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Y/n's POV:

I woke up, feeling a throbbing pain in my head and my chest. Why am I in my bed? What happened after I blacked out? Dabi. I opened the door when he was banging on it. I think that might be the only explanation. For some reason, the area where my wound felt tight but not too hard to breathe. I quickly got out of the bed and went back to the bathroom which was surprisingly all clean.

Apart from a few drops of dried blood here and there. It was removable but I was still surprised at how a sudden murder-looking scene can look like nothing happened in there. Staring into the mirror I lifted up my hoodie and to my surprise I saw my wound, stapled close. It's a gnarly sight, but it'll do. Now it's kinda really obvious who did it. Sigh. At least it's fine now, hopefully. 4:15am. I decided to go downstairs to get some water, hoping it will help with the pain in my head.


Pouring myself a glass of water, I walked over to the windows. Wow. The view was honestly breathtaking and a lot better than the previous hideout. Whilst admiring the view, I could feel small breaths of air blowing against my hair next to me, almost making my heart stop. To my relief though, it was just dabi, also seeming to be looking out the window, not making eye contact with me at all when I looked at him. Wow. This is pretty awkward-

"You okay now?" He asked, still not looking at me. I nodded, humming. "What even happened anyway? You stabbed yourself or something?" He asked, again.

"My wound opened up." I replied, also not looking a him. Wait. When I was hurt, my chest was bare wasn't it? Sheesh. This idiot saw my chest, bare. Out of all people. Over time, my legs started to ache and feel tired so i finished up my glass of water and sat down on the sofa, dabi seeming to take notice.

All of a sudden he sat down right next to me, our thigh's touching. Again with the awkward tension. "Y/n" he out of the blue said.

"Hm?" I replied, thinking he was asking me something. "Just wanted to say your name." He stated. Why would he just want to say my name? "Y/n. Would you care if i died?" Dabi suddenly asked, keeping his face forward.

"Who knows." I replied, also trying to keep my face forward without laughing. He turned his head, his eyes burning into the side of my head.

"Ok. Ok. Yeah. I would care. Your like, my ally." I stated. No reaction. Okay, my turn.

"Would you care if i died?" I questioned him, looking at his scars on his hands. "Same answer as yours." He replied back. I nodded, understanding. After talking, i started to feel tired and my eyes began to close. Before i knew it, i was asleep, the back of my head pressed up against the couch.

Dabi's POV:

Getting curious as to what y/n was doing, I looked to my right and surprisingly saw her asleep. Really. "Tch." I lifted up my hand and placed it one side of her head, pushing it so that she rested against my shoulder. I replayed those words again and again in my head. Your like, my ally. An ally. Her ally. Her attitude is not bad for a villain to be honest. All the other ones I've met want nothing to do with me. Good to know someone considers me a teammate. Especially hearing that from y/n.

Note from author:

If there's anything you want to say about my writing, give me some feedback and I'll see if i can improve it somehow!
Thanks for reading this chapter!

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