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I walked towards the lifeguard tower with the girl I truly loved. I can't believe I finally told her that I loved her. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel light and happy. So happy I could actually do the lifeguard race right now and win it. That's how much energy I have right now. The sun was fully setting and the sky was starting to get darker and darker. The city lights twinkle in the far distance. Funny how I walked this distance everyday for eight years and never until tonight found this remotely romantic. But tonight, right now, I think this walk is the most romantic and best walk I've had in my life. And that's saying something because I love walking, and I walk a lot!

As we got closer to the tower and the street the smell of the restaurants around us made my mouth water and got my stomach growling. "Hey Amies? Do you want to go out for dinner today?"

"Umm... as much as I want to be healthy, I'm so hungry I could eat a whole cow so yes. Let's go get food before your girlfriend passes out from hunger." she said giggling, making me laugh at her cute comment.

I wrapped my armed around her shoulder and kissed her. "Okay let's get you some food."

"Okayyy, I need to get changed first. I'll see you in like five minutes." she said giving me a quick kiss and ran away towards the change-rooms.

I looked up to the tower, the lights were still on so I ran up the set of stairs and walked in the tower.

"HeLloOo" I sang as I walked in.

I heard a bang and and a Ouh. So I walked up to see Maxi on the floor holding his head in pain.

"You okay mate?" I asked, laughing at his shocked face.

"Yea just cleaning up a little. Sorry I was late today." he said chuckling.

"Eh don't worry about it. We had a pretty amazing date actually. She started to swim Maxi. she swam!" I screamed the last part with excitement.

"What?! No way mate!" he said as he stood up and hugged me. "That's amazing!! And she was okay?" he added

"Yea. she was. Happy actually.... She's awesome mate and then we swam a little and then I told her that I loved her.'' I said way too fast to be able to stop myself.

"You... love her?" he said with raised eyebrows. "Mate... I... I'm happy for you and you know I love you and her.... Probably love her more!" he said with a chuckle. "Look, Harrison, Amy is like a little sister to me, I love her like I love my sister so if you mess with her or hurt her in any way I'll destroy you." he said with a serious face. 

I looked at him a little shocked because of his sudden older brother's act. "Okay... I wasn't planning on hurting her." I said honestly a little scared of him.

Maxi started to laugh all of the sudden, "You should've seen your face!!! But seriously, hurt her and I'll kill you." he told me as he patted me on my shoulder and left.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hutz. lock up and tell Amy I said hi." he said as he walked out the door leaving me in the empty tower.

I huffed and sat down on the chair looking around, it was completely dark outside now and Amy should be out soon so I started to lock up the tower.

It didn't take Amy long to get to the tower, I saw her running up the stairs. "Hey babe. just finishing up here. You ready?"

"Yup. ready and HUnGray!!" she said as she came up the stairs and helped me with the window-shields.

We finished off quickly and walked to the burger shop close to the Bondi pavilion.

We ordered our food and sat down at one of the tables waiting for the waiters to call out our order. The table booth was faced towards the water so I used the opportunity to sit right beside her putting my arm around her. "So... you're back into water. Did you have fun today?" I asked her. 

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