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That's what I felt, opening my eyes finding myself in the darkness of my bedroom. I was under a heavy blanket, reminding me of waves crashing on me pushing me further under the dark waters. I pulled the heavy duvet blanket away from my body and took a deep breath in and let it out. I quickly pulled the sweat drenched shirt off my body, damaging the bandage on my head in the process of doing so. 

But I didn't care.

All I wanted right now was fresh cool air and icy cold water.

I pulled myself up and walked out of my bedroom in my pj shorts and bra not caring and apparently not realizing that someone else was at my house.

I turned the light in the hallway on, thank god for it being a low light lamp and not making me go blind. 

As I walked in the living room I saw him. I smiled to myself at how uncomfortable he looked. I walked back to my room and put on a thin top and walked back out in the living room.

I stood above his sleeping body admiring him. How did I get so lucky? Look at him... all hot and cute. Why do boys always sleep with no shirt on? I asked myself. It's a question I've always had. I shook the thoughts away.

I slowly reached over and softly shook his shoulder "Harrison?"

"Hm?" he mumbled with a sleepy voice. Not to sound super girly and needy like the ones in romance books but shit, the books are right; because this, this is hot.

"Harrison?" I repeated softly again.

He opened one of his eyes "Amy? Are you okay, do you need anything?" he said sitting up and looking at me worried.

"Yea I'm fine. You just looked really uncomfortable. so you're gonna get up and go sleep in my bed." I told him holding his hand helped him up. 

"A-are you sure?" he asked, still sleepy. 

"Yup come on. Let's get you to bed." I said leading him to my room.

After he was in bed I turned to leave the room to get some water when he got up "Woh Woh? Where are you going?" he asked, confused.

"Getting water! Want some?" I relied, chuckling.

"Oh right. No i'm good" he said as he laid back in the soft bed.

After I had some water, I walked into the balcony, the early morning air was a good idea. I looked at the time, it was still 4 am; the sky was still dark but I couldn't sleep anymore.

I love the ocean but now when I close my eyes I don't feel calm. When I think about the deep waters, I feel like I'm drowning. 

It's a new feeling. 

I've always loved the ocean, yes I've almost drowned once or twice but this time, this time I died. I actually died. The paramedic called the time of death and if Harrison wasn't there I wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't be alive. 

I sat on the chair in the balcony and stared out at the ocean in front of my building. Closed my eyes and listened. Why is this happening? Why am I scared? From what?

How can I love the ocean and be scared of it too? I can't be scared of it. I grew up dreaming of living by the ocean. I grew up living by the lake, I grew up in the lake. I have been in water ever since I can remember.

I closed my eyes and listened to the waves crashing on the sandy beach.

I smiled.

It still calms me down.

Nothing to be afraid of.

I'm not sure how long I sat there but I felt the light coming into the sky, I opened my eyes and looked at the rising sun. Beautiful. Calming.

"I'm lucky," I whispered. That's when I broke down, when tears started to run down my face. Realizing I was given another chance to live. To experience life. And to work at Bondi to save lives.

This is the second time someone up there gave me a chance.

"Amy?" I heard Harrison say softly behind me.

I turned around tears still running down my face.

"What's wrong love?" he said as he walked in the balcony and pulled me to his body. I held on to him burying my head in his chest, crying without control.


I woke up to find the space beside me empty. 

"Amy?" I called. No response.

Thinking that she might have slept on the couch I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room only to find the couch empty, just as I left it when she took me to her room.

"Amy?" I called again.

I turned around and saw her sitting out on the balcony. I opened the door to the balcony and walked out.


She turned around. Her face, wet with tears.

Her little nose red, her eyes puffy.

"What's wrong love?" I asked as I walked towards her and pulled her small figure towards me. Holding her tight comforting her.

She didn't say anything she just held onto me for dear life and cried.

"Hey talk to me." I whispered softly in her hair.

"I'm scared." she whispered, her voice muffled in my chest.

"What?" I asked, stepping back to see her face.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and let it out.

"I was dead Harrison. I drowned. In the ocean. The one place I loved... love. I close my eyes and I see the waves crashing on me. Pushing me down under the water. I can't not go to work... I worked so hard to get here."

I pulled her closer to me "Amy I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you. I wouldn't allow it okay? And I know you're strong. You're a great lifeguard. You can get over this and I'll always be there to help you." I told her as I held her fragile body in my arms and ran my hand up and down her back, comforting her in any way I possibly could.

It broke my heart to see her so afraid of the ocean, she used to be one with the ocean. She was always the first in the water, she always said that she should have been a fish. That she likes the ocean more than land. And to see her so affected by this broke my heart for her.

We stood like this for a bit until she pulled away and looked at me in my eyes and said "Thank you.... for ... saving my life... Maxi told me."

Her lips turned upright showing a hint of a smile. A smile that brightened my day, I smiled back "I'll never give up on you. Okay? No matter how many people tell me you're dead I will still keep going until I get you back."

She smiled and pulled me closer to her breathing in a deep breath. 


okay guys my writers block is over i have some awesome ideas. I wrote this chapter last night after i brainstormed some ideas and let me tell you, what is coming up next is sooooooo exciting!! or at least that is what i think. 

I also want to make a shutout to @Noneau  for being brilliant and somehow reading my mind!! If you don't know what i'm on about, look at her comment on one of my chapters "A Quick Question" where I asked for ideas and she told me exactly what I wrote the night before !!!! 

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