561 14 1

He closes the door behind him and pulls me over to the bed, where I sat in, his figure towering over me.
"Yes?" I ask, looking up at him.

"I don't watch dxd." Dabi scoffs, his hand still tightened around my wrist.

"I know you do. There's not really any point denying it now anyway." I tell him, trying to get away from his grip.

"How do you know?" He asks, looking down at me.

"I've seen a few clips of it. You were watching the same clip I was watching. Also, the voices, the music. It's all too obvious." I reply, now using my other hand to try to lift his fingers off from my wrist. Even if i lift one finger it'll go back down. I look up at him, starting to get annoyed. Sheesh he's tall. His eyes bore into mine. Uhm. This is getting awkward.


"You know. You look better from this angle." He smirked down at me. I felt my face heat up tremendously. NO. I tried to actually move away, like move my entire body but my whole arm is still remaining where it is. I turn the other direction, to which his hand stops me from doing so. Now we are basically both the same height.

"What happened? You were confident before?" He smiles.

"Uhm. I." Shit. He's way too close to me. Click. A camera? Out of the corner of my eye I see Toga and Twice peeking their fucking heads out like chickens, their phones being visible. Your joking me. He finally lets go and I sit there in shock. Dabi then turns his head, looks at them and started walking towards them.

"Oh shit. RUN. FUCK." Twice shouts, grabbing her by the arm and trying to close the door on Dabi, but he easily opens it and proceeds to do whatever he does with them.

It's probably been a few minutes and Dabi comes walking back, closing the door behind him.

"Fucking bitches. They won't delete the photos. It's permanently stamped onto that small fucking device." He curses under his breath. 9:05pm. Hm. Shops close at 10pm. Should I go out? I'm just gonna stop by at a convenience store. I take my jacket and fix my hair a bit.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit. Want anything?" I ask him, opening the door.

"Nah I'm ok." He replies. I nod then close the door, proceeding to go downstairs.

I'll just get this? I pick up a bag of candy and walk to the counter. Ding! I look to see who just walked in and see a red and white haired boy walk in. Wait. Isn't he supposed to be like, passed out or something? Why is he here?

"Thank you! Please come again!" The lady said from across me. I stop daydreaming and look at the lady who was smiling at me.

"Thank you." I say, taking the receipt and my candy. Sheesh. I never fled out of a shop that fast before. I look behind me and don't see anyone. Sigh.

"Oi! Watch where the fuck your going!" A deep voice shouts at me. I look down and see a skinny, well dressed man on the floor. Fucking hoe.

"I apologize. Are you okay?" I ask, kneeling down a bit. He reeks of fucking alcohol. He stands up and slaps me. The fucking audacity. He definitely had a few. I look at him and bring my hand up to the side of my face that was stinging.

"Hey. Now come to think of it. Your pretty cute. How old?" He quickly proceeds. "I'm-"

"Ah never mind that. My house is right down the road you know?" He points down behind him. I didn't bother looking. I just put my hand in my pocket and looked at him. He then looks at me and sees I wasn't interested one bit. He then fumbles through his pocket of his black jacket, taking out a stack of bank notes. I look from the side and count. 8, 9, 10. $10,000.

"Like it? Come, come. Let's go. Then come with me. Then you can have this." He tempts me, and puts an arm around my shoulder. Shit. The smell is so strong. I look around. No one.

"You know. Give me the money now, I'll do extra." I say, looking at him and getting out from his arm.

"What do you mean 'extra'?" He asks, fixing his collar.

"You know, I'll come in more. More than once. You can just give that now. So technically, your getting laid, for free after this." I say, smiling at him.

"Damn. You smart-ass. You knew i wanted you." He smiles at me.

"Of course." I smile back. This is getting cringey and I hate it. "Only. If." He tells me something and I nod. I'm gonna hate myself for this one I swear.


He hands me the notes and smile at him. I brought my hand out of my pocket and put it on his shoulder. His expression changes slightly as his head rotates, landing on his shoulder. Even though it was hard to see, there was a small patch of blood around a small sharp silver object. I then hit the side of his neck Making him fall unconscious. "Perverted bitch." I mumble, walking towards the hotel, hiding the stack of notes behind the bag of candy. Within a matter of moments hearing a loud thud behind me.

Sigh. I'm back. I throw the bag of candy on the table and place the stack on notes next to it. "Sheesh y/n." Dabi says from his bed. I'll change later. I'm too lazy now.

Dabi held out his hand. I look at him, then handed him the bag, he took a few then gave it back to me. 3 left? Bitch stole almost the entire bag.

I eat the last candy and scroll through my phone. I could feel his gaze on me, i just didn't know why.

"What happened." Dabi asks out of nowhere, going off his phone and walking towards me.

"Nothing happened." I reply back, looking at him.

"Something happened." He spoke, kneeling down on the side of the couch.

"You smell slightly of alcohol. What happened?" He continues asking. I try to ignore him. Suddenly his hand grabs the side of my shirt and pulls it.

"Name. Now." He looks at me, showing no expression whatsoever.

"He won't remember. I agreed to what he wanted to do so forget about it." I brush it off.

"Y/n. Name. I'm dead serious." He continues staring. I stand up to throw away the wrapping for the candy.

"I honestly don't know the name." I say back. "So. You let some random guy on the street lay hands on you?" Dabi asks, his tone getting more serious

Yeah. I fucked up.

Author's note!
Thank you guys a lot for reading this book!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Bye bye! Stay safe out there! :>

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