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Dabi's pov:

I hear the calls slowly morph into muffled words.

"Basically, if all the kids go into one room, then good. If not, someone or something will have to trap them somewhere so that it's easier for us. Correct?" My eyes followed the source of the voice, leading to Y/n, her eyes glued to the balcony before drifting off and landing on mine. She hummed as she saw me and raised the phone and pressing a button.

"You woke up. Was I too loud? Sorry." She says, waking up and taking a bottle of water, which I find out is for me. I thank her and start drinking, before asking her a question.

"Why're you awake now?"

"I was only asleep for two hours before i woke up and couldn't sleep anymore. Then guess who decided to do some last minute planning?" She sarcastically smiles, showing me who she's calling. 'Hands person.' At the top left corner I see the time.

"3:30." I mumble out, still half asleep.

"Yep. Oh? 3:30? Oh. Ok well, you go sleep first. I'll be sleeping again in hopefully 1-2 more hours. Good night." She waves at me before pressing a button on her phone again and bringing it up to her ear.

Y/n's pov:

"What do you mean 'take a child'? I question, drinking the contents of the cup.

"Not take one. Just ask them for information. But do it where no one else can see or hear. If they don't give in. Do it by force." Shigaraki boldly tells me.

"Does it have to be a student?" I ask, placing the cup down and looking back at the balcony.

"Yes. It has to be a student. If you don't, you'll fail this entire attack." He explains, the last word almost cutting off.

"I'll send you 3 pictures. These are the 3 students you will interrogate as they are the closest to both Mio and all might." I didn't respond until I saw the 3 images of 3 high school boys. All the ones I've seen and fought with before. 

"The last boy. The white and red haired one. I hear he's a tough one. Use all force if you have to. I give you permission to. He knows the most about heroes. He's the son of a hero anyway. Mio also has taken a great liking to his strength." Shigaraki explains, my eyes focused on Shoto as his eyes also bore into mine.

"Understood?" He asks, making sure I got all that.

"Understood." I answer, the background noise ceasing after he hung up. I slam my phone down on the sofa and lay down. "Fucking hell. Why."

There's no way I can ever hurt him. Only because, he's Dabi's younger brother.


"You know. I just realized. How the fuck will I get in. I'm literally gonna get noticed the moment I step in there. Dabi brings up while I carry the box onto the table. My eyes turn to him in a confused look. I look down at the ground to think for a bit before looking back up at him.

"Our plan is that once I call you, Kurogiri will open a portal which will basically bring you inside. By the time your in, it will only be the UA students left. Specifically, that class with the 'best students'; 1-A." I reply, opening the flaps of the box.

"So I technically don't have to wear this." I turn my head around to see a photo on his phone. My eyes widen as I look up at hi then back at the phone. This process continued for at least a good 2 minutes.

"That's you?" I finally said, pointing to the phone.

"No shit." He replies, pulling it away.

"Hmm. Twice already got it. It's best you wear it I guess." I added.

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