Christmas special!

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Your eyes open to the feeling of light pressure on the side of your body. Was it always this cold?

"Dabi, did you turn the ac colder? It's to-." Your voice trails off as you were caught off guard by the unusual yet familiar ambience. You turn your head to the window which suddenly got you excited.

"Hmm? Oh. Morning, beautiful."

Without knowing you had just ignored him, you watched as small specks of snow glistened, one by one, falling to the ground before slowly vaporizing.

"Look! Snow!" You exclaimed, physically shaking him in joy. "H-hey...I can't see anything if you're shaking me like that." He calmly says, holding onto one of your wrists. You apologized before stopping and slightly moved out of his sight so that he could see better.

"Indeed. It's snow." He smiled.

"Can we go out? Please?" You asked, already getting out of bed.

"Of course. Just...make sure to get dressed first."


As you stepped outside, you contained your happiness as the cold air immediately rushed towards you. It was still dark, the only thing lit up were the street lamps. For some reason, this made the scene much more beautiful than it really was. Oh! Right! You almost forget before turning to Dabi and walking up to him.

"What do you want for your Christmas gift?" You question, smiling.

"Hmm. What I want." He recite back to himself, walking past you. All of a sudden, your phone starts to ring. Shit.


The voice over the phone spoke. "Hello. Ms L/n. You have a client waiting for you now. I know it's a holiday, however it would be best for you to come in now as soon as possible."

"Hey wai-."

Before you could speak anymore, the phone beeps and you turn it off, sighing. Walking up to Dabi, you immediately felt guilty. You knew he's been wanting a holiday alone with you for quite a while. Once you open your mouth to speak, he unexpectedly cuts you off by looping his scarf around you, leaving us entangled within.

"Y/'re not going anywhere. Are you?" He whispers in a serious tone.

"Well...uhm." You start.

He uses his free hand to pull you closer to him, the sudden movement causing your cheeks to flush.

"I'll try to figure things out with wait a moment, ok?"


That scared me! That scared me! You and Dabi had made it to the streets of an outlet. Since the sky was still warming up to the sun, the festive decorations were still lit up, brightening up the whole place. To your surprise, there was barely anyone around. You and Dabi had walked around the place for a while before deciding to end the walk by stopping by the Christmas tree that stood tall amongst everything beneath its feet. Out of nowhere, you felt a hand rest on your head before it moved in a side to side motion.

"There's some snow on your hair." He mutters. You smile to yourself before Dabi pushed your head towards him, your lips meeting his. Your eyes widened and your cheeks flush once again.

"My lover is so pretty." He smiles, after pulling away.

"I hate least warn me next time."

"Aww. But then it won't be fun. No?"

You shake your head, turning away from him.

"Oh and..what I want for Christmas..."

" you, Y/n."

Author's note!
EHEHEHEHEHEHE. ok I'm acting like a child now I'll stop.
Anyway, i hope that you guys enjoyed this short Xmas special!(even if some of you don't celebrate Christmas I still hope you enjoyed it :D)
It was fun putting this together and it was very much fun writing this out.
I hope that you all got to spend time with your close ones for the holidays!
Happy holidays! Take care and stay safe!
Byebye! <3

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