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Y/n pov:

Not again.

"Toga. It's the 5th time this week that your going shopping. This is too much, don't you think? We should go back to the hotel." I complain next to her, my legs sore and numb.

"It's never too much. Plus, i have coupons and vouchers to spend!" She smiled at me, holding them up. I gape my mouth at her, groaning while I did so.

"Actually, here you go." She says, handing me two things; a map and some money.

"This is the hotel and this is where we are. $120 for the train and maybe some food. I don't know." Toga informs me, waving and walking away.

"Oh and by the way, take dabi along with you. I'm very sure twice doesn't want Dabi's ass lingering around him anymore." She scoffs, waving again to me and disappearing into one of the shops. Eh? That happened too fast. Oh well. I can go and rest noww. I took out my phone and started calling dabi to see where he is and so that we can get home faster. Through the phone, I hear the beeping of the phone and observe the train tickets at the same time.

"Yes?" I hear a voice say behind me, whispering near into my ear. I almost shriek and at the same time, almost dropping my phone, before clutching it with both hands.

"You need to stop." I remark, sighing at the end.

"It's fun. Twice said you have the ticket and money to get to the hotel, let's go." Dabi stated, taking my wrist before his hand slides down, taking hold of the money and the map. I try to distract myself from going red by just trying to observe the ceiling or the floor.

"Y/n. Why are you looking at the ceiling?" He asks from in front of me.

"Wha-." I get cut off by my face coming into contact with a wall.

"Y/n!" Dabi calls out to me before sighing and looking down at me.

"Ow ow ow ow ow." I say while placing both hands on my forehead. I was about to say something when I heard a deep laugh come from him. Eh? I look up and see his face just barely touching mine. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen his eyes up close before, at least I don't think so.

"Come on. Stand up, were going to the convenience store to get stuff. You were mumbling in your sleep that you wanted candy anyway." He says, grabbing my hand and getting up. When he stood up, that signaled me to stand up too so that i don't get dragged across the street, literally.


"This is our stop. Let's go." I say, listening on the speaker. As i got onto the train, I looked around and realized there wasn't really anyone there, apart from a few here and there all widely spaced apart from us. I sat down somewhere whilst dabi sat at another seat quite far from me. and went on my phone to check toga's texts. I was soon interrupted by the feeling of someone watching me. I turned my head to look at Dabi but realized it wasn't him looking at me, he was too busy on his phone. I turned my head to the other direction and found that a woman was looking to her right whilst her phone stayed on me, the flash clearly on. I tried to shuffle away but she continued to keep the camera on me. Was it because he recognized me from the news or? I looked away to try and avoid my face from being recorded but i knew there was no point. Shit. My forehead started to build up with sweat despite it being cold in here and i started to go on my phone and try to ignore it until a notification popped up at the top of my screen. A text from dabi.

'Come here.'

I turned off my phone, got up and walked, getting ready to sit down next to him when he took my hand and moved me to sit where the camera was facing him and not me. I sat down and continued to look at my phone before Dabi poked at me twice on the shoulder, making me turn my attention to him. He leant his head into my ear and whispered something. I look at the woman an saw that she stopped recording and had a look of annoyance on her face. I nodded at dabi before smiling a little to myself.

"Thank you." I whispered back. Suddenly, after I did that, I felt something lean on my shoulder, as I turned to see what it is I realized that it was dabi's head, just leaning on my shoulder. "So heavy." I quietly say to him, a comfortable silence filling the train.


We've decided that I were to shower in toga's room while dabi showers in our room. I was about to open the door connecting to our room but stopped and recalled the last time something like that happened and turned around, sitting on the couch. The fuck am i gonna do now? I don't have my phone and my stomach is fucking rumbling.I walk over to their fridge and saw it completely empty. Your joking. You know what. Maybe he is done. Maybe he was done ages ago. I got up from my seat and walked to the door, knocking twice in case he's not done. It's been almost an hour, of course he's done. He has to be. I then open the door and see no one. Oh. He isn't done yet. I'll just get my phone and leave. That's all. I almost run to my phone that was charging and remove the cable.

"Y/n?" I hear dabi say behind me. "Ye-."

Dabi. Half. Uncovered. Wet. Hair. Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm not doing this shit anymore.

Author's note:
Hello! I'm really really apologize for not updating last week!
One thing led to the next and i found out it was past my update day but of course, i didn't have enough words to make it a chapter. I'm really sorry! I'll be updating the next chapter maybe later to make up for it!
Also, thank you to all that voted and read this story :,). I'm so happy!
Thank you for reading and take care!

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