I can't recall what I felt back then. Angst maybe? Disappointment? I don't know.

I really don't know...


My eyes slowly open, my vision morphing into a clear scene.

"Ah. You're finally awake." I hear Dabi call out, sighing in relief at the end. My head is throbbing so much that it hurts. Fuck. "It's been a whole day. Luckily I was there." He mentions, standing up and walking to the table at the corner of the room. Saijo's...hospital room? I get a short flashback of Dabi jumping off the balcony, his arms wide open.

"What...were you thinking?" I question him, quickly getting off the bed and walking up to him, my hands grabbing the collar of his shirt. Dabi, too, was surprised at me. He flinches as my arm hit his. My eyes widen at the movement and my hands still tremble. I soon let go of his collar, my arms dropping to the side of my body.

"Why did you jump?" I ask again, as one hand clenched his shirt whilst my eyes facing the ground. Out of nowhere, i feel his hand rest on my head, caressing it. 

"I couldn't let you die, nor could I let that hag win." He plainly answers whilst his other hand grabbing my wrist, pulling me in towards him. In no time, I was yet again, in his arms with both hands pressed hard into my body.

"Careful. Don't force all your energy onto me now. Let's wait until this evening, when you discharge." He chuckled lightly.

"You. You have a lot of shit to update me on when I get discharged." I mutter, my face heating up.

"Mmhm. I know i know."

Note from author!
(OvO) <- ( what a great impression of me writing the ending of this chapter. )
Thank you so much for reading this chapter!
See you next time! Stay safe and take care!

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