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Before anything, I am so sorry for such a long long long absence!!! but im back and I have a few chapters ready to post.  So get ready for maybe 3 or 4 updates!! Now without any further ado please enjoy this short chapter! I hope you like it :) 

The next few days flew by in a blink of an eye. I got to spend a lot of time with KB and the rest of Harrison's family, I feel so close to them all. New Zealand has started to feel like home but every journey must come to an end at some point. Our flight back is today at 5 P.M. and we are heading to the airport soon.

"Babe? Do you have space in your bag?" Harrison asked as he walked in his room where I was packing our bags.

"Um yea I can stuff a few more things in there. What do you want me to put in?"

"I wanted to take some of my old clothes with me." he said, dropping a pile of clothes beside me.

I looked up at him and then back at the pile of shirts and pants beside me.

"Okaay! Um well... I'll take a few things out and fit these in." I said as I started to move a few things around to make some room in my bag.

About an hour later of shoving stuff in both our suitcases I finally was able to fit everything in except a set of my pjs that I couldn't find any place for.

Harrison walked back inside with a few snacks for our way back. "Babe?" he called as he walked in.

"Hm?" I hummed as I zipped up the last bag.

"My mom made some snacks for our way back. Also thank you for the bags..." He said walking to me and pecking me on my temple quickly and then started to pack his backpack.

"Oh Thanks...I should go thank her." I said quietly and started to walk out.

"Hey Amies?" He said stopping me in my tracks. "Yea?"

"Ar-are you okay? You seem - sad". He questioned with a worried face.

"Yeah! I'm fine..." I replied a little too quickly and I'm sure he caught on that but for whatever reason thankfully he decided not to ask any more questions.

The truth is I wasn't okay. (what else is new? right?!) I was far from it. Last night I received a text from Mike. I didn't open it because I've been too scared to do so and what worried me more was the fact that Alison called me last night too about 30 minutes after the text came. She didn't say anything hurtful, she just wanted to say that she was sorry for my loss. Which I guess is nice of her. But that's not all, I think I heard Mike in the background. It could be just that I'm a paranoid, scared little girl again or it could be the fact that I know one of the last things JJ told Hoppo was that Mike was at Alison's party. Hoppo never told me though, it was the police that mentioned it. He said JJ said something about Mike and a party to Hoppo.

One way or another, JJ is gone and the police are after Mike, and I made the decision to ignore his texts as much as I can. So I kept telling myself that, He just wants to mess with me. I'll open it the next time I go to the station to talk to the detective.

This morning I received another text from Mike. I still haven't opened this one either but this one is also another photo. I decided to ignore it again, better not worry myself yet. Let the police handle it.

Hours later we were in the airport saying our goodbyes to Harrison's parents.

"It was lovely meeting you. You know you can call me whenever you need someone to talk to or if you need any help." KB said hugging me one last time.

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