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Dabi's pov:

"What now? That's her mom. It's confirmed." I stated to Shigaraki pointing to the paper. "We'll just have to see what happens." He replied, standing up and walking up to the door.

"So your saying y/n just goes there?" Alone?" I asked. "She ain't your kid. Unless you want to go with her." Shigaraki looked back at me. I didn't know what to say anymore. "Fine." I mumbled under my breath.

Reader's pov:

Why did it say to go here? I found myself standing outside of a house, basically a mansion. Wow. Why would some rich person want me here. I was hesitant at first wether or not I should really be going inside. I made up my mind and knocked the door. No answer. I was about to knock again when a voice croaked.

"Come in." I couldn't tell whose it belonged too so I walked in. What. No one is here?

"Up here, dear." What the fuckk was that. The voice called out again. It still didn't ring a bell. I followed it and went upstairs and found myself in a room. "Close the door please." It said again. I simply followed it's orders, closing the door behind me. Huh. Why is she here.

"Hello. Y/n." She smiled at me, slowly walking towards me reaching her hand out in the process. I was confused, i started to back away until I felt my back hit the doors.

"Who are you?" I asked bluntly. "Tsk. What a shame. Can't even recognize her own mother?" She asked me, her eyes never leaving mine. Everything started to make sense. "Why?" I said, looking at her. Her looks changed, kinda. Her hand reached my face. "My sweet child-." I cut her off by slapping her hand off of my face. She grinned.

"I found you." She says, still keeping her eyes at me. She forcefully grabs my hair and starts to push me down to the ground beside me. "You haven't changed at all huh? Still so quiet and stubborn" She said, her smile still visible. I was quite surprised she was able to find me and make me this scared. I still stayed quiet but tried to stop her from grabbing onto my hair. I shouldn't be this scared but for some reason I am.

"How was it there? At the 'labs'? My sweet child, what did they do to you? I'm curious to know." She teased, now bringing my face up to hers. I didn't dare answer her. Her hand still remained in my hair. I was completely paralyzed. "Are you afraid to talk to your own mother? That's a pity." She laughed at me. Shut up. I wanted her to keep quiet. My mouth wouldn't do anything. It won't speak. I decided to just act quickly. I pushed her off. She was quite light actually. I stood up and started to run to the door, opening it.

"Just know that even if you run, I'll find you and put you through the same hell I've been through." She laughed again. I continued to run. Her demonic laughs fading away with every step i took.

I quickly ran through the streets and turned into multiple alleyways to make sure she wasn't following me or anything. I ended up walking into a mall. What time is it now? I checked my phone. 3:56pm.

I guess it's still quite early. I'll walk around for a bit. Walking into the second floor of the mall, I spotted a group of teens that looked familiar. I felt a pair of eyes bore into the side of my head so i looked to the side of me and made eye contact with a boy. One side of his hair being red and the other side white. Wait. Aren't these the kids from ua or some shit- I'm very certain that I've never met this dude before so why was he staring for so long?

"Shoto?" A boy with green hair called out. I quickly looked away and pretended that never happened. "Sorry. For some reason she looks really familiar." I overheard a boy say, probably the one who was staring at me. I didn't really have an idea of what to do here. I just simply walked in here. I didn't plan to go here. Do i have some money? I checked my pockets and didn't find anything. I left my wallet at home. Oh well. I turned around and started to walk home, replaying the encounter i had with my mom. How did she find me?

Dabi's pov:

I could hear someone walking in. Probably y/n. One part of me told me to ask her where she went. But another part of me said no since i already know where she went. That would be fucking dumb. She didn't die. That's good i guess.  But why was she gone for so long? The destination was only 15 minutes from here but it's been 2 hrs? Ah fuck it. I opened up her contacts and messaged her.

Dabi: 'Where did you go?'
I texted her. She replied about 3 minutes later.
Y/n: 'To some crazy woman's house and to a mall.'
Dabi: 'Ok. Did you do anything at the mall?'

Sheesh. Why am i so curious of what she's doing?

Y/n: 'Hm. Nothing. Just made an awkward 20 second eye contact with this dude. He said i look familiar to him but he has red and white hair so i have no idea what tf he's talking about. I only know I bumped into ua kids.'
Red and white hair?
Dabi: 'Did you find out his name?' I quickly texted her.
Y/n: 'His friends called him shoto or something.' She replied.

Shoto. I just left it at that. We have nothing else to talk about anyway. Shoto todoroki. I remember that name clearly.

Shoto. My brother. I thought to myself. I found you.

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