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6:45am. I woke up and decided to begin my day here, slumping to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I go out again to take my clothes then go back in to put them on. He's still asleep. I took my phone, wallet and the room card and started to go downstairs, searching for a cafe to eat in.


Walking in, the cafe was almost silent. I expected it as it was only 7am in the morning with barely anyone inside. I went over to the counter and ordered a coffee and sandwich, then walked to a table, plugged in my earphones and started to listen to music. At this point it's 7:20 and i already finished my sandwich and still have half a cup of coffee. I linked my finger around the cup holder and brought it up to my lips when i felt a tug at my right earphone, making me startled at the sudden unexpected movement.

"Hm. *(Favorite artist)*?" Dabi asked looking at my phone. I nodded and drank a sip of coffee and placed it back on the plate.


I watched as he took the cup and drank the rest of the coffee as if it was a shot. This man had the audacity-
His face kept forward and kept still.

"Ok." He says before grabbing my wrist and walking out of the shop, to the hotel where all of us started to get ready

I stepped out of the kurogiri's portal and immediately saw a training hall much larger than the previous one, with small sized people training and adults watching by on a leveled platform. Not all the pro heroes were here, including all might. Only endeavour, midnight, eraserhead and my mother was here.

"Y/n! Let's go!" Toga shouted, running selflessly into the hall.

I follow her but stop at certain areas, taking out sleeping gas capsules and throwing them at a distance before disappearing back, where me nor toga were visible. We both begin to run back and catch up with dabi and twice, all of us keeping a close eye on the heroes, in case they make a sudden movement. When everyone's backs were turned to face us, suddenly my mother spun around with a gun and shot up at us, firing 4 bullets. Each one purposely aimed at us.

"Get down!" Midnight shouted as i see a long blue flame go through the platform.

At this point, everyone was fighting somebody else. Which only gave me one person. I slowly turned my head just to see my mom staring daggers at me. I quickly dodge to the left and start to run behind a pillar, after that hearing two gunshots. I came out behind and started to run towards her as she was distracted, reloading her gun. That gave me the chance to take out a knife and throw it at the gun, causing it to forcefully drop out of her hands. She was taken by surprise and immediately faces me. As soon as her eyes landed on me again, a wide grin planted on her face.

"You never learn y/n." She says in a monotone voice. All of a sudden, her figure disappears. Huh?

"Too slow." A low voice breathes behind me. I quickly jolt to turn around but feel a kick to my hip. Shit. She disappears once again but now appears next to me.

"This is fun." She bickers. I quickly take out another knife and swing it at her, but of course, she dodged it fairly easily, her figure basically dissolving into nothing. She then slithers up next to me, our arms touching, i swing up the blade again and this time she actually slips, making me slit through her arm. I take this chance to strike another time but her hand lifted up, basically right in front of my face making me cut the palm of her hand. She cursed and disappeared again. My head was looking left and right and turning in all directions in case she stops suddenly.

"Did you forget about it?" She calls out. I turn my head around but don't see anything or any sign of her. What is she even talking about? I swear if she's gonna have flashbacks right here, right now- 

"Oh shit." I mumble, turning my head to the corner, hoping it's still there but the gun was gone. The gun i knocked out of her hand.

"Y/n! To your right!" Toga shouted. I quickly run to the left and sprint forwards, with a bullet barely missing me. Instantly i felt a kick to my stomach, a hard one. I hold my breathe due to the pain, excruciating throughout my body, it's force causing me to lose my balance. I try to keep my balance by standing up using a ledge but my legs wouldn't cooperate, making me fall over.

"Ha. I knew it. You have and were always weak." She looked down at me with pure disgust planted on her face, then kicked me again. It didn't hurt as much as the first time since i was covering my stomach with my arm. I didn't look up at her. I don't want to. I don't want to look up and go face to face with this psychopath and believe she is my mom.

" I can get rid of you for good now! Didn't get to live long but hey, you can try to fucking seduce satan with that body of yours!" She shouted with joy, laughing at herself. Her presence felt more and more heavy with every step she took towards me. The familiar movement scaring me. I kept my eyes glued to the floor, still covering my stomach. Her footsteps ring in my ears continuously non stop, her laughters digging deep into my head. Her sentence playing on loop at the back of my mind.

I'm glad you left me, I was tired of letting you make me feel less than a whole.

Note from author!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you so much for 100+ reads! I'm so happy and grateful!
Take care!

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